Teamwork Makes the Dream Work in Washington DC March 5-7

Florida Action Committee (FAC) is the Florida state affiliate for the National Association for Rational Sexual Offense Laws (NARSOL).  FAC supports the efforts of NARSOL and other advocacy groups that share our mission. Several FAC members have already indicated they will be attending “Teamwork Makes the Dream Work!“. to represent FAC.  If you want to connect to other FAC members that will be attending this event, contact or leave a message at 833-273-7325 option 1. Below is a message from NARSOL.


On behalf of the NARSOL Board we want to urge you to take the opportunity to join in a collaboration with some of our sister advocacy groups to make a powerful statement for change. Women Against the Registry (W.A.R.) has organized a 3-day event in Washington DC from March 5 to March 7 that offers all of us the chance to learn, lobby and act together with many of the most active advocates around the country. We will both be there, representing the NARSOL Board, to speak and participate in the various events.

The title of this bold 3-day event is “Teamwork Makes the Dream Work!

The main events include: an educational conference on Sunday; a lobby training workshop and lobby visits to our congressional representatives on Monday; and a solemn funeral procession outside the Supreme Court on Tuesday (in memory of all the victims of the registry). Note that we have a permit for this public event to call attention to the 20th anniversary of Smith vs. Doe, the Supreme Court’s decision that used false information to approve the registry.

And of course, you will have the opportunity to network, socialize and trade notes with registered persons, supportive family members, and experts in the field from multiple states. This is a chance for all of us to help ourselves, to help each other, and to help this cause. To see the full schedule, main speakers, workshops and other details got to Teamwork makes the Dream Work.

Holding a major event like this at a hotel in Washington DC is expensive — as is everything else these days. Registration is $260 for the 3 days. But here’s the thing; if you register by February 10, you will only have to pay the discounted registration fee of $160. So if you are considering going, for the next few days you can register at the discounted rate. But if you need to think about it, after February 10 you can still pre-register for the $260 fee.

Please reserve your room at the Sheraton Pentagon City Hotel, Virginia, using this special link. You will not be charged for hotel reservations until the day of scheduled check-in, but you must make your reservations before they are gone, or you may call the hotel directly at 703-521-1900; navigate the questions to speak with a representative; supply the name of the event (Teamwork Makes the Dreamwork); and supply the event code (M-O1IUOLN).

Let us hope that this event in Washington DC will spur us all on to greater cooperation in the months ahead as we tackle this destructive sexual offense regime that grips the country, ruins the lives of thousands of families, and undermines the quality of life of all of us.

All the best; hope to see you in DC,

Paul Shannon and David Garlock

NARSOL Board of Directors

Important Note: Washington, D.C., does not require people who are visiting to register. In addition, the state of Virginia does not require people who are visiting for less than 30 days to register. Please check with your local registration office to see if you are required to notify them if you are planning to leave your residence for one day or more.

7 thoughts on “Teamwork Makes the Dream Work in Washington DC March 5-7

  • February 8, 2023

    It should be noted that you DO NOT have to attend the conference in order to attend the vigil, and vice versa.

    Obviously, I want to encourage people to attend the vigil. We NEED a string PUBLIC showing on Tuesday, March 7th, in front of SCOTUS.

    It is entirely possible to get in and out in less than 3 days. You can fly into Reagan Int’l airport early that morning, catch a METRO rail to the Capitol, attend the vigil at 9am, and catch a flight home that afternoon.

  • February 8, 2023

    You know teamwork is good for all involved in this registry ordeal. While we all at times look at ourselves we should also look at others. Isnl’t that what W,A.R. FAC and many are about or is all this a commenting effort of some venting. Letters and posts that don’t getting today will never get written or posted and efforts will never get accomplished.
    Sure many are looking at lifetime branding even after probation or parole as many on FAC are doing now.

    This dream work that Vicki has plans for takes efforts of many that want to change this unconstitutional effort for all or are we just thinking of ourselves. Efforts are good if they become a reality and so is the goal for all advocates if they are real advocates. So support this effort and show up if you can in this constitutional issue for truth and and God centered justice.for all

  • February 9, 2023

    Thank you for all you do.
    Is there a FAC attorney I can contact about getting off the registry?
    It has been more than 20 years sense I acted out as a exhibitionist.
    Lewd and lascivious is my crime description. I would appreciate a referral.

    • February 9, 2023

      All, on FAC’s Attorney Referral page is Ron Kleiner who has handled the bill of registry removal petitions.

      • February 9, 2023

        *’the bulk’
        damn my typing

      • February 21, 2023

        I would like to sign the petition to have the registry removed ..

  • February 23, 2023

    Good point Derek. Cost can be a factor for the conference, but concerning the vigil, this may be one of our last best ways to publicly let our voices be heard. We don’t know the course of the future and how it may turn for or against us.

    Don’t miss this opportunity friends!


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