Tampa police requests extension on sex predator report to city council amid ‘clustering’ concerns

Tampa police are asking city leaders for more time to gather data and complete their study on the housing of sexual predators in the city, specifically Ybor City. The department was originally set to appear before the city council on Thursday and provide a report on the matter.

Only three neighborhoods in Tampa meet the criteria that allow convicted sex offenders to move in, including the Nebraska Avenue and Forest Avenue area, otherwise known as the V.M. Ybor neighborhood.

10 thoughts on “Tampa police requests extension on sex predator report to city council amid ‘clustering’ concerns

  • February 4, 2022

    I’ll bet $1000 that the number of actual sex crimes committed by those clustered registrants will NOT make it into that report. Any takers?

  • February 3, 2022

    If lawmakers wouldn’t of made an stink of people who committed a sex offense this wouldn’t be an issue. Would you rather have low property values or low IQs? No registry even for law encroachment!! Enough of this political theater it’s for public safety to save children.

  • February 3, 2022

    Often I read articles, or watch news reports here or online and it really messes with my already shaky mental health. Often I must take weeks away from stuff so I don’t “take the easy way out” they say. This, is different by a long shot. I have said before here and else where that people won’t care about us, but if you hit them in the wallet they will make change. Make no mistake, that lady cares not what happens to anyone on a registry. She cares about her property value. Good! I hope the values drop like lead balloons everywhere that has a number of registered people. If we can’t convince them the laws are bad because they aren’t working, or hurt more than help. Let’s make them change because the loss in property value, which would in turn lose property tax revenue. In Florida a portion or funding for schools comes from property tax. Crazy to think that the laws they think protect children actual hurt their children’s education. So, this is a great story

    • February 4, 2022

      Hang in there, Mike. I, too, have known the pain of “the easy way out”. Just hang in there, ok?
      Also, I agree with your thesis. Money makes the world go around. Let’s emphasize just how much money they are wasting and bleeding. That’ll turn heads (and minds) around!

      • February 6, 2022

        Never let the feeling of taking the easy way out because it’s puts in a win on our oppressors agenda. Live your life to the fullest and be the person you know you are and not the label. Reach out when your in a rut and never give in because we can win this crapshoot.

  • February 3, 2022

    We have to live somewhere. Legislatures make us lepers on line, now facing the fallout of the registry. No one wants us in their neighborhood or anywhere. Make the registry for law enforcement only, non public. That’s the only way to avoid this. Lynching, firing squads, and gas chambers might also do the trick. Of course, that’s been initiated and is being carried out more and more.

  • February 3, 2022

    Far worse in Dade county. people are living in the middle of no where like cave people in Dade County

    • February 3, 2022

      No hope, that’s true. All thanks to the Books.

  • February 3, 2022

    Yeah, it’s hard to deal with the truth. If you don’t like “clusters” of “certain people” you shouldn’t infringe on their right to freedom of movement. It’s sad when you see the facts and results of what your laws and individual codes have done to people and your city. Maybe City Council needs to meet with state lawmakers to address the issue. It’s not the PFRs fault they can only live in certain areas. I don’t imagine most people really want to live in the areas in question either, but they don’t have much choice.


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