More Ron Book Shenanigans

Lobbyist Ron Book Favors Puppy Mills and Homelessness Who would push FOR puppy mills? OH… Ron Book would. That’s what happened when Ron Book took a job as a lobbyist for one of the states largest retailers of pets. While the County of Miami-Dade’s motto has been “adopt, don’t shop” to encourage people to adopt from the county’s shelters, Book

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Sex Offense Registry Fact Sheet – April 2018

Emily Horowitz, author and Professor of Sociology and Criminal Justice, has put together the Registry Fact Sheet linked to below. This is a very well researched, comprehensive document that is full of useful information (including authorities) that you can cite to when contacting your legislators, the media or anyone you communicate on sex offender issues with. Thank you Dr. Horowitz

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Registrants in Florida Continue to Find Relief from Double Jeopardy Under Shelley

Add Kania to the list of cases where individuals convicted of online solicitation offenses had their “associated” charges dismissed on double jeopardy grounds. Last week, the 2nd DCA threw out the “unlawful use of a two-way communications device” conviction of a defendant who was also convicted of traveling to meet a minor in 2012, finding that it was part of

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AK: Man who attacked sex offenders sentenced to 23 years

Sex Offender Registrants Attacked 42 year-old Jason Vukovich, targeted and attacked three strangers, beating one man so badly with a hammer that he fractured his skull and knocked him unconscious.All because their names were on the state’s sex offender registry. “We’re lucky we’re not dealing with a murder charge,” Assistant District Attorney Patrick McKay told the judge. “People do not

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New lawsuit may provide access to social media.

Sex Offender Sues Twitter Although the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that States cannot restrict a registered sex offender’s access to social media (Packingham v. North Carolina, 582 U.S. ___ (2017)), nothing has stopped social media companies, such as Facebook, from restricting sex offenders from their platforms. A lawsuit filed last week may change that! Jared Taylor is

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Warning: Texas law firm solicits registrants in Florida

Scam Directed at Registered Sex Offenders We have received several emails from members advising us that they have received a letter from a law firm in Texas, Estes-Hightower, PLLC stating they “received their contact information” from the state’s Public Safety Sex Offender Registry” and to contact them to see whether they are eligible for “early removal from the Sex Offender

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FAC questions Vacation Rental Bill

Florida Bill Targets Sex Offenders Renting Vacation Properties The Florida Action Committee will be circulating the following letter to all legislators in our State concerning the “Vacation Rental” bill that would impose ridiculous requirements on both registrants and owners of vacation rental properties. The bill is the result of “knee-jerk” legislation that is proposed without any planning or forethought. In

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Florida bill would effectively ban sex offenders from vacation rentals.

Florida Bill Tries to Ban Sex Offenders from Vacation Rentals A new bill concerning vacation rentals, HB 773, sponsored by Rep. Mike La Rosa, R-St. Cloud, is making its way through the Florida House of Representatives. ( The bill, among other things, would require vacation rental owners to give 24-hour notice to residents who live within 1,000 feet of the

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Jury gives death sentence to Donald Smith

Unintended Consequences for Florida Sexual Offenders Let’s set aside personal beliefs about the death penalty for any crime and focus solely on the conviction and punishment of Donald Smith. I am so pleased that Donald Smith is being punished for the horrible, sick things he did to Cherish Perrywinkle! I’m also so happy that he’s being punished for the horrible things

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“Broken beyond anyone’s imagination” – The for-profit civil commitment center.

News About Sex Offenders and Civil Commitment “Broken beyond anyone’s imagination” is how the State of Texas’ civil commitment program was described in this Southern Poverty Law Center article that was posted this weekend. The “civil commitment” scheme, which indefinitely confines (pretty much synonymous with “incarceration”) individuals under (a) the guise of treatment and (b) the belief that they may

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