FDLE Says FAC Posts Do Not Require Registration

Florida Sexual Offender Laws The FDLE filed a “Response In Opposition” to the Motion for Summary Judgment in the Internet Identifier Case this past Friday. In it they wrote, “The visits that Plaintiffs and other sexual offenders make to the websites of the Florida Action Committee, Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws, and the National Association for Reform Sexual Offender

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Certiorari DENIED in Snyder and Karsjens – SCOTUS and Florida Sex Offenders

News from SCOTUS on Sexual Offender Laws It’s now official – Certiorari has been denied in Snyder and Karsjens What’s next for Florida Sexual Offenders? Our position on Snyder from last week stands. That was; if the SCOTUS felt there were no reviewable issues in the 6th Circuit Decision finding the registration requirements constituted ex post facto PUNISHMENT, this is

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