All4consolaws: State Department Revokes Registrant’s Passport

News on Sex Offenders and International Travel The State Department has revoked the passport of a registrant who was convicted in and resides in California. This is the first known passport revocation following passage of the International Megan’s Law (IML) in February 2016. According to a letter from that federal agency, the registrant’s passport was revoked because it did not

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The Dobbs Wire: Blockbuster expose of New York’s special locked facility – MARCY

News for Sex Offenders New York:  Just published, a blockbuster report about conditions at Central New York Psychiatric Center near Syracuse.  The center is a special locked facility where New York State keeps individuals who have already paid a price for sex offenses and served prison time.  After incarceration, indefinite confinement is the next stop–not for anything they have done

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America Is Hard to See, a play about sex offenders, opens to good reviews

Sex Offender News America Is Hard to See, a play based on the actual lives of residents of Miracle Village in Pahokee, Florida opened Friday and has received positive reviews from theater critics. The Off-Broadway play, set in the notorious colony of sex offenders living among grain fields in rural Palm Beach County, is a “fusion of personal interviews and

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Florida’s Horrible Record of Non-Restoration of Voting Rights

Weekly Update 2018-02-06Florida Sex Offender News Weekly Update 2018-02-06 Dear Members and Advocates, In last week’s update, we described a “tug of war” between the legislative and judicial branches of our government. We seem to find relief in the courts, but the legislators keep loading up horrible bills. Well, last week, Federal Judge Mark Walker of the US District Court

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FAC Letter to Fair Elections Legal Network Regarding Brief on Solution to Felon Voting

The Florida Action Committee sent the following letter to the Fair Elections Legal Network, who litigated the case of Hand v. Scott, requesting sex offenders and murderers not be sacrificed in the brief containing proposed solutions to the felon voting case. Letter To Fair Elections Legal Network 02052018

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Thousands of Pennsylvania sex offenders no longer have to register. Should lawmakers put them back on a list for life?

News on Sex Offender Registries HARRISBURG — About 150 people in Philadelphia are in state prison and 150 more are on probation or parole for neglecting to fill out address-change notifications or missing a required reporting date — all failures to comply with a sex-offender-registration law the state Supreme Court found unconstitutional last July. Now, the fates of those people —

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Law Enforcement Apathetic to Scams Being Perpetrated on Felons in Florida

Florida Sex Offender News Weekly Update 2018-01-22 Dear Members and Advocates, As “registered” sex offenders, we are a vulnerable group. Our names, pictures, addresses and what vehicles we drive are publicized on a website. With a request to FDLE, our email addresses and other information about us can be easily had. Combine the easy access to personal information with society’s

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Florida’s Proposed Legislation for Arresting Homeless

Weekly Update 2018-01-18 Dear Members and Advocates, This week we are calling on your help to rally against the proposed amendment to the Miami-Dade County Overnight Camping Amendment. The suggested change (also referred to as the “Bovo” amendment – File Number: 180088) to Section 21-286 of the Code of Miami-Dade County, would allow police to arrest transient sex offenders on

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FAC Letter to FDLE Concerning Scams

Florida Sex Offender Registry News We have recently warned our members of a scam that’s been targeting registrants. “Detectives” (who may or may not be actual detectives – likely not) have been calling registrants claiming they missed a registration deadline and will be arrested…. unless… they are willing to take care of it immediately through the payment of a bond

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DOJ Report Shows prosecutions for “online sexual exploitation” doubled in less than 10 years

Sex Offender News A recent report from the US Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics shows a 91 percent increase in the number of people prosecuted for “commercial sexual exploitation of children” (CSEC). A statistic that should be shocking if you assume that “sexual exploitation” constitutes trafficking of children for a sexual purpose or producing child pornography. However, the

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