Florida bill would effectively ban sex offenders from vacation rentals.

Florida Bill Tries to Ban Sex Offenders from Vacation Rentals A new bill concerning vacation rentals, HB 773, sponsored by Rep. Mike La Rosa, R-St. Cloud, is making its way through the Florida House of Representatives. (https://www.myfloridahouse.gov/Sections/Documents/loaddoc.aspx?FileName=768073.docx&DocumentType=Amendments&BillNumber=0773&Session=2018) The bill, among other things, would require vacation rental owners to give 24-hour notice to residents who live within 1,000 feet of the

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Jury gives death sentence to Donald Smith

Unintended Consequences for Florida Sexual Offenders Let’s set aside personal beliefs about the death penalty for any crime and focus solely on the conviction and punishment of Donald Smith. I am so pleased that Donald Smith is being punished for the horrible, sick things he did to Cherish Perrywinkle! I’m also so happy that he’s being punished for the horrible things

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“Broken beyond anyone’s imagination” – The for-profit civil commitment center.

News About Sex Offenders and Civil Commitment “Broken beyond anyone’s imagination” is how the State of Texas’ civil commitment program was described in this Southern Poverty Law Center article that was posted this weekend. The “civil commitment” scheme, which indefinitely confines (pretty much synonymous with “incarceration”) individuals under (a) the guise of treatment and (b) the belief that they may

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Registrant Denied Access to Hospital For Son’s Surgery

Father on Sex Offender Registry Barred from Son’s Hospital A member contacted us this week. He’s on the registry for an offense that took place over 15 years ago. He brought his son to Nemours Children’s Hospital in Orlando for surgery and was denied access at the door because of his status on the registry. These policies that prevent former

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More Than Half the Registered Sex Offenders in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida are Homeless.

News About Florida Registered Sex Offenders The City of Ft. Lauderdale’s ordinance has caused more than half of the registered sex offenders in the city to be homeless. The City ordinance, which banishes sex offenders from; “within one thousand four hundred (1,400) feet of any of the following:(1) Any school where the majority of the population attending are students less

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Tragedy in Parkland, Florida. Another School Shooting

  It was not long ago that we reacted to the mass shootings in Las Vegas or at Pulse nightclub. Senseless tragedies. Situations where nothing appropriate can be said, except this should never be allowed to happen. When it happens at a school and children are killed, its even more tragic. Yesterday, it happened in our State, in our second-most

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Sun Sentinel Editorial: Gov. Rick Scott has no credibility on rights restoration

Gov. Rick Scott claims that he, not a federal judge, should determine how Florida restores the civil rights of ex-felons. Seriously? That would be like having Bill Belichick design the Dolphins’ game plans against the Patriots. Watch the video: http://www.sun-sentinel.com/opinion/95047063-132.html Scott made this absurd argument Monday in response to the Feb. 1 ruling by U.S. District Judge Mark Walker that

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Scams Targeting Registered Sex Offenders

Registered Sex Offenders Targeted by Scam Artists from an Idaho State Police news release The Idaho Central Sex Offender Registry, administered by the Idaho State Police, has been made aware of several attempted scams targeting registered sex offenders in at least one Idaho county and six Florida counties. One scam involves a caller posing as a law enforcement officer who

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Should We Abolish the Sex Offender Registry – A Debate

Abolishing Sex Offender Registry Wins in New York Debate Dear Members and Advocates, If you want to see an interesting presentation on both sides of the sex offender registry argument, we suggest you watch the video of the debate that took place last night in New York. The debate was hosted by Reason.com and the Soho Forum and argued by

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Indiana registrant fights to attend son’s school activities

Sex Offender Registry News An Indiana man convicted of child solicitation in 2010 is taking his case to the Indiana Supreme Court. He is challenging a law passed in 2015 that makes it a felony for him to enter school property. For the first 5 years he was granted permission to enter school property to attend his son’s school activities,

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