Tragedy in Parkland, Florida. Another School Shooting

  It was not long ago that we reacted to the mass shootings in Las Vegas or at Pulse nightclub. Senseless tragedies. Situations where nothing appropriate can be said, except this should never be allowed to happen. When it happens at a school and children are killed, its even more tragic. Yesterday, it happened in our State, in our second-most

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Sun Sentinel Editorial: Gov. Rick Scott has no credibility on rights restoration

Gov. Rick Scott claims that he, not a federal judge, should determine how Florida restores the civil rights of ex-felons. Seriously? That would be like having Bill Belichick design the Dolphins’ game plans against the Patriots. Watch the video: Scott made this absurd argument Monday in response to the Feb. 1 ruling by U.S. District Judge Mark Walker that

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Scams Targeting Registered Sex Offenders

Registered Sex Offenders Targeted by Scam Artists from an Idaho State Police news release The Idaho Central Sex Offender Registry, administered by the Idaho State Police, has been made aware of several attempted scams targeting registered sex offenders in at least one Idaho county and six Florida counties. One scam involves a caller posing as a law enforcement officer who

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Should We Abolish the Sex Offender Registry – A Debate

Abolishing Sex Offender Registry Wins in New York Debate Dear Members and Advocates, If you want to see an interesting presentation on both sides of the sex offender registry argument, we suggest you watch the video of the debate that took place last night in New York. The debate was hosted by and the Soho Forum and argued by

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Parties’ briefs in Florida Restoration of Civil Rights

News on Florida Voter Case In a significant order issued earlier this month by Judge Walker of the Northern District of Florida, the State’s scheme for arbitrarily restoring voting rights to certain former felons was declared unconstitutional. The Judge gave the parties until yesterday, February 12, 2018, to brief on possible remedies. Below are copies of the Plaintiff’s briefs and

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ACLU Events in Florida

ACLU Events in Florida Supporting Sex Offender Issues We encourage you to monitor the ACLU of Florida website to find ACLU events in your area. Their events page can be found here: By participating in these events you can help support an organization that supports FAC. You can also share information about our cause and help get more sex

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FDLE Warns of Scams Targeting Sex Offenders

Urgent News for Florida Registered Sex Offenders The following email is being sent to registrants: ———- Forwarded message ——— From: EIS-Admin Date: Fri, Feb 9, 2018 Subject: Please Be Advised To: RegistrantsC1   Please Be Advised FDLE has received reports of attempted scams targeting sexual offenders and predators involving a caller posing as a law enforcement officer and indicating that

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Public meetings should be PUBLICLY accessible.

Florida Sex Offenders Unable to Attend Some Public Meetings We received a member submission about a public meeting to address an issue that will impact the registrants in a particular community. The meeting is proposed to be held in a location he is banished from. EXTENDING OSCEOLA PARKWAY: New options on the table show Lake Ajay residents are in jeopardy

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FAC Call To Action. Stop SB 1226

News on Florida Sex Offender Registry ATTENTION ALL Members and Supporters Our legislators, republican and democrats alike, refuse to recognize the empirical data regarding sex offender policy. All they continue to do is pass “feel good” legislation, which does nothing for public safety nor stop the cycle of abuse. DEMAND EDUCATED AND INORMED POLICY! ASK FOR THE EVIDENCE WHICH THEY

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