Sweet deal for an ex cop

A former Coral Springs Police officer has been sentenced to 14-and-a-half months in state prison after pleading guilty to two counts of using a computer to sexually exploit a child, court records show.

Steven Daniello, 64, who was arrested in January 2021, will also serve nearly four years of probation after completing his prison term, according to documents filed in Broward County Circuit Court.

As part of his sentence, issued Jan. 4, Daniello will register as a sex offender, forfeit his law enforcement officer certification, pay $10,680 in restitution, and stay away from the 15-year-old female victim, according to the records.

Daniello, whose most recent job with Coral Springs Police was a school resource officer position at Westchester Elementary School, was fired after his arrest.


11 thoughts on “Sweet deal for an ex cop

  • January 11, 2022

    Another example of someone not on the registry committing a sex offense, so how did Florida’s registry protect that 15 year old girl. Oh wait it doesn’t fit the narrative so I’ll go back to my bat cave. The academy of not protecting minors goes to Florida.

  • January 11, 2022

    So its not registrants who are luring kids out of schools, its cops?
    Interesting. Good thing the registry is keeping the public safe.

  • January 11, 2022

    I have to say this is a fair sentence, while I will not discuss my case a few years ago, they were both prosecuted by the two prosecutors so I know them fairly well and can say as compared to a 3rd prosecutor which may of done stuff that hurt my case, these two are very fair. And yes my case is very similar to the officers

  • January 10, 2022

    Why is this a sweet deal? Are you saying that anyone else would’ve gotten worse? How do you know that?

    This headline is something I would expect on FOX news, not FAC!

    • January 11, 2022

      Agree, we don’t know why he got the deal he got and have no evidence he was treated more lightly for having been an officer. We are an evidence-based org, and the underlying article doesn’t make the point suggested in the FAC headline.

      • January 11, 2022

        My offense was in Brevard county, and at least there, NO sex offenders get off with a 4 year probation. It is generally 10 years, standard for class 3 felony. So, yes it is a very light sentence and the incarceration is usually minumum, 2 years to 24 months for class 3 felony.

  • January 10, 2022

    Just wait. He pled guilty to a crime involving interstate commerce (ie a sex crime via the internet). He can still be charged by the feds. If so, they’ll use his plea as evidence against him bc it was voluntary and under oath. I’ve seen it before in the federal system. There’s nothing the feds like more than this type of scenario. Let’s watch and see if it plays out.

    • January 11, 2022

      You are correct in that once a state plea is signed, it assures a conviction if federal charges are brought. A friend got a state judge to reconsider and reduce his sentence for possession. A federal prosecutor thought the punishment too lenient and filed charges. The defendant had no recourse but to deny the plea contents and face an additional perjury charge. This scenario likely happens frequently.



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