Surprise survey finds compliance among registered sexual offenders

Several law-enforcement agencies Dec. 2 conducted unannounced checks of 40 registered sex offenders in Delaware County, finding that a high percentage were in compliance with their residential registration.

During the survey, only one was found not in compliance with Ohio’s rules for registered sex offenders.

Chief Deputy Jon Scowden, of the Delaware County Sheriff’s Office, said the checks were conducted in person by county deputies, members of the Southern District of the U.S. Marshals Service, probation officers of the Delaware County Common Pleas Court’s adult court services and members of the sheriff’s victim-services unit. Scowden said the Marshals Service assisted with both personnel and federal funds authorized for coverage of deputies’ overtime costs. Ohio also might make a future move to more frequent checks, he said.


25 thoughts on “Surprise survey finds compliance among registered sexual offenders

  • December 14, 2022

    Gee the Goon squad visited me in Uvalde Texas on the same day at 730 pm CST.
    2 defectives and 3 US Marshall’s. So much fun. They wished me a good evening when they were through harassing me and scaring the neighbors!

    • December 14, 2022

      That is Texas hospitality for you, wishing you a good evening after peeing in your cheerios. Reminds me of Chuck Norris as Walker Texas Ranger right before he kicked you in the face.

  • December 14, 2022

    So the federal government covers the cost of the overtime costs. Isn’t that convenient. They will all get a nice Christmas bonus with the fat overtime check, paid for by good old Uncle Sam. For doing something they admit is absolutely useless.

    • December 14, 2022

      Tax payers should be furious over this. And they wonder why there taxes are so high, and why inflation is a problem.

      • December 14, 2022


        They do not see it as their money being used even though it is in the big picture through tax appropriations. Many support more money for registry compliance than they do for border compliance.
        They have been fed a lie that without the registry we would all go crazy kidnapping victims and dragging them into the woods by the 1000s.

  • December 14, 2022

    “Federal funds” spent by the US Marshall’s Office to help determine compliance is another way of saying “Taxpayer Money Wasted.”

  • December 14, 2022

    Lol!! He’ll yeah Ohio is gonna make a future move to make more checks…. FREE AND EASY MONEY….
    this madness has got to be stopped!!!!!!!

  • December 14, 2022

    Once again, all that fat taxpayer money and nothing to show for it. These law enforcement agencies will do anything to find an excuse to expand their budgets every year.

  • December 14, 2022

    “One goal of the survey was that it be unexpected, he said, so that word could not spread among the sex offenders, giving them time to return to their registered residences.”

    I had to laugh at that one… I had a PO once who thought like that. He WAS a miserable man who was paranoid we were out kidnapping, raping, and killing on his watch, and would randomly do bizarre things during house checks.

    Apparently, as soon as someone has the label “criminal” applied to them, law enforcement will believe the absolutely most outlandish speculations about their behavior. This whole operation was either an outright overtime grab or an example of the ineptitude of those who are supposed to keep us safe. This is the type of stupidity that makes current crime eradication and prevention efforts ineffective.

    • December 14, 2022

      Yup. It’s so easy to bask in the glory from easy-peasy “work” that involves watching those FTR and then take all the credit for “promoting” public safety. Meanwhile the cops don’t even have a perp in that Idaho college kids slaying.

    • December 14, 2022


      One of my favorite shows is Blue Bloods. I use to work in law enforcement and do miss it somewhat and now I live it through the show. There is a character named Danny who is a detective and he and his female partner were arguing in one episode about if people that have a criminal past can change.

      Of course she said not everyone is a career criminal but he felt the opposite and said “Once a criminal, always a criminal”. The reason this was even brought up was because Danny had a complaint filed against him at the police station by the ex-felon because Danny kept following the guy around hoping to catch him in the act of committing a crime and wouldn’t let it go or accept the guy was clean.

  • December 14, 2022

    Yes, but they still think we’re ALL up to “no good and can’t be trusted” though. Cops want to keep the general public ignorant about the distinction between actually re-offending and getting a faiure-tr a new car. And this exactly the game they wanna keep playing with the media as well.

    This survey benefits the cops PR propaganda, not us!

    “We take pride in keeping tabs on these people so they’re not up to their old tricks again!”

    “You see, it’s working as a deterrent as designed!”


    • December 14, 2022


      WHY are they so afraid to give us a chance to prove them wrong? If we re-offend, yes we deserve whatever punishment they give us, but one strike and you are done for life is not restorative justice. It is what we are not allowed to call it, punishment. But because the Great and powerful OZ says it is not, then it is not.

      I wonder if those powers work for anything, just point at a cat and say it is a tree and everyone has to accept that as truth and the law of the land.

  • December 14, 2022

    Once again, I am so thankful that I live in PA.The more I read about these checks, I can totally understand why you in other states get so upset. My 1st compliance check since getting off probation in 2021, consisted of an unmarked SUV pulling into my driveway while I was on the porch smoking. 2 people in jeans and t shirts with the PSP logo. The passenger got out ask my name, told me that they were doing a check. Told me to have a nice day and left. Not the BS I read from here and other sources.

      • December 14, 2022

        The only good part is that at least for the foreseeable future, this would not likely go anywhere. A presumed Democratic swing in the state house, A new Democratic Governor coming next month. The only Republican hold is in the state Senate. And our less severe laws came from the Dems. Not to mention the Torsilieri decision and how that all works out.

    • December 14, 2022


      If more officers and deputies were more like that, maybe they wouldn’t get crap from registrants. Where I use to live, I got at least 3 visits a week that consisted of city officers, deputies and even once an FDLE agent. They would come at all hours of the day or night and if I was not home, they would knock on the neighbor’s doors asking if they had seen me. That made it seem I was a fugitive, high profile felon or something worse.

  • December 14, 2022

    I’ve lived in Miami-Dade County since 2001 (registered since 1999, offense in 1997, counting the days till my 20 years have expired since probation ended so I can to go to court and plead for mercy in 8 years …) and since I’ve lived in unincorporated Dade since 2013 I just get a quick drive-by once or twice a year, usually from the same officer, who gives me a wave or a thumbs up and keeps on driving. I guess I’m one of the lucky ones.

    • December 14, 2022


      Mine use to be cool but once the covid hit, instead of privately coming up to our door, he now stands at the street and yells out “Just make sure to keep your registration requirements updated” for everyone for a mile to hear. The main covid scare is over but still won’t come to the door in case I have cooties.

  • December 14, 2022

    I’m sorry, but “surprise survey”? Is that the new phrase for “compliance check”?

    How about this?: “…we also protect the rights of the person who has committed the offense…” Does that include the right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure? Absent articulable reasonable suspicion of a registry violation, what makes a “compliance check” reasonable (or even necessary)?

    I love this little blurb: “One goal of the survey was that it be unexpected, he said, so that word could not spread among the sex offenders, giving them time to return to their registered residences .”

    As in that big clandestine SO Underground Network plotting world domination from that compound in Mar-A-Lago (the one at Epstein’s Island was compromised, damn it!). Gotta beam over to the registered address; guess that all-I-can-grope buffet at the county fair will have to wait a couple of hours.

    I made those exact points to the sergeant conducting the only “compliance check” the sheriff’s department ever tried on me (surprised I didn’t hear about it from the PO). Oddly enough, I haven’t heard from them since. It’s a rather long, but amusing story that I don’t have time to type out right now. I have bridge watch at the compound.


    • December 14, 2022


      Many prizes were given out at the surprise survey. There might have even been cake involved. “Shrugs” Yeah calling it a surprise survey doesn’t make it any less of a hardship and embarrassment due to a gaggle of cops showing up at your door.

      • December 14, 2022

        “The cake is a lie! ”

        (Sorry, couldn’t resist)

        • December 14, 2022


          Well I might have “Fudged” a bit. 🙂

          BTW when someone says there will be cake and there isn’t, I really have to go to therapy afterwards. Lawsuits would follow and the baking industry would collapse.

  • December 14, 2022

    Sadly they will turn this into “See, the registry is working by shaming them into compliance”. Of course once all of us are off the registry, we will run rampant through the streets offending on every corner of the Earth. (Sarcasm)

    The fact is, any of us could offend again if we really wanted to with or without a registry. Yes, the registry was a major wake up call for many of us but those who are going to reoffend are going to do it regardless of some website shared with the World. The rest of us are waiting for that second chance to show the World we can be productive, responsible and trusted citizens if just given than chance and right opportunity.

  • December 14, 2022

    I just posted my reply on the article’s website and I’m strongly encourage ALL of you to do the same!!! I wrote:

    Please stop promoting the law enforcement “copaganda” that Sex Offenders keep the public safe! That is a lie. Just look at recent headlines about sexual offenses – perpetrated by teachers, coaches, police officers, clergy, etc. NONE of those perpetrators were listed on any Sex Offender Registries, so how exactly did the Registries protect those victims???

    Don’t spread the lies and myths!
    Sex offender Registries have been ruled UNCONSTITUTIONAL by numerous judges throughout the Country, including by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, you neighboring State.
    Sex offender Registries are wrong and need to be abolished.”


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