Successful Michigan Court Challenge Leads to Registry Removals…in Tennessee
Recall Does v Snyder, in which registrants’ challenge to the Michigan registry lead to its being declared punishment by the Federal Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. This victory has led to registry removals in Tennessee, which belongs to the same Federal circuit, and the prospect of substantial legal fees being owed by the state.
Read more from Nashville’s WFTV News Channel 5.
For an update on how this case is going in Michigan, see Michigan ACLU’s Does III page.
The Michigan ACLU has and is giving hope. Some armchairs say they’re not doing enough or in the right way. But here we can see the fruits of their past labors. More doors are being closed behind and hopefully the legal paths are eliminated. One one hand, Id like to be like the angry, vocal, registrants. The other, I live my life, the best I can. I enjoy my wife, family, holidays, and those instances when I don’t think about being on the registry. It’s how I win. It’s not a total win, but being happy pisses them (Everyone for the registry). I beat thing I can do, since I’m on disability and extreme limited income, is to let society see me as a useful part of it. Not being the monster they think we all are. I have neighbor that know I’m on the list. They still treat me well. I know there’s some on the local Facebook that don’t like me, but I never see their faces. They never continue or talk to me.
Perhaps a ACLU Class Action in Florida modeled after Michigan…. I would support.
Legislature needs to hire a Constructional Law consultant that can check stupid bills before they become laws or policies.
For example the DOC makes up new rules and policies that violate the prisoners’ rights and after it is overturn the DOC says it does not apply because it is not a law but a rule, regulation, or policy and policing is up to the DOC not the law.
Same goes for These so called laws they are defeated but the states don’t recognize federal laws. But Federal Law trumps State Law.
The state makes a new bill and we start all over again and no where in the bill is the research on which law they are using to guide the new bill as require by Constructional Law
I’m still waiting to see what happens from Pennsylvania’s sorna being ruled unconstitutional. It’s bad enough being punished over entrapment. I want this nightmare to end!
Phillip you said you wish this nightmare would be over and yes that would be good for all. Actually theirs nothing wrong with public safety. Its the methods that law enforcement uses.Sure all can assume but when authorities disguise themselves, and the truth be known, do the ends actually justify the means.
I’m sure these registry issues take preparation and nine times out of ten government brings up the sex angle for their golden coffers. One could call it a trapezoid or trapdoor of injustice. This whole registry is trampling on Justice for many.