Study: An Analysis of SORNA Compliance and Attitudes Among Florida Sex Offenders

Registered sex offenders can find sex offender registration and notification (SORN) requirements disruptive to finding employment, housing, and cultivating social stigmatization that causes other difficulties. To further unpack these issues, the scope of challenges and reasons why certain registered individuals fail to comply with SORN standards were investigated. Toward this end, a survey was sent to the email addresses of registered sex offenders in Florida, yielding 967 respondents. The survey assessed their opinions of and compliance with SORN requirements.

An Analysis o fSORNA Compliance Florida

7 thoughts on “Study: An Analysis of SORNA Compliance and Attitudes Among Florida Sex Offenders

  • September 20, 2022

    I wish I had time. (Time is money, and money is time, they say.)
    If I had the time, I might start a national outreach and activism movement called “R2R” – REFUSE TO REGISTER.

    My organization would
    1. Get people to sign a pledge stating that they will refuse to register starting on January 1st, 2027
    2. Raise money for the legal fees of those who would possibly be arrested during the first quarter of 2027 (until, hopefully, by sheer numbers, the police had to stop making arrests).
    3. Publicize the “Refuse to Register” petition until the stop-date of January 1st, 2027 became very widely known all across the United States (and the world).

    I currently am forced to register every 3 months. And when I am forced to appear (at the county jail!) I show up with nothing on my person except for my cell phone and my driver license card.
    If they ask for money I tell them (truthfully) that I have no money nor atm card. I tell them that they have my permission to search my person.
    If they insist, then I inform them that they may initiate a civil lawsuit to try to obtain a monetary judgement from me. And I ask them if they are detaining me and, if so, for what reason?
    They just shrug their shoulders, sigh and say, “Next!”
    We MUST rebel against illegal tyranny!

    • September 20, 2022

      JJJJ, I like where your thinking is. It would take a grassroots movement to get people to be ready for the date. By the time 2027 rolls around we could have upwards of 2.5 million people on the registry. It’s definitely doable to have people refuse. I don’t think it would just be you that would have to fund it. It could be crowd funded. It would define bring enormous attention to the repression.

    • September 21, 2022

      That might work if there were a million registered persons in one state instead of being spread throughout the entire country. A small town with only a handful of RPs would have no problem arresting us, but if that same town had hundreds of even thousands, then maybe they would have a problem.
      Either way, with the hate they have against us, they would probably just put up a large impenetrable fence and herd us all in and say problem solved.

  • September 20, 2022

    How about just skipping the BS survey and their recommendations and just abolish the registries altogether?
    Problem solved.

  • September 20, 2022

    I equate compliance of Sorna to the Squid Games instead of being killed though we’re just sent to prison for violations (some times years!) each stage is the New Years more complex ever increasing rules that you must navigate if you want to get to the next stage. If you do make it to the next stage the New Years ever increasing rules are then voiced over a muffled speakers where you can make no heads or tails what the new rules are because they’re so convoluted they don’t even know. Meanwhile the new stage starts and your just trying to figure it out as you go. But the stages never end. This unfortunately is Life and the game is real. Sorna is the same as Probation so how is it not viewed as Punishment?

  • September 21, 2022

    Here in Florida a movement like this would only cause the State and FDOC to reopen several closed Correctional Institutions and proceed with mass incarceration. Costs wouldn’t be an issue as public support for this would be overwhelming.
    Folks, we have to stay within the realm of reality on these things. Ranting and raving do nothing.
    Our ONLY tool in our “toolbox” is political in nature and will be a very difficult thing to accomplish.
    One only needs to look at our situation in Brevard County to see that science based facts, pier reviewed studies, have no sway with the commissioners.
    Folks, fantasy and hyperbole get us nowhere and only serve to agitate us…. Not the “system”

  • September 21, 2022

    I would like to think things will get better for us registered, but I don’t see it. These studies only show how bad it is getting. We already know this. In the 15 years I have been on the registry it has only gotten worse with each new law in public interest. Let face it we are a minority and no one cares. Unless they have someone in their family or personally know one of us, people DON’T CARE. You just to have to look at history and what has happened to those in a minority, the Blacks, The Jewish, the Japanese, and others. They were all treated less than human, at one time or another, for public safety. It is our turn. Where else can you be charged with a misdemeanor sex offense, follow all the rules and regulations they have set for you to the best of your ability. Then you make 1 mistake and forget to register a vehicle within 2 days, you now have a felony charge and they want you to serve 2 years. I ended up with 18 months house arrest and ankle GPS. This is already something they have on their computers. All vehicles in your name are already registered. You can go into a parts store and give them a plate number and they can pull up all the information on that vehicle. So where is this law helping in public protection? That is just 1 of the many regulations against us that doesn’t make any sense. I only see it getting worse and have no answers, people don’t care.


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