Some states are trying to right some wrongs

Some people forced to register who committed their crimes out of state could petition to get off the South Dakota state sex offense list under a bill passed Friday by the House Judiciary Committee.  The bill would allow an individual taken off an out-of-state sex offender list to petition to be removed from the South Dakota sex offense registry.

We have members who have been removed from the registry in the state where their offense occurred but never in Florida.

The age of consent in New York state is 17 where consensual sex is not illegal; in Florida it could land you on the registry for life.

We are supposed to be the UNITED States of America.


8 thoughts on “Some states are trying to right some wrongs

  • March 3, 2023

    “Republican Rep. Mary Fitzgerald from Spearfish opposed the bill.

    She said that in the case of children being raped, they live with the consequences their entire lives.

    Fitzgerald said offenders should also have to pay for their crimes for the rest of their lives.”

    Because, of course, all registrants rape children. And the registry isn’t punitive. Duh.

    • March 5, 2023

      Dustin, I also have become aware of the Supreme Court’s consideration of the sex offender registry as non-punitive. Really? That little list of people is a sentence of perpetual punishment. We have all, in some way, been affected by it’s rules and regulations.

  • March 3, 2023

    My offense was in Virginia. I moved to Florida to help my ailing parents. I built my retirement home here. My entire family now lives in Brevard County…including my daughter and her family. She is the person I violated 24 years ago. We have made up years ago. I was released from probation 11 years early. I am not on the Virginia registry, yet I remain on the Florida registry. Please tell me that there is nothing ‘fishy’ about the Florida registry.

    • March 4, 2023

      I live in AL. Now and am on the FL. registry Al. has removed me from there’s but Fl. does not and will not remove anyone.
      Reason why is that the more ppl. that are on there Registry the more $$ they get from the Fed.Gov. to help them monitor there registrants which means Fl. gets to spend less state $$ that can go to other areas of there budget also because I’m still on Fl.’s Registry any laws that are passed I am still affected even though I do not live there. In Fl. once you are on the registry your on it for life.

    • March 5, 2023

      The Florida registry went looney-tunes a number of years back when they required all offenders to register for life. I am from Maryland. I was sentenced to 1 year supervised probation and required to register for 10 years. Then I moved to Florida to help my aged parents, as well, then discover I have to register for life. I never would have come had I known that. Sorry Mom and Dad, but that’s the truth. I live in Polk County. If you know anything about this county, you know it’s a very strict list of regulations we are required to follow. And, we have to pay now each time we re-register. What’s next?

  • March 3, 2023

    No we don’t want all states doing things the same way. Congress already tried to impose that with the Adam Walsh Act.

    Let’s instead stick with the Constitution, which allows states to do things differently, and keep the states susceptible to challenges such as EPF I & II.

    Unless you think we can raise the funds to challenge the feds directly.

  • March 6, 2023

    This was a topic that I talked to other people about. I don’t understand why some citizens in USA has more rights than others? how one state can have some illegal and the other legal? The name should be DSA not USA. Divided states of America. When the supreme court will pass a law that all states should have the same justice and rights. All state laws should be equal, at least does laws that carry jail time.

    • March 6, 2023

      Congress passed a law to make all state registries meet one minimum standard. DOJ then tried to impose this standard through regulation.

      Thankfully, neither of these were fully implemented, and all state registry laws remain different. We are suing the FDLE over Florida’s registration scheme, but that is not as hard as suing the Feds, which is what we would have to do if all states were required to do it the same.


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