Some registrants blocked from attending Brevard Commission meeting

We have received word from a member that his request to attend the Brevard County Commission meeting tonight was denied because he failed to give notice of his intent to attend “at least” 24 hours before the meeting.

Recently the Brevard Commissioners amended their ordinance to allow registrants to attend County Commission meetings but ONLY if they give at least 24 hours notice. They did not send any information about this requirement to registrants. One Member who just found out about the requirement contacted the Sheriff’s office earlier today to inform them of his intent to attend the Commission meeting to take place at 5PM. His request was denied and he was told that if he attended the meeting he would be violating the ordinance.

A copy of the denial can be read below:

On Tue, Aug 2, 2022, 10:45 AM Castiello, Christopher <> wrote:


This notice has been provided within 24 hours of the meeting. County Ordinance states that no less than 24 hours notice will be provided. This notice does not meet the criteria set forth. Attending tonight’s meeting would be a violation of county ordinance due to the improper notice given.

If you wish to attend any future meetings, please provide no less than 24 hours notice.

I copied in the section of the ordinance for your awareness.

(14) If the sexual offender or sexual predator wishes to be present at a public meeting held on Brevard County government property that is within a 1,000-foot buffer zone, he/she may do so provided that no less than 24 hours prior to entering the Brevard County government property for the purpose of being present at a public meeting, the sexual offender or sexual predator has notified the county manager’s office and the county sheriff’s office of:

  1. The sexual offender or sexual predator’s status as a sexual offender or sexual predator; and
  2. The sexual offender or sexual predator’s intention to be present at the public meeting.

When a sexual offender or sexual predator enters upon Brevard County government property pursuant to this subsection the sexual offender or sexual predator shall, upon adjournment of the public meeting, promptly depart from the Brevard County government property without any undue delay or loitering on premises. For purposes of this subsection, the term “Brevard County government property” does not include school property.

Thank you,

Sgt. Chris Castiello #0242

Brevard County Sheriff’s Office

Criminal Investigative Services

340 Gus Hipp Blvd. Rockledge, Fl 32955

S.O.R.T. / Digital Forensics

Office 321-633-8407 / Cell 321-362-8079

22 thoughts on “Some registrants blocked from attending Brevard Commission meeting

  • August 2, 2022

    Seems like this letter to the registered citizen is valuable evidence that Brevard County is in violation of the US Constitution’s First Amendment and Fourteenth Amendments.

    • August 2, 2022

      Absolutely, just sayin’!!

    • August 2, 2022

      Absolutely it is.

      Also, without actually saying it, the 24 hour notice to attend is a sign that they fear what information you might share that could possibly go on record.

      … Just saying.

  • August 2, 2022

    Just imagine the outrage if anyone not on the registry also had to submit notice that they were going to attend a county meeting.

  • August 2, 2022

    This is total ‘bullshit’ to keep people from attending. Apparently, the SORT is in cahoots with the commissioners.

  • August 2, 2022

    Not right and needs to be fought

  • August 2, 2022

    Just so wrong.

  • August 2, 2022

    More facts for our case. The more the better. Bring in on Florida! Let them legislate and ordinace their way to the point where a judge can confidently say, “You are indeed punishing these people. The registry is an unconstitutional scheme!”

    • August 2, 2022


  • August 2, 2022

    What if the registered citizen didn’t know if he/she would be available to attend unto 1:00 PM this afternoon?

  • August 2, 2022

    I do not live in Brevard County, fortunately, and this is the first I have heard of this ordinance. I am a bit surprised as I would agree that this violates the first and fourteenth Amendments. I might see this if one desired to SPEAK at the meeting, but simply to attend? What is next? 24 hour notice to visit the barbershop? 24 hour notice to go grocery shopping? It is a prime example of incrementalism.
    And while I make it clear I do not advocate breaking the law, unless one is on probation and wearing the jewelry associated with it, how are they going to know who is who anyway? Big Brother with facial recognition technology?
    This type of stuff is very scary to me because of its long-term potential ramifications.

    • August 2, 2022


      You laugh but Disney now requires an appointment to attend their parks. You can no longer just show up with a ticket. A few on here said that is not true but I called Disney to confirm that and they verified you will not get in the gate without a reservation in advance.
      Also it states right on their website that prior appointment is necessary or you will denied entry. It shows a calendar of the dates that have open appointments. Although I cannot afford to go, if I could, I wouldn’t just because of the prior appointments. They can also use that as a screener to weed out sex offenders, those who have been banned from the park etc.

  • August 2, 2022

    There is a YouTube channel for the commission and it is scheduled to show tonight’s meeting live. I’ll be watching from Indiana. Hoping for the best outcome for everyone

    • August 2, 2022

      Watching now. Everyone is doing great, fingers crossed.

  • August 2, 2022

    I don’t even live in Florida anymore, never lived in that county, but F this. I’m leaving the US. These people are going to push and push until they have all REGISTERED people, since they don’t that, are dead or sequestered away alone from society. I can’t take this anymore.

  • August 2, 2022

    Today’s commissioner meeting was a joke. They knew how they were going to vote even before the meeting started. One quoted some FDLE statistics that were totally bogus and way out of line with national outcomes. The stats were done by DFLE officials wanting to justify their jobs. It’s time to sue the hell out of Brevard County. Enough is enough. The meeting of the commissioners was an example of the blind leading the blind and not giving two hoots about facts. They were making decisions on subjects that they were totally clueless about. I was shocked by the one commissioner who said that sex offence victims were victimized for life. That is total BS. Some may use that as an excuse for a future failure on their part, but most victims recover, while many sex offenses do not even include a victim. Our challenge is to overcome this bureaucratic stupidity or to educate the public so they can recognize the ineptness of their leaders.

    • August 3, 2022

      May I add that decisions like this are hard pressed to be labeled as anything other than punitive?

      I personally like it when counties/states pass silly laws like this as it just adds to the legal argument that those laws, and the registry, have become overly geared at oppress…oops, geared at being punitive rather than public safety. I’m thinking long term here btw. And obviously it’s easier for me to say this as I do not live in Brevard.

    • August 3, 2022

      I really, really, really dislike it when people say a victim of a sex offense is a victim for life and/or throw in…they are never the same. I was harmed but no way in hell do I want to be told I am a victim for life.

      Everyone one is different and the harm is different and thus different out comes, but to tell someone, a child none the less, that they are forever a victim, does more harm!! If someone dares tell me that, my response starts with an F.

    • August 7, 2022

      Exactly, about the “scarred for life” business…I was a victim myself of different things. In certain cases it was actually abusive what happened. In other cases, when I was older and actually knew what was going on, I was a victim only in a technical sense…a ‘victim-on-paper’ (or would’ve been if I had been stupid enough to talk to anyone about it.) But in none of those cases was I ‘scarred for life’. My parents’ divorce scarred me a lot worse…why not register them?

  • August 2, 2022

    The question to be asked is, what purpose does the 24 hour notice serve? So law enforcement will be there? Already done. So they are aware SO’s are present? An hours notice would accomplish this. The 24 hour notice is just placed there to make it difficult. They would change absolutely nothing in how they do things if it was an hours notice.

    • August 3, 2022

      Some people who may have wanted to attend may not have even known if they were available to do so until the morning of the meeting. That ’24-hour thing’ is just an effort to minimize opposition. Contrary to what the commissioners may think, some ‘registered citizens’ do have jobs and other family obligations.

    • August 3, 2022


      EVERYTHING has a reason. I use to ask my Dad questions when I was a boy and was so mad when he would answer with “Because I said so”. That is NOT an answer that is an excuse.

      In my personal opinion there could be several reasons. First like you said, probably just to make it so hard to attend many give up. But also, they may do that to give law enforcement time to run a warrant check, or to see if you are on probation or some other reason to make news and say, “We arrested a sex criminal at a local council meeting”.

      Also, there always seems to be “Special” circumstances for those on the registry. I almost always am given a hard time at the Driver’s license department, and many said they have had hassles buying a car and getting a registration for said vehicle. How is all this not punishment?
      No other ex-felons in the U.S (As far as I know) have to deal with these restrictions, that cause conflict in our and our family’s lives. Even to the point where we cannot enjoy a day at a theme park without wondering if we will be turned away at the gate. (Most of the tickets you buy in advance are NON refundable).

      Sorry for ranting, but my blood boils over thinking about commissioners, cops, and other officials who pee themselves with joy at night thinking about how they have screwed us over.


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