Some good Halloween news from Louisiana

By Sandy Rozek, a NARSOL board member, communications director for NARSOL, editor-in-chief of the Digest, and a writer for the Digest and the NARSOL website

First published at

“NARSOL is pleased to report that our efforts to end the practice of ‘No-candy” Halloween warnings signs have borne fruit in Louisiana.”

“A week before Halloween, 2023, NARSOL made the determination that three specific parishes in Louisiana were requiring everyone on the sex offender registry within their jurisdictions to post ‘No candy at this residence’ signs on their house; in their yard; or, in one of the three, on the public easement directly in front of their residences.”


6 thoughts on “Some good Halloween news from Louisiana

  • October 31, 2023

    They don’t need a sign in Hillsborough County. They will just park two cops in front of you house untill you come home. By then the entire neighborhood knows not to stop by. They call it compliance checks. But its harassment.

  • October 31, 2023

    Probation is making me place a sign on my door. It is not a part of my probation stipulations. They are also telling me I need to be in my house by 5pm today. And no lights outside while I’m home

    I live in a rural area of Leon County and I own my home and property

    • November 1, 2023

      I also had 3 probation officers fully armed enter my home this evening and search my entire house and proceeded to insult me while they were here… the sign was on the door still

      • November 1, 2023

        I’m not a lawyer and I don’t know if you want to rock the boat. If it was me, I would file a formal grievance.

      • November 1, 2023

        Get a lawyer and sue them for harassment, intimidation, invasion of privacy, and abuse of power. Get a huge settlement and then move out of the state.

      • November 2, 2023

        You may want to think about installing security cameras in your house as well. Even dummy ones tend to make LE and PO officers better behaved.


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