Some CP cases will now be lowered to a misdemeanor in Germany

Germany has recognized that there are numerous problems with their minimum sentence guidelines for some CP cases.  There are people who have received CP involuntarily such as through a WhatsApp parents’ group.  Teachers have discovered CP material on “students’ cell phones and forwarded it to alert parents.”

Germany’s cabinet is also considering young offenders who “tend to act out of inexperience, curiosity, thirst for adventure or striving to impress rather than out of sexual motives.”

Within the past year, some police in the UK have suggested that the government stop arresting people for CP because it is proving ineffective.


2 thoughts on “Some CP cases will now be lowered to a misdemeanor in Germany

  • June 2, 2024

    Yet, the USA prosecutes its citizens like me without proving any actual children were depicted. The federal courts simply allow age to be determined by federal agents and juries without proof of age ever being determined. Add to this the fact that nearly every rule of criminal procedure favors the feds, its no wonder why they have nearly 100% conviction rate.

    • June 11, 2024

      Indeed that is exactly what it says on my charge, “age of victim unknown”. How the hell can they make any valid determination of me or my “danger to society” when they can’t even tell the age of the so-called victim?!

      Furthermore, how can the state of Florida mark someone for LIFE with such evidence and such a situation? That alone should be grounds for changes if not full elimination of the registry!


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