Show support for a stand-up team that supports a registrant!

After being called out for allowing a registrant to serve as a wrestling trainer, Team Vision Dojo didn’t bow to pressure, they did the stand up thing and stood behind one of their team members. In fact, they issued the following statement:

Hello. Chasyn Rance was deemed guilty in the court of law in 2011 for actions that took place in 2008. During his time on probation, Chasyn was in therapy, not allowed to interact with minors, and had to submit to drug testing. Chasyn completed everything that was required by law and then went back to training minors again sharing full knowledge of his past with parents. Chasyn continues to be one of the best trainers in professional wrestling around and there’s no denying that. While the actions of the past look very bad, the future looks bright for all those that Chasyn continues to help. Thank you for any concerns. Everyone at Team Vision Dojo is doing great and have many big projects continuing and others in the works. If you would like to contact Chasyn regarding anything else or other false accusations that this website has promoted in the past that was debunked, feel free to contact him at:

Good for them and good for Chasyn for getting his life back on track and sticking with his dream. Nobody knows how badly it feels to be dumped on more than we do and nobody knows how much fortitude and integrity it takes to stand behind someone with this horrible label. Team Vision Dojo clearly has that.

Undoubtedly they must be getting a lot of hate right now, so if you want to send them some encouragement, you can email Chasyn at or Team Vision Dojo at

7 thoughts on “Show support for a stand-up team that supports a registrant!

  • August 26, 2022

    Here’s the message that I was moved to email to the team after reading their statement:

    I am a registrant, and I wanted to tell you all the following:
    You guys are truly a team who stand up for each other. In this world, in which we so often see such disloyalty and backbiting, that’s special! (And good)
    You guys are very excellent people!!
    (My boss believes in me the same way too, and I make sure I don’t disappoint. – He’s the best.)
    Thank you for being a voice of reason in a dark and hateful world!

  • August 26, 2022

    As someone else mentioned, a like on FB. But, also a 5-star rating on Google:

    Refrain from leaving a message. A simple 5-star or like will suffice without drawing any potentially negative attention or having the like/rating removed.

  • August 26, 2022

    This was my response to the team:

    As a convicted felon who has worked hard to be a better person and a person on the registry I wanted to give you a giant hug. Your rallying around Chasyn Rance based on who he is now and not his past mistakes is truly what it is to be human.
    I’m in no way a wrestling fan (you may have changed that) but your courage in standing up for him because of what you know and not what others want to label him as has restored my faith in humanity. The world is so divisive and spits out so much venom, but here you guys are in the face of that negativity, believing in a person based on your actual evidence and knowledge of who he has become.
    That’s all any person who seeks redemption wants and if given support after doing the hard work we can not only be good people, we can be the best people. We know what it is to be at the bottom and if we are truly repentant we will rise to the top because we acknowledge our mistakes.
    Thank you 🙏 in every way imaginable!

    Much love.

    Please sent love to these guys. This is how minds change.

    • August 26, 2022

      Super nice!

      • August 26, 2022

        Strike while the iron is hot!


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