8 thoughts on “Sexual Offenders & Trauma-Informed Care

  • April 2, 2019

    When reading most of this post it amplifies my anxiety and hopelessness. I know it’s reality, but reading it makes me sick in my stomachs and head with worry, and sadness about the future. I want to so much know what it feels like to be happy and free from my past mistakes. I am so far ahead of the justice system as far as it stands right now! My past is staying where it’s at. I have been ready to move on since my release from probation and finishing SO treatment in 2005. Then in April 2006 I was released from probation. Then the registry came into my already screwed up life that I worked hard to better my self. Like the guy said if this is how it’s going to be I don’t want it. That’s what I have been saying since 2006. I am not homeless, I have a dog that loves me, my Mom loves me. But I am not happy. I know I’m not supposed to be because of what I have done and it doesn’t matter how long it’s been according to some law makers. I have physical problems that agrivate my nervous system. I have had most of my life. I suffer constantly to try to feel ok everyday but it is a struggle. And with all the other stress it makes me sick to even hear the news about a new sex offence almost everyday. But not from a registered SO.. But a new one. I really am sick of this war that is only doing harm to humans that have been through the system, but still going through the system because of a few that did terrible things!!

    • April 3, 2019

      I don’t know what to say other than….hang in there. You got yourself on the right side of things now. Moms and dogs are for sure the best.

  • April 3, 2019

    Part of the tragedy of all this is conflating mental illness with sex offending. Further adding to the confusion is the varied culpabilities associated with these offenses.
    I believe NARSOL’s research has found that 80 to 90% of the people on sex offender registries across the nation are there for nonviolent/non-contact offenses, i.e. possession of contraband images, and most of those “minors” would not be images of little kids, but of biologically mature females between the ages of 14 and 18, any human female younger than 18 being considered to be a “child”. For the last several million years of our particular species of primate, the human male and his progenitors up until the present day have instinctively found themselves drawn to the female who exhibits all of the secondary sexual characteristics. It’s in our DNA. And the real insanity of all of this is that legislators are passing laws that contravene natural law – and which for evangelicals is called “God’s” law. And all of them are too stupid to see that!
    If there IS such a Supernatural Being, it’s probably a good bet that by now he’s considering another flood – not so much to wipe out the sinners, but the relentlessly stupid. Oh, but wait! He said he wouldn’t DO that by flood again. (That’s too bad – because for myself I would rather be drowned than burn alive the out Lori in a worldwide nuclear holocaust.)
    The remedy here of course is just to STOP BEING STUPID – to stop selecting stupid, self-serving people to our legislatures. Elect secular humanists who will have the good sense to repeal all laws dealing with the outlawry of sexual expression and consenting sexual behaviors and reducing the age of that consent to a level of sanity. The Jews “get it.” They have the message – have had it since Moses and probably before. That’s why they bat-mitzvah and bar-mitzvah their kids at the age of 13.
    The ceremony has a very telling line in it – “today you are a man.” Or “today you are a woman.” In more enlightened times, both sexes were then married off as soon as possible. And for thousands of years there has been nothing wrong with that picture.
    Winston Churchill once opined during World War II that we Americans will always do the right thing, but only after trying every wrong thing that exists.” Now that, ladies and gentlemen, is a prophecy for the ages…

    • April 3, 2019

      I wish there a way to edit all these remarks after publishing them. Sometimes it’s impossible to catch a remark that somehow landed out of place and Dragon natural speak often is unaware of what it is speaking. Most of the digital forums around have a button to edit what someone has mistakenly posted before it’s published before the world. I just hope the moderators will go through some of these postings and correct them before sending them out into the world. Or give the authors a chance to once they’ve posted and discovered their mistake to late.

      • April 3, 2019

        Moderators moderate but generally don’t edit unless it is to redact something personal or blatantly wrong.

      • April 3, 2019

        Concerned: I understand what phys ed was saying in his post. Or I think I do!. The age of consent was determined by whom? Most people know that children are getting sexually involved a lot sooner than they used too. It’s not nessarilly because they were abused from an older person! It could be because of a lot of other things learned from peer groups Cellphones have a lot of content that is sexuall in nature and looked at, at any age with a cellphone in reach! There are tv shows that have sexuall content in them, some animated shows! If the concern is for the children to grow without interference to there under developed mind then why doesn’t the lawmakers do something about those issues! As far as consent goes like phys ed was explaining about evolving from many years ago. That is kinda out of reach depending how far back you go!. Now it’s say two 12 yr old messing around getting excited and from what they picked up from somewhere they go ahead and do it. And so on, it’s happening “now”! Then on up to 16 or 17 a girl or boy has an attraction to a 25 yr old and visa versa, the girl or boy from what they have learned and are absolutely sure they know what they are doing They want that 25 yr old or even 30 + yr old.. And that young man or lady is attracted to the younger one, then “bam” they do it and sometimes that’s it. No one ever finds out!. That probably happens at least 50.000 times a month some where in this Man meets woman world LOL. But back to what the law says there is a limit a statute to go by. The same statute has been the same for a long time. That is how it is. There has to be a limit somewhere. But that limit law is being broken everyday. Hopefully not as bad as a 12 yr old with a 40 yr old but it prob. happens. Caution: these proceeds may contain sexual information that may not be suitable for anyone under the age of 18 THANK YOU…….😑

    • April 4, 2019

      Jew here. To clarify, bar mitzvah refers to the age at which one is personally accountable for following religious law. And that law includes avoidance of sexual activity prior to marriage. Which normally happens after age 18 in religious communities.

      Not to beat up on this too much, as I realize we are looking for an edit button. But I would just ask people to avoid reading too much into my religion or use it to make a point here. Furthermore, I’m pretty confident that FAC does not condone a change in legal age of consent.

      • April 8, 2019

        Jacob – they should. I think my original post made a pretty good argument for it.


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