Sex Reform Education

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Transient Sex Offender and Residence Restrictions in Florida

The purpose of this study was to better understand the phenomenon of transient sex offenders in the context of residence restriction laws in Florida. The entire population of registered sex offenders living in the community in Florida was studied (n = 23,523). Higher proportions of transient (homeless) sex offenders were found in counties with a larger number of restrictions, vast territory covered by local laws, wide-distance buffer zones, bus stop restrictions, higher population density, and expensive housing costs. Together, these factors create a perfect storm for elevated levels of sex offender transience.

Risk screening worthless with juvenile sex offenders, study finds

Juveniles tagged for preventive detention due to their supposedly higher level of sexual violence risk are no more likely to sexually reoffend than adolescents who are not so branded, a new study has found. Only about 12 percent of youths who were targeted for civil commitment as sexually violent predators (SVP’s) but then freed went on to commit a new sex offense.

NEWS RELEASE: National Experts Call for Sex Offender Law Reform

“I am sick and damn tired of politicians who won’t take a stand on controversial issues,” Senator Cisco A. McSorley, public servant of the people of New Mexico’s 16th District since 1997 and preceding that, from 1984 through 1996, as a Congressman in the New Mexico State House of Representatives, garnered a standing ovation from the podium of the 4th annual Reform Sex Offender Laws, Inc. (RSOL) National Conference, held at the Ramada Inn Conference Center in Albuquerque, September 6-9, 2012.

Recovery Health Network

6/7/11 Associated Press—”Newly released inmates and offenders on community supervision are being offered prescription drug discounts of up to 75 percent. The Department of Corrections announced Monday that it’s partnering with Recovery Health Network to provide those offenders and ex-convicts with drug discount cards as a way to help them readjust to freedom. Cards have been sent to prisons and community corrections offices across Florida. They also can be obtained through the network’s WEBSITE.

Debate Rages Over Severity of Child-porn Sentences

Their crimes are so loathsome that some hardened courtroom veterans recoil at viewing the evidence. Yet child-pornography offenders are now the focus of an intense debate within the legal community as to whether the federal sentences they face have become, in many cases, too severe. 

A Method for Careful Study: A Proposal for Reforming the Child Pornography Guidelines

By: Troy Stabenow – Assistant Federal Public Defender, Western District of Missouri

This article is not designed to serve the interests of the defense bar, and should not be read as representative of the opinion of the Federal Defender community. Although several of my proposals will likely prove popular with defense attorneys, others will not. This article simply represents one seasoned practitioner’s proposal for how less serious offenders might be better differentiated from the more pernicious and dangerous ones.

In this article, I propose both the elimination of several existing enhancements and the creation of several specific new ones. I also propose a complete overhaul of the base offense levels. If adopted, these suggestions would tend to lower sentences for generic offenders, but would also result in dependably higher sentences for those who either pose the greatest risks to society or bear the greatest moral culpability.

The Sex Offender Registry (It’s time for a discussion)

PLEASE… Read The Reform Sex Offender Laws NOW!

Educational Reading

  1. PART-I: Behind closed Doors: The Adam Walsh Act Way, now the States are following?
  2. PART-II: Behind Closed Doors: The Adam Walsh Act Way, now the States are following?
  3. PART-III: Behind Closed Doors: The Adam Walsh Act Way, now the States are following?
  4. PART-IV: Behind Closed Doors: The Adam Walsh Act Way, now the States are following?

Additonal Reading

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United States Sentencing Commission – Child Pornography Guidelines for United States Courts

The United States Sentencing Commission is asking for public comment on child pornography guidelines, please take this opportunity to contact them and review the request for public comment. Until May 2012, everyone is encouraged to include a personal stories of how these laws have impacted you and your family. Everyone is urged to have both family and friends do the same in order to see change.

How safe are Trick or Treaters

An Analysis of Child Sex Crime Rates on Halloween
States, municipalities, and parole departments have adopted policies banning known
sex offenders from Halloween activities, based on the worry that there is unusual risk on these days.

California Sex Offender Management Board

Read an update on the homelessness Among California’s Registered Sex Offenders…
…”Although the following data includes parolees, it clearly indicates a rise in homelessness among sex offenders
considerably beyond what can be accounted for by the parolee numbers.”

Out From Under The Bridge

Advocates working to curb sex offender homelessness Cars drive several feet above the registered addresses of sex offenders in Missoula every day. Of Missoula County’s 649 registered sexual and violent offenders, four are registered under bridges — two under Orange Street and two under Reserve Street. Another two live at the Super Wal-Mart. Two more live on the Kim Williams Trail. An additional 10 are registered as “transient” and don’t have addresses.

Captain’s Future With Lake Wales PD Uncertain

Pleading no contest to having sex with a teenage girl in 1985 may cost police Capt. James Lee Foy his job. Foy, 51, was placed on paid administrative leave from his $66,000-a-year job Dec.6th.

Township Mulls Repealing Sexual Predator Ordinance Following Supreme Court Decision

The Upper Dublin Board of Commissioners must decide whether or not they want to repeal a “Sexual Predator Residency Restriction” ordinance passed in April 2007, after a recent Supreme Court verdict struck down a similar ordinance in Allegheny County. As the code currently reads, any person who is registered with the state as a sexual predator cannot take up residence within 2,000 feet of any school attended by children in grades kindergarten through twelfth grade.

Child-on-Child Sex Abuse: A Vast and Complicated Problem That Defies Stereotypes

Recent high-profile cases of child sex abuse have roused national revulsion against the adults who perpetrated them. Rarely mentioned is the sobering statistic that more than one-third of the sexual abuse of America’s children is committed by other minors.

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