6 thoughts on “Sex Offenders and Public Safety: A Four-Part Series

  • August 30, 2017

    how can a new law be applied to offenders who did there time, in accordance to a agreement of sentence, and done in its entirety. All I know was I was assigned a sentence that both me and the judge set for me on a plea. Judge also said he had a hard time sentencing me but due to a law requirement I need to attend and be cleared by the staff. I spent every day of my time because therapy said they would release me. But the DOC wouldn’t let me go with out my time served.

  • August 30, 2017

    Where can we find part 3 and 4

  • August 30, 2017

    Also wanted to add this , Everyone has committed some kind of “Sex Offense” or Sex Crime” !!! So According to “LAW” , Everyone is a SEX OFFENDER, They/You just haven’t been CAUGHT/CHARGED/CONVICTED yet !!!. And just because someone has been labeled a “Sex Offender”, Doesn’t mean they have done something to a small child !!!. Sex Offender Doesn’t mean Child Molester !!!!!!!.

  • August 30, 2017

    This just proves what I’ve always said, Sex Offenders DONT REOFFEND !!!. Yes there is a 5%( honestly probably less) re offense rate, But compared to EVERY OTHER type of Crime, A sex offence is the lowest to be recommitted.. I’ve tried to figure out why the General Public and The Politicians Can’t/Don’t see this ???. Everyone complains about High Taxes, But yet they still vote in the USELESS AND ILLEGAL Laws !! If people realized how much Money it costs to run the “Sex Offender Registery” and all its by-laws and Conditions, I think the public would rethink their votes !!!. If the TRUTH was actually told to the Public instead of over INFLATED STATS, I think alot of this stuff would change !!. Yes, A sex Crime is BAD, Yes ,We ALL deserve to be punished for commiting a Sex (Or ANY other) crime. BUT, Just like the MURDERERS, Drug Dealers, Thief’s, And every other EX-Con, A Sex Offender should be able to move on with their life without all the Added PUNISHMENT . Yes I agree that a PREDATOR should be governed more !!!. And yes I believe that any Offender that RE-OFFENDS should have the “Book” thrown at them !!. But continuing to PUNISH someone just because you “THINK” they “MIGHT” re-offend is just EVIL and UN-CONSTITUTIONAL !!!!!!!. And nobody even cares until they, Or someone they care about gets charged with some kind of Sex Crime !!! But by then “IT’S TOO LATE”!!!!. And I don’t care what ANYONE says !! EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE has committed some sort/kind of SEX CRIME in their life !!! And MANY continue to commit them almost DAILY !! No I’m not saying everyone is out hurting Children, But According to the “LAW”, A ” Sex Crime” is a SEX CRIME !!. And if everyone was to see/read the List of what is considered a “Chargeable Sex Crime”, It would BLOW THEIR MINDS !!!!. Most people (married doesn’t matter) don’t know or realize that Oral, Anal Sex is ILLEGAL IN MOST STATES !! CONSENSUAL or MARRIED doesn’t matter !!. And YES you can RAPE you’re Spouse !!!!! And YES Anyone can be charged and CONVICTED (Thousands Have Been) of these crazy “Crimes” !!!. People need to WAKE UP and realize what their voting into law !! Because according to “LAW” the next Sex Offender could be “YOU” (THEM) !!!!!!


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