“Sex Offenders”: Fear vs. Fact on Halloween

Derek W. Logue continues to educate the public.

Derek says, “Media fearmongering over “Registered Sex Offenders” in the community has become an annual Halloween tradition in the same way as razor blades and poison in candy.”

Unfortunately, Floridians are living in one of only five states that have passed laws prohibiting people with a past sex offense from participating in Halloween activities.

NARSOL has sent two letters to Patch.com, first in 2017 and then again in 2020.  Patch always uses as their rebuttal to NARSOL a case that occurred back in 1973.  Yes, the case was horrible, but the perpetrator had no previous sex offense conviction and knew the victim.

As Derek concludes, “There are many examples in the U.S. justice system where fear trumps evidence-based policy.”

This is why I always refer to our legal system, not justice system.



One thought on ““Sex Offenders”: Fear vs. Fact on Halloween

  • November 3, 2021

    The real fear does not happen on Halloween. It happens every day of the year, but you would be surprised where the fear comes from. It comes from cops. Rogue cops who are on power trips. Rogue cops who beat up and taze innocent people then charge them with crimes. There was a recent incident where a deaf man was beaten and tazed because he simply walked up to the patrol car to see who it was. The cops tazed and beat him, then arrested him for resisting arrest, assault, and disobeying a stop sign. Thankfully the charges have been dropped and he is now suing.
    Things like this happen all the time, but it is rare for a cop to be disciplined for their crimes, and if they are, they are allowed to resign and get a job with another department. But the public is supposed to fear registrants on Halloween? Wake up people. I used to highly respect cops and when I was 18 I considered becoming a sheriff deputy. Thank God I didn’t. Now when I hear of one getting shot, I’m indifferent. When I see videos of suspects fighting cops, I cheer for the suspect.
    Its time for America to stop fearing the law abiding registrants who only want to live in peace, and start focusing their fear on the real problem this country has. Power tripping cops.


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