Sex offender kills himself after conviction
An Alabama man who was convicted of trying to have sex with a teenager in Marianna is dead. Authorities said he killed himself Wednesday night while awaiting his sentencing.
Prison officials said he was discovered dead in his cell around 12:30 a.m. Thursday.
Law enforcement arrested 44-year-old Jason Earl Kirkland in May of last year.
Kirkland thought he was meeting a 14-year-old girl in Marianna for a sexual encounter. But he had actually been communicating with an undercover Panama City Beach police officer on the internet.
Like Columbo use to say “Oh and there is one more thing”. If he did not meet a real underage person and never had sex, how can he be a sex offender? Doesn’t a real act have to take place? Mind blown once again.
And many of those meeting a cop (Unknowingly) and never completing and act, get more time in prison than someone who actually had sex with someone for real.
I think this was due to the federal nature of the offense, crossing state lines. Apparently they have ample bed space and money to warehouse their citizens.
“The U.S. Department of Justice said Kirkland was facing a minimum of ten years or a maximum life sentence in prison.”
That’s insane: a potential life sentence for “attempting” to meet a teen for sex??? That is insane!
Meanwhile, many “johns” ARE having sex with teen prostitutes and, if arrested, they usually receive misdemeanor charges if not just warnings. So WTF!!??
AND …. if the public is so horrified by a guy attempting to have sex with a teen, then WHY AREN’T THERE MORE PREVENTION Programs available!?? The annual cost per U.S. inmate is $33,274 (ranging from $14,780 in Alabama to $69,355 in New York.) Assuming he had received a life sentence (74 years, let’s say – 44 years old) 30 years x $33k = more than $1,000,000. That’s $1,000,000 that could have gone to PREVENTION!! 😡
Speaking only for myself, I have been on that precipice. I can only say that suicide is not the way. It takes a lot of courage to keep moving forward. One day at a time.
Not unusual there are many who kill themselves after learning their fate of being on the registry, usually its law enforcement that get caught and do it because they know from dealing with it every day what it means.
Sad to lose a life but that’s what the harsh punishment and public ridicule pushes people towards
Sad Sad Sad
The police officer should be arrested for soliciting sex. What must it feel like to go home after a ‘hard day’ of playing like a teenage girl! He/she must really be proud.
I wonder more about the conscience of those in law enforcement who were personally involved in entrapping these people, knowing that their actions deliberately contributed to someone’s death.
One day, it’s going to be one of their sons and they will know how it feels to be on the other side. It’s inevitable.
The conscience of law enforcement says, ‘this predator brought this on himself.’
To Anonymous
As former law enforcement I can tell you by experience, some of those officers celebrated that man’s death. There were a few guys that I remember who were like me and had compassion for everyone, but we were the few. That cop did not lose a night’s sleep over that.
Then again, I cannot speak for that officer, that would not be fair to them. So, I am giving him (Assuming the cop was a him) the benefit of the doubt that the dead man did not get.
That is why I wonder about their conscience. They sound more like sociopaths to me.
Capt Charles..Well seems Florida will have to end much or all of this madness. Talk about the movie ” A few good men” … guess Greeks still seek after wisdom or get railroaded in much of this registry hoopla. Guess many police and law enforcement are guilty of this type of truth or consequences in this blind justice. I should write that on Janice forum an I’m in VA and yes even UVA has its share of problems.