Senator Westerfield on Criminal Justice Reform: Solution Lies in “Data and Not the Emotions”

Kentucky Senator Westerfield says that lawmakers “need to rely on data to form big-picture policy decisions instead of forming policy based on knee-jerk reactions.”  He pointed out that we cannot keep making these same knee-jerk decisions that have made us the country with the highest incarceration rate in the world.  These bad decisions have cost our society a lot of time and money being spent on detention rather than what works.

Senator Westerfield says that making sure that released inmates have a job is the biggest thing society can do to reduce recidivism.  Yes, that is why it is so important that registrants be able to have decent-paying jobs without the threat of harassment.

SOURCE: Senator Westerfield on Criminal Justice Reform: Solution Lies In “Data and Not the Emotions” – The Bottom Line (


6 thoughts on “Senator Westerfield on Criminal Justice Reform: Solution Lies in “Data and Not the Emotions”

  • October 28, 2021

    I think most lawmakers know this, but they also have to campaign for re-election.

    Let’s keep educating the electorate!

  • October 28, 2021

    And I’m sure if he was asked about sex offenders he would say not for them. This country is so hyped up on sex offenders they don’t care about actual facts. I’ve lost 3 Job offers after notifying I’m on the registry. I have a bachelor’s in computer science with 7 years exp in the field the offers were in. They all wanted to hire me until my misdemeanor sex offense that has me in the registry came to light. Registry status trumps all logic in this country.

    • October 28, 2021

      Sounds like a good reason to freelance. Start your own business. Also, many employers don’t know this, but they can get free insurance from the government for hiring a felon. It’s basically insurance that you won’t commit a crime against them or a client. It’s through Traveler’s insurance. You also have a little more freedom if you’re a corporation because the corporation is a person and that person has never had a charge. Just keep up with your taxes and make your annual corporate payment on time. I was VP of an S type corp for 15 years and that gave me reasons for travel and having time away during house arrest, etc. Company can’t run itself, and they can’t strip you of your livelihood.

  • October 28, 2021

    Thing is, you can’t fight fear, ignorance and hate with facts. The general public will always chose feelings over facts. The disgust and repulsive nature of the label prevents their brains from acquiescing. Society has been brainwashed for 3 decades on this subject.

    • October 28, 2021

      Society has been has been brainwashed on this and most other subjects since the beginning of Society.


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