Sen. Book’s new Bill redefines CP among other things
Even a blind person could see this one coming…
One month after a Plantation, Florida man was arrested for trying to extort Senator Lauren Book by threatening to post nude pictures and videos of her that were illegally obtained if she did not pay him, the Senator introduced a bill to make the offense subject to harsher criminal and even civil penalties. SB 1798 was introduced by Senator Book this week. The bill creates Florida Statute 784.0491, which would be titled “Unlawful dissemination of sexually explicit material depicting an individual.”
Included in the bill is a redefinition of the term “Child Pornography” to include digitized depiction of minors. For example, an image that is not an actual child, but a digitally created image. The bill also redefines “Sexually explicit image” to mean any image depicting nudity. Â
The general concept of this Bill is something we can get behind. Someone should not illegally obtain images of another person and then try to sell or distribute them without the person’s consent. The only concern could be a broad interpretation of the redefined terms. For example, we can foresee a “but officer, the cartoon looked 18” situation or one where parents exchange bathtime pictures of their children and, according to the letter of the law, they have distributed CP.
The catalyst for this bill is still playing out in the courts, as the defendant is facing charges in Broward County. It is unclear how the nude photos and videos of Lauren Book that were intended for her close friend were intercepted by the individual.
A copy of the bill can be seen here:
If someone wants to harass your daughter by generating a realistic depiction of her nude body parts and distributing those images around campus…without this bill, there are few if any legal repercussions to them doing so, right?
What if your kids are the ones that did it. How long should they have to register for it. Would that make it even? I’m sure the parents, school, and attorneys and victim would much rather have their rights than having to report a crime. More law is not the answer parenting may be but some of this shit on the books is arbitrary.
I don’t believe everything should be handled through the justice system when it comes to teens. Parents should have that job not a judge unless it’s really horrific.
Cartoons are not included. Where do you see that?
Nor are bath photos, other than those distributed “maliciously.” Right?
Before we take a position on this bill, can we read it more carefully?
If I am wrong, then I am more than happy to label it the Bath Photo Criminalization Act (or Florida Bath Photo Law) in correspondence with my representatives.
Time for a FOIA so we can see these pics and deside for ourselfs if she herself is gulity of transmitting nude pics and videos. to her supposed friend
No amount of money could make me view Lauren Book’s topless or nude photos. More than likely it’s like seeing Barbie nude and I saw that when I was a kid.
When I was growing up, there was a very popular book for tweens titled “What’s Happening to Me?”
It included drawings of unclothed human bodies from babies to adult ,(including their genitalia) showing the changes that happen during puberty. This bill would make that book “child pornography”.
Parts of that bill would be unconstitutional under the US supreme Court. I don’t remember the case off the top of my head but I’m going to find it. In the case you were a supreme Court found that explicit images that were not of real children, I. E. Drawings are animation, are not considered child pornography.
I guess someone should point out to him that The law may be unconstitutional from the get-go.
I was in a dark place this past weekend and so I watched a few movies starring Robin Williams. He is one of my favorite comedians. The first was The World According to Garp. The second was Good Morning Vietnam. I have not seen these movies for decades and was feeling a bit nostalgic so I watched them again. I had forgotten the beginning scene of Garp that shows naked babies floating through the air. A scene in GMV shows some young boys playing naked in water in a public street. I did not seek out these scenes in some perverted way. I just wanted to watch one of my favorite actors who brought a lot of joy to my life in the hope of bringing me out of a very dark place. Many of our legislators and LE would ban these types of movies. And I have personally met men in federal prison who sent pics of their naked children in the bathtub to friends via Facebook or email. They were busted for possession and distribution of CP because of people in power like Senator Book. I’m in a darker place now that I was on Saturday. I really don’t want to live like this any longer.
I know this is easier said than done buy Hang in there. Between combat related PTSD, all these rules and regulations, and registry etc. I know those very dark places very well. Call a supportive friend or family member. Try to get out of the house. Rake some leaves while listening to your favorite upbeat music. If you have any local bike trails near your home, take a walk or bike ride. Do anything to get you out your head even if it’s just for a few minutes.
Don’t give up. Call someone, take a walk, listen to music, whatever helps you cope. Find a therapist. You are not alone. Courage is being able to move forward in spite of everything. Look at the positive in your life. List the things that are grateful for. 🙏