Semen-sniffing dog used by British cops to help bust sex offenders

A semen-sniffing dog is working in the sex crime unit of a police department in England to help catch creeps and perverts, cops announced this week.

The 1-year-old yellow Labrador, April, was trained to detect even tiny amounts of seminal fluid at crime scenes — and is better than traditional kits at extracting DNA, according to the Cheshire Police Department in England.


18 thoughts on “Semen-sniffing dog used by British cops to help bust sex offenders

  • October 24, 2022

    So…the most unreliable method for finding things is now used for finding…semen? Oye.

  • October 24, 2022

    Great, maybe now they can concentrate on using actual fact to find criminals , instead of using hearsay and opinions in framing innocent people. Or manufacturing criminals by using stings setting up fictitious people on web sights to lure curious individuals that make poor decisions and create non existent crimes in order to frame someone with.
    They didn’t say anything about it working yet. Best of wishes to them.

  • October 24, 2022

    “April [the dog] will also be used to sniff-out semen in the nearby North Wales Police Dog Unit.”.
    Ummm, why? 🤔 Do they have a semen problem at North Wales P.D. ?? 🤨

  • October 24, 2022

    Imagine being the guy who trains these dogs. Then imagine having to explain what you do for a living at the church social.

    • October 25, 2022

      Yes , and note you don’t really know who is a sex offender. It might be someone you know and trust like a police officer or teacher or even the author of this article Erik Avanier.

    • October 25, 2022

      I sent an email to the author. Some, ok most, of the information was another case of misinformation and fearmongering by law enforcement. I got especially irate over the probation officer saying that registrants cut their ankle bracelet off and abscond all the time.
      Besides insinuating that probation cannot adequately
      track those on probation, if the statistics are correct, only a thousand registrants are listed as absconded.

  • October 25, 2022

    Well Folks…soon you will read this:. ” New technology created a humanoid capable of sniffing microscopic amount of semen at the atomic level which will detail who’s semen belong to and were the individual is located and such a humanoid will be aided by an unmanned drone capable of tracking, finding and effectively arresting the sex offender”….or a humanoid like “The Terminator” will come to knock on our doors with a very Arnie voice ” Are you a sex offendaa”?….and ya”ll know what would happen next.

  • October 25, 2022

    Other than growl at someone to intimidate, what exactly can this dog do that a UV light cannot?

    Not sure who is dumber – the person who came up with this idea or the public that believes it.

    • October 25, 2022

      It’s the new fad in LE. There will be a dog for just about anything before you know it. Once it’s accepted, then it can be used to justify searches I’m sure. A dog alerting on a car becomes a probable cause for a search. It’s like the divination rod of old, and the dog handler apparently is the only one who can tell when the dog is alerting or not.

      I bet if you take video of a dog supposedly alerting and one where they aren’t and show them to a hundred people, hey perhaps even a hundred other LE dog handlers, I bet you’d get a hundred different responses on what an alert constitutes. That’s because it’s probably whatever you need it to be to justify your actions in any particular situation.

      Look, if this is a real thing, then it should be subject to the same level of scrutiny we give to other investigative and evidence producing procedures, where we expect a high degree of scientific certainty in order to be a legitimate LE tool. How much transparency is there concerning the use of dogs in this way? Is it any better than other failed analysis tools like hair analysis that is now coming under calls to be considered junk science?

  • October 25, 2022

    Not too many years ago Homosexuality was Illegal in Great Britian.

  • October 25, 2022

    How does the dog differentiate between human semen and semen from other animals? Or from the handler, assuming the dog’s handler has semen? Can’t wait for the defense lawyers to get involved in these cases!

  • October 25, 2022

    When I was arrested, the state also tried to charge me for 10 random pictures from the Internet out of several hundred that were deleted, but traces were still on my computer. Five of them were unlawful but there were questions of whether I intentionally possessed them, and whether the police had a right to take my computer and search it. Apparently the other five pictures were of females that looked like teenagers. FDLE said that they had a physician who was an expert witness that they would have testify. His apparent expertise? Being able to look at naked pictures of young women, and tell how old they are. I think my attorney asked if he was going to guess their weight while he was at it? State Attorney said thanks but no thanks and immediately flushed those 5 charges. This sounds kind of like the same type of “science.”

  • October 25, 2022

    The whole problem is not the dogs, it’s the LE. They absolutely cannot be trusted. They will do anything to get a conviction. Doing it illegally means nothing to them . Convicting an innocent person means nothing. Either way they get another feather in there hat.
    Right now in Kansas City Kansas the last 2 weeks on local news a private investigator is getting charges against him for wrongly convicting 2 men 25 yrs ago , there still in prison hopping to be cleared. It wouldn’t even have gotten to this point except that he also black mailed others for sex threatening to also charge them if they didn’t comply . It’s just now all coming out in the open. Who knows what else has been going on, in the name of investigation’s and law enforcement, and getting praise for solving all these murders and other crimes.

    • October 26, 2022

      DavidM, you wrote: “a private investigator is getting charges against him for wrongly convicting 2 men 25 yrs ago”

      What does a private investigation have to do with LE?

      • October 26, 2022

        Yeah I stated that wrong. The charges were for the sexual and abuse of power assault. His name is Roger Golubski. He was a Police detective. Google it to get all the details.

  • October 26, 2022

    So can the dog tell who when or where the semen was originally deposited does the dog have the ability to run a DNA profile with his nose even better can the dog give testimony in court and yes I’m being facetious


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