Scams Persist – now hitting the Northeast

From a member in New York:

I am an SO on the Registry in NYS. I recently received a scam call from someone claiming to be from my local sheriff’s office (with a heavy southern accent).

Fortunately, I was aware of such scams (I think from one of your emails) and did not bite. I was polite to the person (just in case!), mentioned that I was aware of scams, got his info (including “badge number”) and told him I would call him back at a number that I knew belonged to the local sheriff.

When I called the sheriff, they said that they had gotten several calls about “Lt. Sellers” and that he did not exist.

I just wanted to let you know that these scammers are active and, I think, currently “working” the Northeast SO Registry lists so that you could, perhaps, send out an email to remind everyone. Just trying to spread the word so no one gets screwed.

Thanks for all you do!

9 thoughts on “Scams Persist – now hitting the Northeast

  • November 21, 2022

    I got a call recently. I just told the guy that they had the wrong number, he kept persisting, and I just kept saying, I just got this number last week so I don’t know who that person is.

  • November 21, 2022

    On Saturday, I received a letter from the PA State Police advising me of such scam calls. I thought that it was nice of them to notify registrants of this. Fortunately, I received such a call several years ago, so am well aware of them.

  • November 21, 2022

    #1 Please do not call yourself a SO unless you feel you are still sex offending. We prefer registered person

    #2 The best thing to do on these calls is tell the person you are hanging up and calling into the Sheriff’s office yourself to verify.

  • November 21, 2022

    With all the crooked cops in FL, I wouldn’t be surprised if this perpetrator turns out to be LE associated with one of the more notorious departments in that state. The things they convincingly know about the process suggests an insider.

  • November 21, 2022

    One tip-off is when the caller claims to be with the ‘Duval County Sheriff’s Office,’ but you’re in Clay.

  • November 21, 2022

    I sure will. I will scan it and send. Been a busy day, but will send as soon as I can

  • November 21, 2022

    My registered family member got two scammer calls about a week apart, same script, same con, different men’s voices, and I can’t believe we fell for it the 1st call until the scammer asked for gift cards. The thieves prey on the fear, anxiety and mistrust registered persons & their families have for law enforcement and the registry process. I wish all states had such a strong advocacy group, but most don’t. Thank God for FAC!

    • November 22, 2022


      As former law enforcement myself, we almost never let someone know they had a warrant. As a last resort, if all efforts failed, then we might call them to urge them to turn themselves in. And things might have changed but we never, ever asked for any money and if there was money owed, that would be a bond which was paid either to a bondsman, a percentage , or paid directly to the jail, which requires the full amount.


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