From a Member: I just wanted to inform you of a scam that I nearly fell for. I received a call from a “deputy” at my Sheriff’s Office telling me that I was supposed to be at the office yesterday to do a DNA swab. He said that I should have got a letter from the Court about this. I told him that I never received such a letter. He told me that there was an arrest warrant out for me, but I could avoid it by posting a “personal bond”. He explained to me and said that I cannot bring cash (they don’t accept it) and that I need to bring it to a store and buy something like a gift card. Of course I’m nervous because I never had a violation in the 20 plus years that I’ve been on the SOR. He said that he would stay on the line with me while I go to the bank, then he’d tell me what to do next. I got in my car and got about halfway down my street when I got this feeling it was a scam. I told him that this didn’t feel right and that I was going to call the Sherrif’s Office and ask if there’s a warrant out for my arrest. When I said that, he hung up. It seems like I had read something about this on FAC. I’m glad that my spidey senses kicked in and didn’t fall for it.


11 thoughts on “SCAMS CONTINUE

  • August 29, 2022

    Anytime this happens, you should post their phone number on here and let the rest of us call and harass them. 😜

    • August 29, 2022


      I have a feeling that these scammers can spoof law enforcement, businesses, and individuals.

      I’m very dubious of most phone calls but maintain civility, just in case it is a non-scammer. Heck, even old telemarketers are more welcome than scammers. xD

      • August 30, 2022

        This scam happened to my son in another state. His dad and I even got in the car to head to the police station. When the scammer asked if he was alone, he was told to drop us off because he ‘had to turn himself in alone’. He pretended to drop us off (scammer insists on staying on the phone) and then he was told to meet at another location after picking up gift cards. At that point, he realized it was a scam. The scammers are using internet numbers that don’t trace to a location, they sound ‘real
        ‘ at first, want their victims alone and panic if their victim says he or she is going to the police station. They also try to keep their victim on the phone. With over a million on the registry, their full time jobs are to scam and steal from those already feeling crushed and stomped on. As to catching them? Police told my son the scammers get an intermediary to meet the victim for the gift cards, hence those anonymous ads we see offering jobs. No one is trying to catch them so it’s victim beware. And the scammer now knows the victims phone number is legit

  • August 29, 2022

    I basically got this call about 3 months ago. It didn’t get to the point of as it did with the OP and I think that was because I didnt answer the call, I sent it to vm. Once I heard the VM my stress and anxiety went through the roof. Because of this website I had remember an article about scams, so when I did return the call my stress and anxiety wasnt so high.

    If anyone asks for gift cards or crypto currency, its 100% a scam.
    The police will not call you, they will come and get you.

  • August 29, 2022

    That is exactly what happened to me to me except they must have had a locator on my phone because he got nervous and ask were are you going ? I told him to the police station to ask if it was true. He hung up. I turned in the number to the police and made a report but don’t think it did any good.
    There still at it so they must still be making money.

  • August 29, 2022

    The very second that
    1. A deputy demands money from you (except the one behind the glass at the county jail)
    2. You hear the words “gift card”
    3. They “tip you off” that there’s a warrant

    Hang up, and call the real sheriff.

  • August 29, 2022

    I had the same scammer call me about 2 weeks ago. He had a slight Southern accent. Though I was a nervous wreck, I was also certain that it was a scam call. I told him I could get the surety bond through my insurance agent, at which point he said I couldn’t do it that way. So I took a leap of faith, and told him to go ahead and send the police over to my house. He asked if I understood that I could be locked up for days until the issue was resolved. I told him I really didn’t care anymore. So he said to leave my front door open until they arrive. I said “sure. No problem.” I then told him I’m hanging up so I can put on some shoes. I hung up, then called FDLE. They told me that it was a scam. If I had not followed FAC’s instructions from previous emails over the years, I would have probably gotten scammed. Thanks FAC!

  • August 29, 2022

    This is what everyone should do.
    Agree to meet with this person, but first find out EXACTLY what they will be wearing and EXACTLY where they will be EXACTLY at what time so there is no mistaking them.
    Contact the police or a sheriff and explain to them that someone is impersonating as an officer to scam you out of money and you know EXACTLY where they will be and how they will be dressed and at what time.
    Have the police or sheriff come in a minute or two after you enter the building and POW!! They get caught!
    Sounds kind of like a familiar tactic doesn’t it?

  • August 29, 2022


    The guy who called me had a very southern accent. He wanted to wait on the phone while I drove to the sheriffs office where he said I would be arrested. By this time I knew it was a scam so I said no and I was going back to work because if I was going to get arrested then I was going to need money for bail etc.. He ended up hanging up on me. I called back a few minutes later and gave my name again and was hung up for the second time..

  • August 30, 2022

    If I don’t recognize a number calling me I answer as a business like thank you for calling ( enter a name ) how can I help you ? They usually just hang up if they ask for me by name I say who is this ? You have called (buisness name) how can i help you ? it’s funny how many times they have got confused and start to give a name realize it and hang up !


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