We are going to keep putting these notices out there, because people continue to write in that they are victimized. The FDLE is doing NOTHING to warn persons forced to register that these scams are going on. Other states are at least putting out notices.

Sex Offenders Targeted In New Scam In Pennsylvania: State Police 

Here’s a transcript of a message shared by one of our members. This message was left on the registrant’s MOTHER’s telephone number.

This is a transcript of the call.
Voicemail from (772) 842-3204
29 secs
Aug 28, 2021
Yes hello this is Detective Adams St. Lucie County sheriffs office here. This message is for Mr. XXXXXXX. Mr. XXXXXX. I suggest you give me a call back ASAP sir. I just need to discuss some final legal matters pertaining to your registry. However you can reach me on my direct line here is 772-842-3204 that’s extension 2. Once again the number is 772-842-3204 that’s extension 2 and I’m Detective Adams.

If you are an attempted victim CALL YOUR LOCAL POLICE AND INSIST ON FILING A POLICE REPORT. If they tell you they don’t want to write up the report INSIST ON IT! The only way law enforcement will care about this scam is if it becomes a hassle for them also.


12 thoughts on “SCAMMING CONTINUES

  • August 30, 2021

    If the registry isn’t punishment than why hasn’t anything been done to stop these scams. These scams against anyone else would be considered fraud and throughly investigated. We can’t live where we want, we can’t work where we want or pursue our dreams, we have to disclose our government status to potential suitors, people who may support us may not disclose their support do associations to you, and if a crime happens all you hear is the wind blowing.

    I got a similar call last week from a detective in Florida even though I don’t live there anymore. Let me tell you that agitated me beyond belief no wonder I was upset.

    No matter our experiences on the registry, my hope is we use our unity to abolish it even if our opinions and experiences differ. Your experiences might be similar to others that may not be comfortable posting it on a forum. We should embrace discussions even the cool, lukewarm, sensitive, and heated ones.

  • August 30, 2021

    I’ve had a couple calls over the years like that. The last one the guy told me to call him back and the number he gave me was my cell number. I think he messed up his script. I’ve been in the department of corrections system for 26 years and I know they don’t just call you trying to threaten you with a warrant. They will just come and pick you up. I do like the idea of telling them to meet them at the sheriff office. It’s kind of like calling their bluff

  • August 30, 2021

    I have gotten this type of call myself. I asked them to please meet me at the sherrifs office to reslove this immediately. Supriseingly They weren’t interested. Easy way to stop this.

  • August 29, 2021

    Wow, that is impressive with Duval County. I had someone attempt to scam me by calling my parents “attempting to get a hold of me” though they lived out of state and I was in Orange County. After freaking out and crying a bit, I called the Detective who handled my “house checks” and such. He informed me it was a scam and even went so far as to come to my house in efforts to set up a reverse scam. I called the “detective” back to try to get info… I’ll doubt it goes anywhere; but at least he took the time to help and showed that he cared.

  • August 29, 2021

    I disagree about FDLE doing nothing to notify to warn persons about scamming. In Duval county anyway, in the waiting room there is a big TV displaying various notices about scams. I actually took a picture of it.

    • August 30, 2021

      That is Duval County Sheriffs Office.
      The FDLE has the phones, emails and postal addresses of everyone on the registry. How many letters have you received from them warning you about the scam?

      • August 31, 2021


  • August 29, 2021

    I got one of those calls once. I told them guy “You know where I live, come and get me, I will be waiting”. In Florida you can go to the FDLE (Florida Department of Law Enforcement) website for free and search your name for warrants.

    Years later I still have a can of beer waiting for that guy who wanted to come arrest me. Guess he was not really that thirsty.


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