SC: Proposed ordinance banned registrants from owning certain businesses.

Not only would the registrants be banned from owning certain businesses, but owners and employees would need to be background checked.

19 thoughts on “SC: Proposed ordinance banned registrants from owning certain businesses.

  • March 8, 2022

    Usually this sort of employment ban is done at the state level. For example, I believe sex offenders can’t own or operate day cares. For some reason, registrants can’t be contractors either. Never could figure that one out.

    • March 8, 2022

      Actually I personally know RCs who are contractors. Unless you mean a specific type of contractor.

  • March 8, 2022

    They cannot ban too many because unless you are still offending, you are technically not a sex offender.

    • March 9, 2022


      Let’s Take This a Step Further, Every Document That ‘A Person Forced to Register’ is Forced to Sign, Usually has the term, ‘Sex Offender…….’-Typed on the top of the Document…….
      …That Being Said, This is Libel, Because, That Infers That The Person Signing the Document is Still Sex Offending, which is not the case, AT ALL, well, probably 99.9% of the time!

      Also, When a LEO calls ‘A Person Forced to Register’, A ‘Sex Offender’, that is Slander, Because That Infers that this Person is Sex Offending!

      So, Once Again, The Terms Used Here and By Others in Other Instances are Incorrect!

      So, A Universal Term Should be Used:

      I guess Civil Lawsuits will have to be filed in order for this to change the Psyches and then of course Federal and State Legislation to change the Terminology….

      For Example, Does FAC Call Itself, ‘Florida Sex Offender Action Committee’…Hell NO!


      • March 9, 2022


        And you left out those that are listed as predators. When I go to register, I do not see sex offenders and sexual predators. I just see a bunch of men enslaved to a system that is broken beyond repair.

        No other group of ex offenders in the U.S.A have to endure this burden well past end of sentence. Any many if not all, in Florida are on for life. According to law makers, our past will forever define and label us.

        Having said that, to make things fair, someone who in 1975 stole something must wear a shirt stating they are a shoplifter so when they got in a store people will know they cannot be trusted.

        Someone who had a DUI in 1990 must put a sticker on their car stating “I am a drunk”.

        Someone who overcharged someone for a service in 2005 must carry a sign around stating ” I am shyster”.

        Seems crazy right? But we have the scarlet letter forever so what is the difference. Are we the only ones who are not allowed to make a mistake and recover from it? Would it not seem more fair to at least give us even ONE chance to prove them wrong? People like me who for past 31 years have not even gotten a ticket probably are not going to jump out of the bushes and flash someone.

        • March 9, 2022

          CherokeeJ…Most of the Time the Term is Used Interchangeably…Look at How the World at Hand Reports on People Like This….They Use Both Those Nasty Terms…

          Yes I forgot to add the one with the ‘P’-Word!

          I should have included that…My Apologies!

    • March 9, 2022

      Cherokee, you make a great point. I do not identify as a sex offender. The state of Florida designated me a sex offender and I register as one under threat of imprisonment if I don’t. That’s compulsion and state regulated speech. I tell the staff at the window every time I am forced to register that I do not identify as a sex offender (not that it matters to them but it makes me feel better about myself).

      • March 9, 2022

        Just Sayin

        I have just normal conversations with them like

        No new addresses
        No new marks or scars
        No I have not re-offended
        No new or rented cars
        No New email address
        No social media
        No new wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, friends, no dates, roomates.
        No arrests
        No passports

        etc etc etc

        Yeah really normal, everyone in the U.S has to do this right?

  • March 8, 2022

    When has a registrant ever ‘drug a kid into an ice cream truck,’ as the citizen so eloquently puts it?

    He should be more concerned with his kids’ relationship to their coach, pastor, uncle.

    But, yeah, if the county wants to narrowly tailor a law against operating an ice cream truck if you have a certain background, sure I guess.

    • March 8, 2022


      That is the same situation basically on the Halloween scare tactics. We are all hiding in the bushes on Halloween waiting to pounce and drag them kicking and screaming into our houses. What is even more laughable, is even registered persons who have a victim who was an adult are still labeled child molesters because that is what they think everyone on the registry is.

      And each new law gets applied basically with a broad brush without concern about one person watch some porn once that had a 17 year old in it and another person maybe flashed a women in a park. Of course both of those lead right to the candy trail at Halloween right? Jason, Freddy and Michael Myers would be pleased.

  • March 8, 2022

    This could be OK if narrowly tailored. No operating an ice cream truck if you’ve committed a felony against minor(s)? Ok. But i’ll bet it defines ‘child-oriented,’ ‘ownership,’ and ‘offender more broadly than that.

  • March 8, 2022

    Hmmm, it appears to me that the father who spoke about a hypothetical incident was already thinking the unthinkable…. thereby proving by thinking it that it was, in fact, thinkable. 🤔

    • March 9, 2022

      A person thinking and talking about something is the one who is going to do it. Probably already has.

      • March 9, 2022


        Don’t talk about Reps. Chris Smith, Matt Gaetz, and others like that? They probably do more shady things in a term than the average person does in a lifetime.

  • March 8, 2022

    So the new fear mongering is that your child is going to be dragged into an ice cream truck, eh? Good job! Now keep in mind all the types of sex offenses they mentioned but which one was focused on.
    That means if you’ve been a prostitute or hired the services of a prostitute, you’re a danger to the very society that is “sExUaLlY LiBeRaTeD”. Can’t make this up.


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