SC: Proposed ordinance banned registrants from owning certain businesses.

Not only would the registrants be banned from owning certain businesses, but owners and employees would need to be background checked.

19 thoughts on “SC: Proposed ordinance banned registrants from owning certain businesses.

  • March 10, 2022

    What’s next banning someone from selling hot dogs/ wieners, brats, and sausages on a corner? God forbid someone makes a living selling hot dogs and other food? Never heard of a kid being kidnapped while waiting for their hot dog. Worse case scenarios belong in Hollywood, not in laws.

  • March 9, 2022

    I presume the person owning the ice cream truck is not involved in any wrongdoing. In any event, since his business is mobile, I would advise him to take his business to another county. Problem solved. Pro tip, it’s best to keep his truck on friendly property.

  • March 8, 2022

    Google ‘forced into ice cream truck.’ Apparently, it’s never happened.

    • March 9, 2022


      When I was a kid, my Grand father came out with me to buy an ice cream from the ice cream truck. This was about 1971. He gave me a quarter and I just looked at him. Even then the ice cream on the truck was like $1.25.

      Jumping forward, I was put in that same predicament. I took my grandson to the truck recently for an ice cream bar and it was $4.25 for one stinking ice cream bar LOL


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