SC: Deputy charged with taking money from registrants.

A former Clarendon County, South Carolina deputy has been arrested for taking money from registrants.

According to this news report, Sabrina Mellerson is accused of taking money from sex offender registrants. Apparently Sheriff’s Offices in South Carolina are allowed to collect a yearly fee from registrants. Mellerson, decided that she, personally, is allowed to collect the fee from people she was registering.

18 thoughts on “SC: Deputy charged with taking money from registrants.

  • April 15, 2022

    How long and how much punishment is enough. The price was paid to society by incarceration. But no matter how long the sentence was it’s still a life sentence with the registration, and restrictions.

  • April 14, 2022

    I noticed that Johnny Depp’s ex wife made a huge donation to the ACLU from proceeds of the divorce settlement. Has anyone heard anything about what her standing is on matters. Or why she picked the ACLU.

  • April 12, 2022

    Just for kicks I clicked on the link to the story…although I already knew what I would see and yes, I was right.

  • April 12, 2022

    I am no longer on probation and law enforcement can waste all the time it wants monitoring me, but they won’t get a penny more from me. Some of the LEO’s may even get a good education by monitoring me.

  • April 12, 2022

    No surprise here. When the highest court in the land decreed open season on a section of the population , why be surprised when some of your representatives take it upon themselves to grab a chunk of the free pie.

    • April 12, 2022

      You know it and I have ZERO respect for the “supreme” court. When they take a few cases a year and can’t even take the time to use actual data when deciding others fates they have lost ALL credibility in my eyes.

      So we are now victimized by strangers taking advantage of this UN-American hit list as well as law enforcement. Seems like this is all about money and has nothing to do with public safety…but we already know that.

  • April 12, 2022

    I am surprised by the suggestion that there is no stated policy on where and when the fees are collected. I am suspicious enough to believe that this Leo isn’t the only one who has been doing this. I’d like to see how you get around non payment of the fee. Before I go off on a rant here, I don’t see how this and pay to stay systems aren’t egregious forms of punishment.


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