SB 512: Vacation Rentals – Introduced this legislative session

It’s that time of year again. The time when new bills start being introduced this legislative session. One of the first to come up on our radar is SB 512, which is a resurfacing of a failed bill from last year, the crux of it’s impact on our population would be that it would require a “Vacation Rental” to be registered as a Temporary Residence, but then defines that vacation rental as a place where a person “lodges for 24 hours or more”!

There was once a time when you can take a 14 day vacation and not have to register. Then it became 5 days. Then it became 3, and now, if this bill passes, we’re down to 24 hours.

We’ve seen similar vacation rental bills come and fail over the past few years, so we hope this one will see the same fate, still, while it’s hanging out there it’s a concern.

This bill was introduced a couple days ago and can be tracked here:

Thanks to Jerry from our Legislative Committee for being our eyes and ears.

53 thoughts on “SB 512: Vacation Rentals – Introduced this legislative session

  • October 17, 2021

    Legislators are idiots. They have no concern for the population of Floriduh or America. If they did, they’d never consider supporting the Oppression Lists any longer. They’ve done nothing but harm America.

    I do find it hilarious how desperate they are to keep trying to pass “sex offender” harassment “laws”. Each one gets ever more useless and counterproductive. They are pathetic.

    I spent this entire weekend hanging out with random families and children that had no idea that I’m a PFR. That is not ever going to change, no matter how many dumb “laws” the criminals pass.

    The answer is to wage war on the criminal regimes. Work to keep them dysfunctional.

    • October 18, 2021

      I did the same thing Will. I was at a local park all morning and most of the afternoon on Saturday flying my model planes. I had tons of kids come over to me saying how cool they were and asking questions. No one had a clue I am on the hit list,. Even a local cop who was patrolling stopped for a while to watch.
      Yep…we’re such a danger to society.

      • October 18, 2021

        Oh no. There’s another “sex offender” loophole that needs to be closed!! You used something that attracted children. Why isn’t that illegal?!

        The fact is that all PFRs that I know are around children all the time. The Oppression Lists are a PR stunt designed to make Karens feel more capable of gossiping and harassing. No one with any sense wastes any time with the Lists.

  • October 17, 2021

    Is there anything in particular that members ought to be doing right now to keep this bill from getting momentum? Any particular call to action at this time?

  • October 17, 2021

    Grateful for our Legislative Committee.

  • October 17, 2021

    I do not understand something. If, when you are sentenced for your crime, and told you have to register, then the terms of your registration, should be the terms until, if and when you are taken off the registry. By the government changing the terms of registration isn’t that increasing your punishment.
    I thought that they cannot retroactively increase your punishment.

    • October 17, 2021


      That is easy. We call it punishment, but numerous judges have ruled NONE of the registry requirements are punishment. A few random judges have but scattered here and there around the country. Also those rulings are usually only applied to THAT one person who challenged the punishment that is not punishment.

      Do you have a headache yet? Because I sure do along with stomach issues. And not because of covid but due to Governments, lawyers, judges, legislatures who keep dumping piles of dog doo on our pleas for relief and doggone justice for God sake.

      • October 17, 2021

        Let me try to restate this. The registration, when we were sentenced should not change. By legislators changing the registry now, they are retroactively changing our sentences… And I thought they were not allowed to do that.

        • October 18, 2021

          Believe me, we are all tired. But you are not quite correct. Registration is NOT a part of your sentence or punishment. Rather it is a collateral consequence of the conviction just as is not being allowed to own a firearm, to vote or to hold certain public offices. Those things can change at any time without affecting your sentence or the terms of a plea agreement.

          I know that sounds like legal nit picking, because it is. The registry is considered a civil regulatory measure like speed limits or zoning laws. That is the crux of our ex post facto problem. We all know that the registry is punishing, but it is another matter to convince the courts that it constitutes punishment under the law.

          As Cherokee pointed out, courts generally don’t hand down decisions that reach beyond the specifics of a case. That has put registrants in the position of merely pulling at threads rather than ripping the whole cloth. Some courts find that one turn of the thumbscrews (metaphorically) is not punishment but perhaps five is. So we still have the thumbscrews but only with four turns. Another jurisdiction might find that three turns constitutes punishment. Until thumbscrews are in and of themselves found to be punishment by the high court, this silliness will continue.


  • October 17, 2021

    Who introduced this bill,Lauren Book?

    • October 17, 2021


      My Theory is, Satan is behind it all , or at least his little helpers.

      • October 18, 2021

        That’s right. Satan loves the hate and divisiveness of the Oppression Lists. That is why the federal criminal regime has Satan Watch and not Angel Watch.

  • October 17, 2021

    The reasoning I can see thru the lines of this bill, is to make it as difficult on hotel and motel owner’s and chains, in an attempt to make it so they won’t even bother renting to people on the registry. This is an asinine attempt again at preventing us from traveling about, while hiding it as some bill that doesn’t enforce non-movement directly. Law maker’s are always out to dictate what, where, who, and why we can do in regards to everything. They just can’t come off as unconstitutional as to how it’s implemented.

    • October 17, 2021

      Tereto and members, I have two friends who are LE in Central Florida (the home home Disney and other theme parks). I won’t say which agency but they told me that some LE are holding seminar type training for hotels and hotel managers/staff to instruct them how to examine our DLs for the identifiers. They are doing this to gather information on length of stays. In other words, some LE are making snitches out of hotel management/staff to report RSOs who stay at hotels, particularly in Central Florida. Be careful.

      • October 18, 2021


        Their end game is quite obvious, to send us all back to that hotel Hell called the Department of corrections. For me to go back there, they would just have to take me out because the rules for the registry are so similar to the hair trigger on a gun. One wrong move and you are done like a well cooked steak.

      • October 18, 2021

        I completely believe this.

        You should also be aware that likely all license plates of all cars are always being scanned EVERYWHERE in America and the date/time/locations of all of them is being stored, possibly even permanently. Private individuals can do this at their own homes. It is easy.

        So basically you should assume that your movements are always being tracked and recorded.

        The dummies who like to pretend that the Oppression Lists (OLs) are useful are apparently too dumb to realize that the actual criminals know all of this stuff and they are not the people who are telling law enforcement where they will be, when, etc., etc., etc. Are they really that dumb? Or do they just want to harass PFRs? Personally, I think they get off on the harassment and that is what the OLs are all about – harassment and pretending that they are doing actual work instead of just wasting time and other limited resources. Just my personal belief.

        I’ve told the criminals plenty of times that if I’m ever going to think about doing something illegal, I won’t be telling them anything about it in advance. It would be completely asinine of them to believe otherwise. Of course, some of them are that asinine and probably think their OLs are useful somehow. We’ve seen that we can’t fix stupid and they love the OLs.


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