San Diego SUED for not repealing SORR

And we called it perfectly! Last week when the city of San Diego refused to repeal their Sex Offender Residence Restriction, we presumed that Attorney Janice Bellucci would be printing off a complaint within minutes… and she was.

Yesterday, she filed a lawsuit in Federal Court against the City challenging the constitutionality of the SORR. The State Supreme Court had already ruled SORRs unconstitutional and Ms. Bellucci has already sued 26 Municipalities in that State, but unfortunately the San Diego City Council was comprised of political cowards, who would rather take a lawsuit costing their taxpayers thousands, than be the ones to absorb the political backlash.

It’s alright. The legal fees that stand to be recovered can be applied to other challenges and we’re sure Janice and ACSOL will be happy to take the fuel to add to their freight train!

9 thoughts on “San Diego SUED for not repealing SORR

  • August 13, 2017


    A lawsuit/motion that is badly need is one against the homeless shelters on San Diego Ca. This is the only city on the entire west coast ,all the way to Alaska where S.O’s are not allowed entry

    • August 14, 2017

      Janice filed a lawsuit. What help are you looking for?

  • August 9, 2017

    In Fort Lauderdale, the police are now purchasing a lot of auto license plate readers. I’m very concerned with this practice and what it will do to our offenders. It’s truly anxiety provoking !!

  • August 8, 2017

    It’s time to call these political cowards to account. If we did something that was declared unconstitutional…illegal…we would be hauled off to jail. These politicians seem to think that the constitution and judicial decrees do not apply to them. It must be an ailment that infects when some get elected.

    • August 9, 2017

      First off thank you for your service Mr. Munsey. My name is Rodney I have to register as well. My son is a sea cadet and just went to his first boot camp in pensicola fl. Me and wife went down there to celebrate his graduation I have been cleared by fbi background check but we get to the base they do not allow sex offenders on the base. Are you familiar with this process? My son plans on going in the Navy would kind of be hell not being able to visit him on base.

      • August 10, 2017

        Rodney Medley – How did they know you were a RSO?

        • August 10, 2017

          Ran my drivers license

      • August 10, 2017

        Rodney, I do not know what the policy is for Pensacola so I do not know what caused the problem. I have a retired ID card and use the base facilities at Patrick AFB with no problems. Base policy is established by the base commander so you might contact him to find out what the problem and what you must do to visit with your son once he is in the Navy.

  • August 8, 2017



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