Royal Caribbean checks passenger manifests against FBI

According to the following article, Royal Caribbean, Celebrity and another cruise line check their passenger manifests against the Sex Offender registry and deny access to registrants.

So murderers, those who commit domestic violence and drug dealers are welcome aboard, but anyone painted with the broad-brush is banned.

22 thoughts on “Royal Caribbean checks passenger manifests against FBI

  • April 24, 2017

    Let me try and post this while i can! Let me start by saying that I am a oppressed registered citizen of this country. I live here in Florida, and like the majority of our particular class, do keep a very low profile. I do enjoy cruising with my family mostly for special occasions. My kids love their teens program and my wife loves the spa. It makes me sad to see Royal Caribbean “pandering” to the fear mongers out there. I dont feel that the needed to do that. Now it is out in the open. I also believe that those statements by the RCI PR are not entirely true statements. I have always cruised RCI cruise lines, as recent as a few months ago. I think that they are the best cruise line. They do have an investigation process, and they do use a third party but to determine the risk factor. Unless something has changed on their policy since a few months ago. The other unnamed cruise line is their competitor Carnival, who does indeed bans RC from traveling on their cruises.

    IMO I think these lines are ripe for a class action lawsuit. Those cruise policies are not only not only not effective and circumstantial, but also discriminatory and inconsistent in a global scale. Another interesting detail is that nowhere in their published policy there is an indication that a RC will be prohibited from traveling. This holds true for Carnival and RCI both.

    I am of the opinion that going after the government on IML was premature. I think that most of the efforts should have gone into suing these types of corporations which discriminate against our class. At least some lawyer should have tried to hurt them in their pockets and then finance the IML fight. Think about what is happening here. The next thing is that we won’t be able to do is book a hotel, rent a car, or even book a flight, especially if the intent is to go on VACATION. I guess the old saying is correct, a person is smart, but people are stupid.

  • April 24, 2017

    It’s only those 3 lines. Don’t sail with them. They’re crap anyway…

  • April 24, 2017

    That means that I will not spend another nickel on their cruises. This is just more feel safe bullshit ignorance. There is no need and these actions can and should be challenged in court.

  • April 24, 2017

    This our government and our society fault – our government sends them notices and the people think they should be afraid and they demand to be free of the piranhas….it makes me mad and unbelievably sad….

    • April 29, 2017

      And who signed IML into Law? The wonderful and loved Obama. Why everyone praises him for being a good president when he has signed one of the most restrictive descrimintory laws ever to suppress us even more is beyond me.

      • May 2, 2017

        Yes he did sign it and I was greatly disappointed. However, he did not create it and others signed it before him. Yes he had a chance to make a difference but no president can know everything and was he given correct information? He is very big on reforming the criminal justice system so I have to believe that if he was given correct information he would have considered not signing it. Remember even SCOTUS is functioning with wrong information on this subject.

      • May 2, 2017

        Oh sorry you said the IML – I would have to research that not sure how that went down. I thought you were at first talking about AWA

  • April 24, 2017

    How do you check those who are not on the watch list?? Those are the sneaky ones! At least if their on the list, you can watch them. Why is there a life sentence for sex offenders after doing time?

  • April 24, 2017

    This is another punishment for nearly 900,000 Americans, based on that ‘Stranger Danger’ lie. Thank you John Walsh and you crooked organization. Not sure how vile people like this can sleep at night.


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