Roxana rally targets Cone Barn
Since 2006, Tanea Berry and her husband, Josh, have been neighbors to the Cone Barn at 323 N. Central Ave. in Roxana.
They have memories of both of their children walking next door and grabbing ice cream.
But recently the Berrys, along with other community members, don’t have that same sense of comfort in letting their children near the ice cream shop.
The Cone Barn was recently bought by XXXXXXXX whose husband, XXXXXXX, is on the Illinois State Police Sex Offender Registry. Court records state that, Heltsley, now 58, was charged with predatory criminal sexual assault and eventually pleaded guilty to aggravated criminal use for a sentence of three years’ probation in 2000.
Thanks to Derek W. Logue of for bringing this to our attention.
As activists, it is our duty to at least attempt to reach out to victims of these vigilantes. This Karen created a vigilante Facebook page and a Change.Org petition and held a protest in front of the business.
A couple months ago, one of our fellow advocate groups experienced online vigilantism and it can be scary. But with help and support, they weathered the storm. And I’ve dealt with this mess many times over the years.
What we should do is go up there get ice cream and offer support to them. If I was in the area (Roxane is in the St Louis area 20 miles from the gateway Arch) I’d be there getting some ice cream right now.
What exactly is the point in this post? It’s got a beginning I get that. It has no ending, it has no substance to it. The only substance the story has to it is neighbors don’t want to take the kids to the ice cream shop since the sex offender runs it now. What is new or helping us in this story here? It’s basically useless information that’s all. Not one thing helps us with that. It’s just people feeling sorry for themselves and not sticking up for themselves again because we’re all cowards that’s why they get away with it don’t want to draw attention to yourself somebody’s got to stand up and I think I’m going to start I don’t expect anybody to help hours post something that is a value or use or substance for a change.
A few things you need to understand:
A lot of people dion’t know we exist. You may find that hard to believe but many who contact me stumbled upon it in a Google search and never knew there were advocates for Registered Persons. If we’re an advocacy group our job is to reach out to others to offer our support. Are you going to reach out to them and offer to help?
I assume that FAC and ACSOL don’t publish full articles because some news outlets get really uptight about others republishing their articles in full. I so it for my blogs and they get occasionally taken down due to copyright. It isn’t often but some reports hate us using their reports. That’s why you go read the original story.
And because we want to credit the source of the article and we want people to comment on the article instead of commenting here, where they are preaching to the choir.
Now I want to take a road trip to Roxana, Illinois, just for an ice cream cone.
People are unreal. I mean really, you don’t trust letting your kids walk over and get ice cream, because the establishment is owned by a sex offender? Would you rather they went to DQ, for which a sex offender may be working there? Because not all sex offenders are on the registry! But, oh no we have to take away the right to own such a business as ice cream! What business will they take away next? Here’s a thought, how about don’t go to this establishment, or be present with your kids, and the problem is solved either way! We on the registry not only need our own city, but to stop serving the majority of society in all services. Don’t like us? Well the feeling is mutual, now get someone else to fulfill your service needs! And while you are at it, get the hell out of our city!
I have said this before but it bares repeating. All the neighbors walk their kids to the school bus in the morning since they have to walk past our house. And yet, when the kids get home and change into their play clothes, they play in front of our house all the time. Something really off going on in people’s train of thoughts.
So I am dangerous early in the morning (Usually I am still asleep) but when I am awake they can come play in front of my house un-supervised? Even funnier, my charges had nothing to do with kids.
Cherokee, we have them up and down my street. I work from home so I only leave the house for weekly meetings, checking the mail, church and when I go to the rare trip to a brick and mortar store. Other than that, my previous deep tan has faded to the pale of an office worker. Kinda worn out on humanity. Someone told me to expect the best of others. I paraphrased the quote from the Princess Bride “no good, I’ve known too many others.”
Since 1997 (When I was retroactively put on registry) I have kept a low profile. I am not required to have notifications so I have mostly flown under the radar. Not saying that in a sneaky way, just trying to live my life as best as can be expected.
ALL that changed with the advent of Nextdoor. People who have lived near me since the dawn of the Dinosaurs are now calling for me to be sent to the Guillotine forthwith. Since I refuse to give in, over 15 neighbors have moved. WOW, I have that much power over someone to make you sell your house? I should join the X-Men with that kind of power.
I am not the cause of them moving, Nextdoor is. I have done my time and my incident took place now 32 years ago. Not a single mis-step before or since and yet everyone around me has to suffer. Secondly I blame the courts for allowing the retroactive application of the registry, which frankly (Sorry Frank) should not exist at all.
We have ZERO reward for staying out of trouble IE: a path off the registry. Even the so called way off, is a gamble as a judge is not required to remove you. Even if you have followed every single rule, law and ordinance, a judge uses not just the law but their own personal feelings and emotions in decisions. They are not supposed to but that happened to me during sentencing and took me years to get that ruling overturned by an appeals judge who 100% agreed with me and my then, lawyer.
I sometimes wonder why God is allowing this to happen to us, and now I am asking the same thing about the people of Ukraine. It makes me think of this verse in the Bible
John 16:33 —
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
My take away from that is, stay faithful and the reward will come in due time. Looking back I never imagined I would have gotten off Probation early due to previous 3 denied appeals. 4th time was the charm. Just took the right soul to listen and believe. Not that I deserved it but was the right thing legally to do, due to the overly excessive 29 year sentence I was given for a first time offender.
Got a solution. Start up a reality company under someone else’s name of course. Get a print out of all sex offender lists, advertise heavily around just those areas and clean up. $$$ after all isn’t that what the list is really for. It’s not for anyones safety any more than Putin attacked Ukraine to get rid of neo – nazis. Yet he said it enough times to convince people in Russia that ,that is the case. Shows how easy it is to dupe the public.
Get Outside and Get Some Free Sunshine Vitamins….
Go out and Take Walks, Breathe, and Be a Human!
One of the things that really irritates me is this: There seems to be this blind faith – by the Registry-loving sheeple – that all the baddies are known and listed. No, not so – there may be a huge population of perpetrators out there who have never had allegations spoken against them, never been arrested, prosecuted, accepted a plea agreement, etc. The sheeple react to stupid horesh#t like this, but don’t think twice that there longtime nextdoor neighbor may, in fact, be an unidentified serial killer, or truck stop rapist, or escaped & hiding-in-plain-sight Nazi, or what have you! So they take comfort in what little they can “know” or read about in the media, all the while being oblivious to potentially ever-present dangers.
That is exactly why, the powers that be, want to get as many people as possible on some sort of registry and keep them/us on them forever. If they can monitor, control and regulate enough people, no telling what other powers of authority they can get away with.
Judges keep ruling registries non punitive, so more and more, registry related laws keep stream lining past without resistance. Once our sentence is over, other than having a criminal record, that should be the end of it. But no, we are special somehow. So special that they can retroactively keep adding more and more so called non punitive in nature laws to restrict our lives into not really living free at all.
Time to rip up the constitution and start over because the current one is being stepped on by every judge who allows this kind of nonsense.
Proverbs 22:3
A prudent man foresees evil and hides himself,
But the simple pass on and are punished.
That is what sucks about being famous for the wrong reasons. I use to call in and win prizes from different radio stations all the time. I would win on some station at least every month.
I say “USE” to because they call out your full name on the radio and unless you have a common name, someone is going to take the opportunity to call you out. The people in the article, although ought to be able to live their lives as they please, consequences come with, as I said above, being famous for the wrong reasons.
I think we get more coverage on the registry, next door, notifications from the sheriff’s and police, and nosy-busy body neighbors. I hate calling people a “Karen” but that is what those types of people are. If you don’t like the people that bought the business, DON”T patronize it and move on.
*Some neighbors of mine who go to church, went on Easter Sunday. I waved at them and wished them a Happy Easter and on the way to church, they gave me the “Death” stare. God help us all.
Ok I am going back into my hidden, secret tunnel cave now.
Who would call you out, the radio host? Why would they do that?
No, when you win the prize, of course they announce the first and last name of the winner. If you are a John smith in Jacksonville Florida, no one is going to know who that is since there are a quad Billion John Smiths.
However, if you are say, a Tobias Johanson of PickleVille, Georgia, everyone in town is going to call the station and say “Why are you giving a prize to a Sex pervert”. Also from personal experience, anytime your name is mentioned, someone out there is going to say to themselves “Oh yeah, I forgot to throw an egg at that guys house today”. Not being a hypochondriac, but these things have happened to me in the past. (You should totally visit Pickleville, Georgia LOL) *Hint, It doesn’t exist.
I am an outgoing person but, about the only social activity in my life anymore is on here, Florida Action Committee. I hardly leave the house anymore and have become a hermit.