Ron Book Predicts Miami Will End Homelessness Next Year (Updated)
As we previously reported in the Florida News Radio post, Ron Book is promising to make the Miami/Dade area the first urban area in the nation to end homelessness as we know it today.
In an interview with Glenna Milberg of Local10 News WPLG, Book gave a most impressive interview, giving plenty of documentation to show how he planned on achieving this goal. Again, though, he never addresses the homeless problem for registered persons in the Miami/Dade area, primarily because that would require rolling back the 2500-foot residence restriction that he lobbied to pass in the Miami/Dade area and throughout the state/country.
Why won’t Mr. Book discuss the elephant in the room?
Email address for Glenna Milberg:
He’s holding the new state statute outlawing sleeping in public spaces in his back pocket. All Miami Dade has to do is NOT provide an approved area for the homeless to encamp and BANG he’s bussed them all out of the county and looked wonderful doing it. Don’t house them.. don’t make it easier for them to find housing….. just kick them down the road…..