Residency Restrictions by State (for persons required to register as sex offenders)

The following table was extracted from a 2018 study entitled, “Sex offender residence restrictions and sex crimes against children: A comprehensive review” by Joanne Savage and Casey Windsor.

It is a useful resource to determine which States have a Sex Offender Residency Restriction (SORR) and against who they apply.

Please note that these are STATE restrictions. Municipalities (County and City) might have harsher restrictions (as in the case of Florida).





All adult sex offenders

2000 ft of schools, childcare facilities or resident camps




Adults convicted of a dangerous crime against children,
required by law to register, classified as level three

1000 ft of schools, child care facilities


Level 3 or 4 sex offenders

2000 ft.
of schools, public parks, youth centers, or daycare
facilities. Level 4 sex offenders may not reside
within 2000 ft. of a church or place of worship


who are required to register as sex offenders High risk sex offenders

2000 ft
of schools or parks where children regulary gather. 1/2 mile of schools, 2000 ft of parks where
children regularly gather




1000 ft of a public or private elementary or secondary, or (2) a facility where child day care services are provided


Any sexual offender

500 ft of schools


Any sexual offender with victim under 16 years old

1000 ft. of schools, child care facilities, parks or


Registered offenders

1000 ft. of child care facilities, churches, schools, or
any area where minors congregate (explicity includes parks,
recreation facilities, playgrounds, skating rinks,
neighborhood centers, gymnasiums, school bus stops, public
libraries, or public community swimming pools)




Adult criminal sex offenders

500 ft of schools


Sex offender with child victim

500 ft. of schools, playgrounds, child care institutions,
day care centers, day care homes, or any facility providing
programs or services exclusively directed toward persons
under 18 years of age


Sex offender with child victim

1000 ft of a school, youth program center, public park


Adult sex offender convicted of aggravated offense against
a minor

2000 ft. of a school or child care facility




Sex offender registrants

1000 ft. of a school, preschool, publicity owned playground
or day care facility


Sex offender
with victims under age 13 Sex offenders with victims
under age 13, convicted of an aggravated offense

1000 ft.
of schools, child care facilities, public parks or
recreational facilities 1000 ft. of schools, child
care facilities, public parks or recreational facilities,
group homes, residential homes, playgrounds, youth centers,
public swimming pools, or free standing video arcades


(Allows municipalities to prohibit residence by offenders
up to a maximum distance of 750 ft from schools)






Registered offenders



All sex offenders

1000 ft. of schools or child care facilities




Any person convicted of registrable sex offense, including those acquitted by reason of insanity

3000 ft. of schools, child care facilities, children’s
group homes, playgrounds, ballparks, or other recreational
facilities utilized by persons under the age of eighteen


sexual offender Level 3 sex offender

300 ft. of schools, day-care centers, playgrounds, developed or improved
parks, athletic fields or facilities that primarily serve minors Judge shall impose conditions of probation, parole, etc. restricting residency in proximity to schools, preschools, day-care centers, churches, or public parks


(Allows political subdivisions to prohibit residence by “sexual predators” up to a maxiumum distance of 500 ft. from schools or child care facilities)




(Bill to ban municipalities from adopting residence restrictions under study in the Senate)


(State Supreme Court ruling struck down local residence restrictions)





At discretion of parole or probation department, offender may be restricted from living within 1000 ft of a school or other facility caring for children. (New proposal in state legislature 2017-2018 session would impose 1000 ft.
restrictions to all sex offenders)


Sex offender registrants

1000 ft. of schools or child day-care centers


High risk sex offenders

500 ft. of schools or pre-schools


Sex offenders against child victim

1000 ft of schools or child day-care centers


Registered sex offenders

2000 ft. from schools, “educational institutions.” property used by an organization whose primary purpose is working with children, playgrounds, or parks


Parolees and probationers

(The law provides a general prohibition to the State Board of Parole and Post-Prison supervision against allowing a sex offender to reside near locations where children are the primary occupants or users)


(No state law, but numerous local laws)


Those required t
o register as a sex offender (except level 3) Level 3 sex offenders

300 ft . of schools 1000 ft of schools


Sex offenders with child victim

1000 ft. of schools, daycare centers, children’s
recreational facilities, parks or public playgrounds


Those required to register as a sex offender

500 ft from schools, public parks, public playgrounds, or public pools


Adult sex offenders, more than 3 years older than the victim, convicted of rape, forcible sodomy upon child <13, object sexual penetration on child <13

500 ft. of schools or child day centers


Sex offender probationers and parolees with child victim

Subject ot case-by-case “Child Safety Zone” (premises where children commmonly gather, including a school, day-care facility, playground, public or private youth center,
public swimming pool, or video arcade facility) (Numerous local laws-many of which repealed in recent years)






Adult sex offender, more than three years older than the

500 ft. of schools, child day centers



Depart of Corrections authorized to reject proposed residence in close proximity to schools, child care centers, playgrounds, or other facilities where children of similar age or circumstance as a previous victim are present. For high-risk offenders DOC may restrict
residence to 880 feet from facilities and grounds of a public or private school (“community protection zone”)


Adult sex offenders

1000 ft of schools or child care facilities


Violent sex offenders

1500 ft of schools, day care centers, youth centers, churches or public parks


Those required to register

1000 ft. of schools

58 thoughts on “Residency Restrictions by State (for persons required to register as sex offenders)

  • July 11, 2019

    Very useful information FAC. Thank you. The thing with these restrictions is that while you’re looking for a state to live in decently from the one you are coming from, that state can be brewing some restrictions in the near future and implement them as soon as you move. Not to mention counties and cities with their own batch of restrictions – all of them throwing curve balls at you from unknown directions. Although, I knew a registered citizen who was from Delaware and according to him, 500 ft. was very doable with a few decent housing. That was more than 10 years ago and it seems they haven’t modified it or changed it.

    By the way, Mississippi’s restrictions made me spill my coffee and laugh out loud. The most ridiculous of them all. Why don’t they just come out and say: ” cannot live anywhere in the entire state “

    • July 11, 2019

      If you want to spill your coffee and laugh out loud ask for the map of available places you can pass through in Seminole County, Florida! Seminole has a 1000 foot proximity ordinance. You can’t even be present (let alone live) within 1000 feet of places constituting the center of an exclusion zone. It’s literally impossible to travel from one’s home to the border of the county without violating the law… unless you own a helicopter.

      • July 11, 2019

        Wow FAC. It’s a good thing I read your response with an empty cup of coffee. That’s ridiculous and I didn’t even know this. That is the thing that worries me about traveling or passing through county to county in a state – which is why I stay put. Especially now with license plate readers. I read somewhere that they read your license plate at the border of Florida for those who come in and leave or something like that.

        A helicopter ? They’ll probably send drones after it to take it down. It will not surprise me at all.

  • July 11, 2019

    Mississippi making Florida look soft. What the hell is that ???

    12 states do not have SORR laws. I know you can’t predict these things, but I wonder which of those 12 states is most likely to implement them some time in the near future, and which is most likely never to implement them at all. Colorado maybe with the latter ? Never to implement. Then of course, there is the municipals and their own none sense that you have to look out for.

    • July 11, 2019

      Trend has been to get rid of them, not to add them.

  • July 11, 2019

    Thank you sending this out. I do have one question, if your offense was before 2004 does the residency restriction apply?

    • July 11, 2019

      Not the STATE SORR, but municipal SORRs might. You will need to contact the County and City in which you live.

      • December 31, 2020

        I was forced to move after living there for 18 months because they were in transition and never had an officer verify it.So I had to move out of my house my wife and kids are in one place I’m in another because of this I’m 47 now and this occurred when I was 18. Is it true that the residency restrictions didn’t apply to me because my offense was from 1991. If so they forced me to move and I didn’t get d.l address changed fast enough so now I’m violated for the first time ever since 1991.This is crazy when first got sentence it was 4 years probation.Im still going through it.

        • January 1, 2021

          I own my home. Its a duplex. In may of 2008 I informed that I’ll be doing repairs asking can I occupy the north unit and was told no problem. In October of 2008 I informed that I was returning to the south unit at which time I was told I could not do that because its an address change. When i said I’ll be staying in the north unit, I was warned that upon in person address verification if not in the north unit I’ll be arrested. My only option was to register as transient. So, every night for the last 12 years I spend in my car.

      • December 31, 2020

        What about brevard county my offense was in 1991 am I under residency restrictions?

        • December 31, 2020

          Yes Brevard’s is retroactive.

          • February 23, 2021

            Ok thank you for the information mine was 4 years probation got violation technical one got sent to prison got out in 2001

  • July 11, 2019

    Can you list which states allow the cities/counties to mandate their own restrictions besides Florida

    • July 11, 2019

      We cannot – that would require exhaustive research and our focus needs to remain primarily in Florida or our core efforts will fall off the plate.

    • July 11, 2019

      The latitude of authority granted to local governments varies by state. In some states, known as home rule states, an article or amendment to the state constitution grants cities, municipalities, and/or counties the ability to pass laws to govern themselves as they see fit (so long as they obey the state and federal constitutions). In other states, only limited authority has been granted to local governments by passage of statutes in the state legislature. In these states, a city or county must obtain permission from the state legislature if it wishes to pass a law or ordinance which is not specifically permitted under existing state legislation. You can find a quick reference of the states at, however you will still need to research each county and/or specific city to confirm if they have such ordinances. To research ordinances go to and select Code Library to begin.

      • December 30, 2020

        In the State of Florida, the constitution prohibits Home rule counties from enacting any special law or general law of local application pertaining to the punishment for a crime, that power is reserve to the State. (Article III section 11(a)4) If, after judicial review, it is found the intent and purpose of 775.215 was to create a new crime and to impose a punishment , then the Counties ordinance would be violative of general law and the States constitution.

        I’ll be seeking judicial review of the purpose and legislative intent next month.

        • December 30, 2020

          Example: In the State Florida a felon who had adjudication withheld is permitted to possess a fire arm.

          Dade County is prohibited by law to enact any special law that conflicts with the States: “Anyone convicted of a felony, regardless if adjudication is withheld, is prohibited to possess a fire arm within the county” Would be violative of State law.

          Like that, if 775.215 is determined to be criminal not remedial the 1,000 foot restriction a punishment, then State law occupies the field.

        • December 30, 2020

          Isn’t the purpose and legislative intent identified near the beginning of the ordinance?

          • December 31, 2020

            What is the difference between a criminal statute and remedial?

            Review s775.022 (2). And 775.215 is a “criminal statute”

            794.065 was titled “unlawful place of residence” before being recodifyed 775.215 and renamed Residence Restriction.

            History and original intent…

          • January 1, 2021

            Let me answer your question more specifically, Miami Dade County Ordinance declares that it is a remedial, non-punitive ordinance. Florida Statute 775.215 makes no such assertion.

  • July 11, 2019

    In regards to Florida, this is not accurate. I am registered here but I have no residency restrictions. My charges are not listed in state law or the local ordinance where I live. It lists which specific statutes the residency restrictions apply to.

    I mentioned this to a detective at my registration office and he agreed with me. Made a note in the system stating so. It took years for them to listen to me and they finally agreed when they were initially trying to kick me out of my apartment.

    • July 11, 2019

      You are correct, Noel. The STATE SORR does not apply to ALL registrants, only those post 2004, who have designated crimes, against a minor (under 16).
      This chart is intended to be a guideline but not a comprehensive resource.

      • September 13, 2019

        I am from Missouri and was convicted of2nd degree sexual assault I was27 she was16 what kind of restrictions would I have if I move to Florida?

          • September 13, 2019

            Please I beg of anyone that has any information about this subject please guide me,

            I’ve contacted the state that I was convicted in and the guy who is in charge of so’s
            He is the one who decides who is on the registry, well I have submitted to him the laws for my crime and the paperwork ( abstract of judgement) signed by the judge; where it plainly states that there was no special stipulation set forth for me to do, now during my commitment in prison the laws changed but in 2008 Indiana ( this where I committed my crime) said that sex crimes are unconstitutional and there fore not to be retroactive , meaning that they could not make so’s go and do what the new laws are required to do, so idoc ( Indiana Department of Correction)
            Were to remove all offenders who were made to register , well my crime was one of them , but was not done so. I moved out of Indiana in 2009 to South Carolina and they contacted Indiana and they told me that if Indiana was to remove me then they would do so. Well they didn’t, in 2014 I moved to Florida, well I finally get Indiana to remove my name and Florida says to get the paperwork to them and they will do so also well I do this and then Florida says that South Carolina still has me on the registry long story short if Indiana would of done what they were supposed to do I wouldn’t have to on the registry, well
            The head guy tells me that Indiana does not have me on the registry and that my argument is with South Carolina and Florida, but I keep trying to tell him he was in violation of the judges orders and the civil court on when they passed the new law. So he says that I am not on Indiana registry so he doesn’t have any additional information for me , what can I do about this ? Please I beg for any help on this issue ty.

          • September 14, 2019

            Donald, the ONLY person you should be asking for advise from is someone licensed to practice law in these states.

      • November 10, 2019

        FAC, I’m classified as an offender (I took a plea in 2003). I’m looking to purchase property in Duval (for homesteading) that’s within 1000 ft. of a (possible) daycare. Am I understanding correctly (regarding current state and local residency restrictions) that this should not be an issue for me?
        Is there any database/resource that lists daycare locations in Duval? It would be great to know before I buy :).

        • August 13, 2020

          In Duval, it is 2500 feet from a school, park, or daycare. It is tough to find a place if you are retired. We searched for 3 years and always fell short due to a school, park, or daycare. There is a search for daycares by address at the day care registration website.

          • August 13, 2020

            That’s unacceptable. I pray that you are dedicated to making anyone who supports that pay consequences. That is something you can work on every day and help improve America.

          • August 13, 2020

            Thanks for the reply. I obviously didn’t get a timely response to the above inquiry (see date), but I found the answer in the online municipal code:

            Sec. 685.102 – Sexual predators residency requirements.
            (a)It is unlawful for any person who is required by Florida law to register as a sexual predator to reside within 2,500 feet of any school, public library, day care center, park, playground, or other place where children regularly congregate.(b)A person residing within 2,500 feet of any school, public library, day care center, park, playground, or other place where children regularly congregate does not commit a violation of this Section, provided that the sexual predator is in full compliance with probation, parole, or conditional release and does not commit another sexual offense, and was in compliance with the residency restrictions prior to July 1, 2005, if any of the following apply:(1)The person established the permanent residence prior to July 1, 2005.(2)The person was a minor when he/she committed the offense and was not convicted as an adult.(3)The person is a minor.(4)The school, public library or day care center within 2500 feet of the persons permanent residence was opened after the person established the permanent residence.(c)A person who violates subsection (a) shall be guilty of a class D offence.
            (Ord. 2005-629-E, § 3; Ord. 2010-836-E, § 4)

            Note— Former § 674.502.

            As you can see, the restrictions only apply to those designated as predators. Not that this is a good thing (restrictions like these are worse than worthless), but it’s worth knowing that this code doesn’t apply to all offenders.

      • February 22, 2021

        Am l reading this right because my charge is from 1991 I live in Florida and I’m under restrictions I guess They made me move from my residence because I was three feet inside a zone and after living there for a year and a half they came and told me I had to move and we are a family of 6 so we had to pack up everything and move I spent all the money moving and didn’t get my address changed on my license in time and got violated and now I’m on House arrest from a 1991 charge.its now 2021 and I’m going through this all over again.Am I supposed to be under these restrictions because if not I’ll call a lawyer tomorrow and see if something can be done because that caused my violation and now my wife and kids live one place and I in another because of this

        • February 23, 2021

          When did you complete all sanctions?

    • September 13, 2019

      On the fdle access site that they print from on occasion: i also have RESIDENCY RESTRICTION: NONE

    • December 29, 2020

      Do you have any info – I am looking for a place to live

  • July 11, 2019

    It would be interesting if a research group would look into whether or not these differences make any differences in Public safety, since that is the stated basis for SOR laws. If there are 12 states without restrictions whatsoever, then there should be a way to determine if they help at all in the States that have them.

    • July 11, 2019

      Research has shown pretty conclusively that SORRs do not promote public safety and in fact slightly detract from it.

      The laws remain popular, but perhaps not for the reasons stated.

    • February 23, 2021

      The research is pretty clear that they decrease public safety by making more sex offenders homeless. The police usually don’t like the restrictions since it’s hard to track homeless offenders.

  • January 2, 2020

    Rhode Island’s level 3 1000’ restriction is currently on hold through a court injunction

  • April 22, 2020

    Let’s try this. I’m a level 1 sat rape when i was 21. This was 2003 . The Florida website is confusing. What are my housing restrictions ? Basically have google state and county and city ? I been trying to move my family for a year to the Palm Bay Area

  • June 28, 2020

    I register in Texas. I am not on probation or parole.
    I need to move in with my parents. My mother is on hospice and my father is handicap. Turns out their property is right on the line of a child safety zone. According to the Texas laws here on this page, residency restrictions only apply to registrants who are on parole or probation. Am I reading this right?
    Because if that is true I should be able to move into my father’s home to care for my parents.
    I have been told by their town’s SO registration office that I’m not allowed to register at their address. How is this possible if I’m not on paper? They live in Dayton, Texas. Thank you If anyone can help me.

  • December 29, 2020

    I own several properties. If you’re looking for a place to live, you can contact me at:

    • December 31, 2020

      Your reward will be in heaven I’m sure God will favor you for renting or what ever help you provide to them!.

    • January 4, 2021

      Hello my name is Bruce I have a friend James e connell that is scheduled for release or has been scheduled for release for some time from pinckneyville correctional center pinckneyville Illinois. in January 2016 he accidentally downloaded pornography from around the world when there was Kiddy p*** seen on there he simply deleted it but law enforcement was monitoring the modem and he was arrested having no money or not much support from his defense attorney their not knowing how computers work he simply negotiated a three years to life sentence he needs a place to stay he can’t stay with me because I’m only 500 ft less than 500 ft from the park he is 65 years old and divorced male with grown children I’ve known him all my life he’s never shown any interest in children like this before his many friends and family can admit to this same truth no prior records it was just an accident somehow he was coerced into signing a confession anyway please contact me

  • December 31, 2020

    Donald Slaton:
    The best attorneys in Indiana are at Kathie Perry’s law office. You can contact Kathie at 866-502-0562. I know Megan Bolt got at least one person off of the registry and she’s pretty inexpensive. You can call Megan at 765-742-8440.

  • January 3, 2021

    Your story needs to be documented and brought up in court to show how irrational these laws are.

    • January 4, 2021

      It’s in the hands of an attorney as well as my argument of State legislative supremacy concerning areas of “crimes” and punishment and a petition for removal.

  • January 3, 2021

    Cases such as CMS’s need to be documented. Even though FAC isn’t dealing with residency restrictions at the moment, FAC should verify and document the facts of his case so they have it when this issue is addressed in court. Ideally, it would be nice to have a signed and notarized affidavit because this is admissible in court.

  • February 21, 2021

    I plead out to an exhibition charge in Florida in 2001. Was booked and released on OR. Never met with an attorney or public defender. Was offered probation or a short jail sentence. I took jail knowing my substance abuse history basically guaranteed violations and prison. I knew nothing about registration laws. I grabbed myself through my pants no genitals ever exposed. The registry destroyed my life. No jobs. I’ve been sent to prison four times for failure to properly register. Twice in Florida twice in NC. For being homeless. Yes. It is a crime in NC to be homeless if your an SO. I have now spent over 7 years in prison for not being able to keep an address. I’m at a loss. I think I will be homeless again come April. The pandemic saved me this far. I have no priors and no charges since. St.Augustine FL. sent me to prison twice. They hate SO in that city. Anyway now I’m 52 with no prospects. I do have a wife who is fed up with all of it. But she is hanging in there. So far. I moved to NC because the registry requirements are only for ten years in my case. But then come to find out only if Florida agrees and even then only effective in NC. Prison is not easy for this kind of crime. It was particularly brutal in Florida. I’ve thought it best to go ahead and commit some real crime like armed robbery if I become sure I will again be locked up for failure to properly register. If anyone has any suggestion on how I can find a place and job please let me know.

  • February 23, 2021

    Residency restriction were found unconstitutional in Michigan so there are no restrictions to living within 1,000 feet of a school.
    Residency restrictions were found unconstitutional in Michigan for a reason. They do nothing to promote public safety. Just the first nail in the coffin for the registry to be found unconstitutional in Michigan.
    It’s just a matter of time before we will be saying R.I.P. to Michigan’s SORA.

    • February 23, 2021

      Updated – thank you.

  • March 12, 2021

    NY level 1 here. Level obss have zero restrictions if off probation . Moved to GA they passed a law if crime was before 2004 no housing restrictions. We wanted to move by our family in Florida but just seems impossible. Every county city town has their own restrictions. This was banned in NY . County law is illegal to go over state law . But Florida courts have ignored this for years

  • April 26, 2021

    I am a 56 yo male and was released from prison two weeks ago in Georgia for having 4 images of child pornography on my computer. The images were unintentional but they were on my computer, so I plead guilty.
    I’m now out without a home, money or hope. The residency restrictions in Georgia are so severe that there is simply no place to go. No halfway houses or shelters either have room or meet the requirements. The systems solution is for me to be homeless. In fact, my PO offered to find me a tent and some toiletries.
    I had to register an “address” were I was homeless and the bridge has other homeless SOs. I’m stunned that this is the solution accepted by any modern government.
    At this point, I’ve lost all hope. I’m faced with: 1) Commit a crime and go back to prison 2) Run (or be non-compliant) and essentially play “Catch Me if You Can”. If caught, see number 1 or 3) Be homeless.
    My ex-wife and children are more worried about me now than they were when I was in prison. I’m not one to give up, but I see no path to solution.

  • April 26, 2021

    I help homeless registrants in Michigan if you or any other registrant wants to relocate. Feel free to contact me at

    • April 26, 2021

      Thank you Detroit. I’ve sent an email. I truly appreciate any help/information you can provide.

    • January 10, 2022

      My husband is sex offender 1 and we need place where me and him dont have cps splitting our family up. We been battling for 2 years and we our in Spokane wa. My husband had same job for 5 years and long time ago he thought a girl was 18 and she turn be 14 years old. We are Christians and need a place that we can just be left alone. My husband has had phyosexual test shows he never harm our kids. Please dont judge us we just want to be a family. He on federal probation and parole and he only been in trouble once

  • April 26, 2021

    I believe CP is 10 years registration in Michigan.

  • December 7, 2022

    Tennessee is incorrect. It’s: (1) While mandated to comply with the requirements of this chapter, no sexual offender, as defined in § 40-39-202, or violent sexual offender, as defined in § 40-39-202, whose victim was a minor, shall knowingly establish a primary or secondary residence or any other living accommodation, knowingly obtain sexual offender treatment or attend a sexual offender treatment program or knowingly accept employment within one thousand feet (1,000′) of the property line of any public school, private or parochial school, licensed day care center, other child care facility, public park, playground, recreation center or public athletic field available for use by the general public.
    (2) While mandated to comply with the requirements of this chapter, no sexual offender, as defined in § 40-39-202, or violent sexual offender, as defined in § 40-39-202, whose victim was an adult, shall knowingly establish a primary or secondary residence or any other living accommodation or knowingly accept employment within one thousand feet (1,000′) of the property line of any public school, private or parochial school, licensed day care center, other child care facility, public park, playground, recreation center or public athletic field available for use by the general public.
    (b) No sexual offender, violent sexual offender, or violent juvenile sexual offender, as those terms are defined in § 40-39-202, shall knowingly:
    (1) Reside within one thousand feet (1,000′) of the property line on which the offender’s former victims or the victims’ immediate family members reside;


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