Research Debunks Stranger-Danger Myth

In Bacon’s Rebellion blog, June 18, 2023, Dick Hall-Sizemore expressed surprise that the Crime in Virginia 2022 report, page 21, found that “the relationship of the offender to the victim in forcible sex offenses in 2022” was known by the victim 91% of the time.

Approximately 93% of minors know their perpetrator, thereby debunking the stranger-danger myth.  The offenders are most often family members, school or church staff, etc., and are often juveniles themselves, not people on the registry.



3 thoughts on “Research Debunks Stranger-Danger Myth

  • June 19, 2023

    Sex offender registries simple allow more sexual offenses to occur because they give a false sense of security by promising that all a parent need to do is look for little red dots on a map and their child will not be at risk.

    These is a now proven false claim and simply allow someone the child ALREADY KNOWS more confidence and opportunity (every one is looking at the registry) to commit a sex crime on their child.

    Blame those who profit from this and look no further than Lauren Book for that.

    • June 20, 2023

      Lauren and, most especially, Ron Book have destroyed more families in Florida than any other person or entity that ever existed here. Ron’s guilt per being an absentee and oblivious father has been tragic apocalypse for humanity

      • July 20, 2023

        Absolutely agree. Ron Book is trying to sooth his own guilt by destroying others.


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