Registries are totally ineffective at protecting the public from harm
By Sandy Rozek, board member and communications director for NARSOL
NARSOL, the National Association for Rational Sexual Offense Laws, was the first to publish this article.
In Raleigh, North Carolina, a 10-year-old girl was kidnapped and murdered by a registrant on the Illinois Sexual Offender Registry.
We are all appalled at this heinous crime, but is the answer to add more ineffective, insane laws that do nothing to protect society, yet continue to punish many people who have paid for their crimes?
Read what Sandy has to say here.
From all these comments about suing the pants off of government to putting sex offenders in the gas chamber sounds like the problem is still under construction after of so many years of brain storming the registry.
Suing the pants off of government would be a get rich scheme and well the gas chamber would he a solution to eliminate those unwanted in society. Seems like this two edged sword has its limits when government use there understanding wrong.
Guess government standards in this registry usurp jazz does have its ineffective goals at preventing wrong doing. What a catcher in the rye.
I don’t know how my comment can help , however, my Prison ” psychologist”, was adamant about understanding how and why I gave myself ” permission” to commit my sexual offence. And if I can’t find and understand the circumstances behind giving myself permission…then I may not be strong enough or able to remove myself from those circumstances…and possibly give my self permission a second time.
With all due respect to the prison psychologist, that sounds like just so much psycho-babble.
It may be ” babbling” but it made sense to me , and I believe the theory.
Tragic story it is and I hope that it never happens again, However,……
Placer County California plans to release to the community as a transient a tier level 4 recent graduate of Civil commitment.
This man by all accounts from the media is practically guaranteed to re-offend.
I hope he doesn’t.
I hope this time he has learned his lesson and never harms anyone again, but…….
This thing smells to high heaven like a set-up.
I think the nation will be hearing about how oh so unexpectedly this guy just couldn’t hold back the urge or whatever else tagline the consortium of they will most assuredly ascribe.
I’m on the side of Narsol and FAC in my distaste for the registry but damn it ain’t lookin good.
Has anyone ever re-offended after release from civil commitment?
Michael Pierce:
You can’t rely on the media to determine if a person is likely to reoffend or not. Sex offenders released from civil commitment have a very low reoffense rate. Like all former offenders, this man deserves the chance to reintegrate back into society.
This story is a double edge sword. No the registry didn’t stop him from doing what he did, but will that make more people think that they should increase the protection? Such as more laws? I did not research the whole case, was he a person with multiple convictions? If not the future could be more strict for persons with our past. I only hope that there could be a better process to distinguish a person that may have a sex conviction in their past, and may never repeat that offense, and those that have trouble figuring out why the things they do continue to do hurt other people.
I recently read an article on history that to me seems to mirror the SOR. In the 1930s Hitler instituted a law requiring all homosexual men to register and their names were published to warn the public of their presence in society. This was done to assure all Germany was an upright and decent society with high morals . Also to help curb the decline in population and encourage the having of more children. Being married or not was not an issue. Also homosexual women were not included in the list. Then during WWII they decided to just go one step further , round up All these men, put them in concentration camps , starve them and start sending them to gas chambers.
So if you were wondering what the purpose of the Registry is now you know. Interesting how history repeats itself.
No one is going to send sex offenders to the gas chambers. Don’t even worry about that.
I don’t think that sending registrants en mass to the gas chambers is in the cards, but people are seeing more emotional laws that will have a negative impact on registrants. We already face multiple years in prison for failure to register one of the fifty plus restrictions placed on us. The state legislature lowered the bar for executions in this state, and have threatened people’s livelihood for speaking their minds. We have to continue to do our best to stand up to the forces that wish us, or anyone harm
Probably not but history shows that when government is allowed to publicly mark a certain group as undesirables and worse that any other group it opens the door to unlimited array of more oppressive and dangerous laws and rules that have no end.
The world has known that they are ineffective for years yet they keep defending it like its the bible and adding more and more restrictions for people that are on it. Nothing will change as i said more than 10 years ago it will only get worse. every time we see an article that we think is a win for us it only gets struck down later in a higher court. We get happy when we stop another regulation from being added only for it to be added by another politician down the road. The solution is pooling the money from all advocacy groups throughout the U.S. and hire a killer attorney that will sue the pants off of every city/town/state that has and makes new restrictions. Hit them in the pockets and they will back down
I plan on doing just that. BIG TIME!!! They can’t grant “Due Process” have a judgement on the Civil side of the ACT then L.E. use the “Register” part but then refuse the “Not for Public Notification” part making it public record. Their “Our Laws Constitutional” can only go back so far. 9/13/1994 to be exact when the V.C.C. was signed into law by a [moderated]! “Public Registry” was signed into law on 5/17/1996 Finding an Attorney who will work with us is almost impossible an the ones who do rip us off.
Our excellent attorneys are already challenging the registry in court at no cost to us in legal fees.
It’s the expert witness fees (not to mention deposition costs, hearing transcripts) that require donations. Without them, no attorney can clearly prove in court that the entire registry scheme has nothing to do with public safety and everything to do with punishment.
You mean with the Ex Post Facto case? Then they should learn about me… Funny with the Expert Witness crap I know. Yes, the donations are greatly needed for a better tomorrow for people who are on the registry. They have gone way overboard from what it started out as. I’m as much an expert as any of them as I’ve been on this crap from the start. I’m one of the first 1,172 to be put on New Jersey’s Megans Law retroactive. We fought in court from the NJSC to the 3rd Circuit. I promise when I hit back the are gonna feel it. They messed with a Retro B52 Tier 1. When the NJ prosecutors office saw it they FREAKED! Know what they were told by L.E. Well Our Laws Constitutional. They are so screwed… Congress can’t make laws Ex Post Facto so L.E. can’t enforce Constitutional Law Ex Post Facto. But just wait it gets better and better.
i was not saying that our attorneys are not effective or doing anything to help us. What i was suggesting is that we pool our resources and get a well know attorney like an Allen Dershowitz or somebody of his caliber to tear the registry apart before the supreme court. RSO’s problem is we all have attorneys working for us nationwide but they may not have the experience of a world wide well known attorney. Who if he wins at the highest level will make it easier on all of us nationwide
I wish I could agree that that hitting them in the pockets would have an effect. But the government is spending tax money, so their funds are virtually unlimited. They don’t care how long a case drags on. In fact it is to their benefit to stretch it out as long as possible. As the saying goes, “delay, deny, hope they die”.