Registerants address county commission after rule changed to allow them

In their statements to commissioners on Tuesday, petitioners pleaded with the commission to reverse an amendment to an ordinance passed in 2020, barring them from entering within 1,000 feet of businesses where children typically congregate.

Their comments included examples of barriers they face because of the county regulation, and the negative impact that is having for their families and other loved ones.

The attendance of the registered sex offenders at Tuesday’s meeting was made possible because commissioners modified a section of the county code in March that prohibited those on the sex offender registry list from entering the Brevard County Government Center in Viera. The regulation, passed in 2006, bars someone on the list from occupying a space within 1,000 feet of a school or a recreation area.

Registered offenders, with the Florida Justice Institute acting on their behalf, filed a lawsuit, claiming the 2006 rule violated their freedom of speech rights and hindered them from seeking redress from their government.


26 thoughts on “Registerants address county commission after rule changed to allow them

  • May 18, 2022

    Does this registry where business owners certify their establishments as places where youngsters congregate actually exist anywhere? I can’t find it.

  • May 18, 2022

    John Tobia is a disgusting waste of humanity. It is hard to find a FloriDUH pol that disgusts me as much as Lauren Book, but Tobia manages to do so. Congrats to those brave persons who spoke to the commission and dealing with John Tobia’s blatant abusive behavior.

    • May 19, 2022

      If he isn’t already, can I nominate him for a Shittake award?

  • May 18, 2022

    Your wasting your time conversing with these types of people. Lawsuits is the only way to open their eyes. They know what they are doing is wrong, but with out consequences why would they change their ways.

    • May 19, 2022

      And when the lawsuits fail, as most in FloriDUH inevitably do, what next?

      • May 19, 2022

        I disagree that “most fail”

    • May 19, 2022

      Lawsuits and credible electoral opposition, backed with as much money as we can offer…I know some of us are broke but not all of us.

  • May 18, 2022

    Despite Commissioner Tobia’s foaming at the mouth, I’m not sure he’s as passionate about child safety as he claims to be. I’ve not heard him condemn his former roommate’s alleged child sex trafficking, for example.

  • May 18, 2022

    I want to thank Commissioner Tobia for admitting in a public forum that his restrictions are intended as punishment.

    At least, I think that’s what he did. Didn’t he?

    • May 18, 2022

      Yes that is exactly what he meant. Even more aggravating is that while the council rescinded a registrant’s right to enter the government building, they’re going to allow other forms of discrimination and harassment and yes punishment because they lack compassion.

    • May 18, 2022


      Yes You Are Correct…and It is Very Disturbing to See another Public Official Use Punitive Words for a Supposed Civil Exclusion….

      And, once again, There was No Evidence Supported By Empirical Data By Any of The Public Officials….

      And, a Veteran of The Armed Services Testified and Apparently, ‘They’ Could Have Less!

      Semper Fi to The NAVY!

  • May 18, 2022

    I think it is wonderful they now have an opportunity to speak, if they do choose. I also feel the comments made by the Commissioners themselves have been nothing but distasteful and uncalled for. I am hoping that all commissioners on the board now lose in their perspective elections and we can start fresh with some whom are open minded and have a beating heart, than one that is tarnished with hatred as they seem to be!
    I am sorry I was not able to make it to the meeting in support of those who spoke, but I am in your corner, every step of the way!

    • May 18, 2022

      I listened to the meeting. The commissioners who spoke are bigoted, uneducated and should be replaced. I’m not a registered citizen, but still happy I have nothing to do with Florida, the state or people like those commissioners. I live in Kansas and thought things were bad here, but absolutely nothing like Florida. I advise men, who have been released from Florida civil commitment to get out of those southern states… Several have come to Kansas where there are not restrictions, other than to register & not carry weapons. They can live anywhere they want.

      • May 19, 2022

        Yes and thanks to politicians like Desantis who has made life so hard for Disney World ,Kansas City is offering to help bring there wonderful world back to Kansas City where Walt Disney first Started his great business. Wouldn’t that be a great pay back for no clue politicians in Florida.


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