Registerants address county commission after rule changed to allow them
In their statements to commissioners on Tuesday, petitioners pleaded with the commission to reverse an amendment to an ordinance passed in 2020, barring them from entering within 1,000 feet of businesses where children typically congregate.
Their comments included examples of barriers they face because of the county regulation, and the negative impact that is having for their families and other loved ones.
The attendance of the registered sex offenders at Tuesday’s meeting was made possible because commissioners modified a section of the county code in March that prohibited those on the sex offender registry list from entering the Brevard County Government Center in Viera. The regulation, passed in 2006, bars someone on the list from occupying a space within 1,000 feet of a school or a recreation area.
Registered offenders, with the Florida Justice Institute acting on their behalf, filed a lawsuit, claiming the 2006 rule violated their freedom of speech rights and hindered them from seeking redress from their government.
Awww, it’s so nice when they let us speak at meetings …. it’s almost like being a real human being and genuine community member. 😫
Presque Isle, ME: School board allows registered sex offender to speak at meeting.
If it wasn’t for the fact that those elected officials had already passed judgement on any opposition from ” registered citizens” or anyone sympathetic to the punishment that continues to force us live anywhere but in their town , we may have been treated with a little sympathy instead of asking if we felt like a victim.
Com. Tobia’s blatant lie about the recidivism rates being thru the roof, goes to show just how two faced and uninformed he really is. The fact that the commissioners didn’t like being compared to the Nazi’s, is because it actually forces them to feel shameful, which no politician wants to feel anything but power trips, and the sense of accomplishment! I noticed in their comments about protecting children against sex crimes, that none brought up the fact we convict children as sex offenders!!!