interview with Meaghan Ybos, president of Women Against Registry
Billy Binion with Reason Magazine interviewed Meghan Ybos, president of Women Against Registry (WAR), for the December issue of the magazine.
Meaghan was raped in 2003 with her case being one of the rare ones where the perpetrator was a stranger who broke into her home and raped her.
Even with the horror that Meaghan experienced, she knows that the registry did nothing to prevent her attack and does not advocate for her attacker to ever be placed on the registry because the registry does not work.
Mr Dorsett, I am white and I am pushing 70 years of age. Sure many should not be on this registry and many are not content with this registry situation. As many say it is what it is. Many are oppressed and have done their time yet government seems to want to instill lifetime probation/ punishment, or lifetime measures to control another and oppress more in this suffering.
Is not God in control or does man have some Ceaser complex such as well God gave us the the authority/because we can.. Talk about limited authority in this government override.
Sure being bias can be a color of difference of mans deceitful heart and yes the heart is deceitful and wicked but the truth isn’t.Speaking out for justice is like speaking out for peace or who are the peacemaker’s today?
True justice comes in many ways and and means but its the understanding, the wisdom that many court justices seem to lack. Many don’t understand about human values and forgiving others and are looking for their own gain. Much of this registry is a trap and a snare to any true justice in America for many caught up in this circle. Speaking out for true Justice is the American Way. Is setting up another the American way?
I concur Sir!
“Meaghan was the sister of Adam Walsh for whom the Adam Walsh Act was passed.”
When I search the source article for the word Adam, I find nothing.
Adam Walsh did have a sister but her name is Meghan, not Meaghan, so is this Meaghan Ybos anyway related?
I understand what you are saying, LPH. I also researched and found exactly what you found. The source that claims she was his sister is normally a reliable one, but that statement is going to be removed for now. Thank you.
People their are all types of ups and downs with this registry. If one can get off the registry wonderful if not than just say “By the grace of God I am what I am” keep pressing on for truth and justice.
Based on what you’ve uttered you shouldnt be on the registry at all.
Good luck in getting it lifted or move where they don’t recognize it in other states.
All Laws aren’t fair in Amerikkka just ask me as a black person. I live in fear everyday just being BLACK and a male. where you DO NOT have to be, it is what it is. Have you seen the news the last 40s?
Just curious, if you are not on the Sex offense registry like most of us are on this forum, what compelled you to come into the group and comment? I mean anyone is welcome but just wondering what caused you or lead you to our group of oppressed ex-felons?
In the past we have even had people come on here with death threats. Many of us were appalled that they allowed those comments but were justified to allow the general public see the threats we endure every day of our lives.
No one, not us nor the victims will ever move on in life if they hold grudges. What is even more ironic, most of us are not having issues with our former victims/accusers but by random people who do not even know or have a connection with us.
We just want to live in peace and solitude for whatever time we have left on planet Earth before we get judged by the ultimate adjudicator.
I’m victim as a child of molestation by 3 different people at 3 different times and most people who hate you have suffered mentally because of it and never will be 100% sane. Some have had family members committed suicide or the rapist killed their love one as well. I cant tell you what’s in their mind but I can give you some clues.
Thanks for sharing that and sorry for whatever happened to you. đ
I will keep you in my prayers.
Although I disagree with some things the poster has said, I give this forum credit for allowing alternative viewpoints….something that doesn’t happen on the ACSOL forum who will censor comments that may seem “offensive” to the flow of the group
Thanks for coming by and commenting, conversating and giving us your opinion and perspective. There’s a high percentage of us whom are on this Florida registry for life for a one time offense. Some of us can petition to be taken off after 20 yrs without any new charges but even then it’s not a given.
Correction: It is NOT 20 years it is (currently) 25 years!
That was challenged. Some are getting off still at 20 years. I tried to go but some judges are holding to the new 25 years and I drew that judge and backed out so I did not lose my money or chance of the appeal is successful.
Attorney Ron just got someone off in another county than mine and that person was a 20 yearer. That judge allowed the 20 year removal.
They are all sticking with the law as it currently stands which is 25 years. The very very very very few exceptions can be counted on 1 hand and thus currently statistically irrelevant to the actual argument.
To have someone who experienced a violent act against themselves, stick up for us (For removal from registry, not for committing a crime) is amazing and eye opening. If a victim of a crime can see the horror the registry causes to families, but the judges, prosecutors, law makers and city/county officials cannot, then again, that proves they seek that pat on the back, which comes with allotments of funding for registries, which “may not” always go to registry related issues. (Transparency in truth is not always the registries’ strong suit)
She seems to be suffering from Stockholm Syndrome in many ways. Never would I advocate for the removal of this program. It does as much as it can and like most LAWS in place will Not STOP all crimes against humanity. Just imagine if we had no laws most Rapist and Child Molesters would be dead onsite called Vigilantism.
I am not sure exactly where you are coming from with your post but if I understand you correctly you are against âprogramsâ (I assume you mean the registry) being removed? There are no other âprogramsâ like the registry so it cannot be compared to other laws. You indicate that without the registry vigilantes would harm others? This would indicate that the registry somehow protects registered citizens from vigilantes? In fact, just the opposite is trueâŚthere have been vigilantes that have attacked registered citizens and where able to do so easily because the information to find them was freely available on the internet. Statistics show that the registry does absolutely nothing to prevent crimes and in fact, may add to them. Moreover, registrants have one of the lowest reoffending rates of any crime. I could go on and on – I hope I did not misunderstand your post
I see your point on the registry not preventing sex crimes but the registry is not a LAW until after the fact of breaking a LAW. So yeah, you’re exactly right. Laws do not prevent crime. This would be the equivalent of putting an inhumane registry for everyone who breaks a law for every crime out there. My main point is that the registry is not a law, it is punishment, cruel and unusual punishment. An inhumane punishment at it’s best. A registry should be for informational purposes only. Not for additional felony charges for forgetting to change your address on your DL, limitations on where you can live, completely shunned out of government assistance housing programs, etc the list goes on. You do not see any other crime being ostracized. Not even convicted murderers who have been released.
The registry doesn’t protect children. It doesn’t protect anyone. It prevents nothing. With all of the added restrictions It’s a continuing punishment designed out a desire for revenge.
We are not advocating for the elimination of all laws — quite the contrary. We do advocate, though, for people with a past sex offense who have served their sentence and are now law-abiding citizens. Once a sentence has been served, these individuals deserve a second chance, the same as a released murderer, perpetrator of domestic violence, or armed robber receive.
As for the registry doing “as much as it can,” look at what research says:
National Institute of Justice, “Megan’s Law (registration) has had not reduced sexual reoffending.”
⢠In June of 2021, the American Law Institute stated that research shows that public registration hinders rehabilitation and reintegration into society, both of which make society safer.
⢠The first-of-its-kind meta-analysis study of 25 years of findings of the Sex Offender Registration and Notification (SORN) evaluations and their effects on recidivism was published this in 2021. Eighteen research articles including 474,640 formerly incarcerated individuals were used. (Journal of Experimental Criminology, âThe effectiveness of Sex Offender Registration and Notification: A meta-analysis of 25 years of findingsâ, Kristen M. Zgoba and Meghan M. Mitchell, September 2021)
Conclusions from the study:
âSORN policies have no effect on sexual and non-sexual crime commission over their period of existence, thereby failing to deliver on the intention of increasing public safety. Given the vast support that exists for the laws, their lack of efficacy will likely create a false sense of security for the public and may ultimately create more harm than benefit.â
Now I do agree that too many are on it for a one time screw up but I’m talking about those who have a history of it akin to a serial rapist. Once again, a onetime offender should go through intense probation and be ordered to speak to others about this crime and how it disrupts a Victims life for evermore.
But not all of us on the registry have had a victim. I answered an ad on Craigslist that was a police sting. I still broke the law, but a lifetime requirement to register is ridiculous. I also managed, for the record, to have my probation terminated early.
There is enough evidence already stated here to prove your comment delusional. Donât be like the spoiled brat kid when there parent is trying to reason with him all he while. He is there with his fingers in his ears saying na na na na na na.
Then let’s get people off of the Felony Conviction list as well. I say once you have done your time and straighten up a felony should fall off after 1 year. We all know once you are labeled a Felon its superhard to get anywhere in life after that, so me it’s the same in many ways. I’m a FELON and I will have to be labeled that for the rest of my LIFE. Shouldn’t I have my felonies removed as well? Hmmm
An ex felon certainly has to overcome obstacles to reintergrate into society. The difference is that a registration violation for someone who was convicted for a sex crime is punishable up to five years in prison in Florida. That means even with completion of jail/prison time and probation, you can go back for failure to register a car, trailer, boat, scooter, address, email, job, vacation, temporary address
and phone number. Last count 53 separate technical violations that could land a person back in prison.
Where is a felony registry? Can I look up your name, address, car tags? The registry is NOT considered part of the criminal sentence – it is separate- most people on it have completed their criminal sentence long ago.
It’s called Public Record that’s a Registry sir.
Not sir – and no that is not a registry at all. Is your address on there? Is your picture on there? Is your email address on there? Is your car tag on there? Do you have officers knocking on your door to make sure you live where you reported? Do you have to report in person to the sheriffâs office twice or more a year? Do you have to report every time you want to travel? We are not talking during probation but a lifetime! No sir, public record of a conviction is not even close to being a registry.
Yes, it is look it up. You can find anyone through Public Records. Thats a registry.
Well said.
I would gladly switch with him (As far as the information being shared to the public)
No one is talking about taking away convictions?
D.A. Dorsett
I agree completely. Make an evaluation , if no problem then let them get a normal life. After all that is what God does . Once repentance is shown by action He says he forgives and never brings it up again.
I am not asking for my felony conviction to be thrown out. I did my time and will (Not be a felon because I am no longer committing a felony) be an “Ex-felon” until I die.
What I, and others are saying is they retroactively applied the registry to people who had already completed their sentences.
I for one, even though I have been off of probation for over 20 years, with the registry I and many others feel like we are still on probation as the over 100 requirements we have to obey could lead us to LIFE in prison, just for doing something like not giving the police your email address.
Even a murderer doesn’t always get life but we can get that over an email address? Are we living in Russia because it seems like it most of the time.
The state of Florida when I was locked up in jail in 2008 took away my Voting rights retroactively under the Previous Governor Charlie Crist and that was absolutely wrong and basically amounted to antiquated Poll Tax, which was used against Free Black Slaves. Hmmmmmmm. I was able to get them back a few years ago under the new Law that banned that BS. Now I’m working on getting total Clemency which has been Reviewed by the board now waiting on a meeting and final decision. So TRUST me I feel your pain. Sometimes a LAW can be used against people who made a onetime bad judgement and it cost them for life like a person who has more than 1 Felony.
Well if you deserve it then more power to you and I pray that if that is the right decision then good for you.
No way for us to prove our sincerity until they give us a chance.
My crime was 33 years ago when I was in my 20s. Almost 60 now and not even a traffic ticket in those 33 years since.
Good luck to you.
@ Dorsett. Why must she be suffering from Stockholm Syndrome? Because she states/feels something different? Now her feelings can’t be legit because she sees what is happening with the registry and how it takes away from real progress of prevention and education? You are being dismissive of how a victim feels because you don’t agree it would seem. There are a lot of victims who are against the registry and see it for what it is and prefer to put real effort into limiting future victims.