interview with Meaghan Ybos, president of Women Against Registry

Billy Binion with Reason Magazine interviewed Meghan Ybos, president of Women Against Registry (WAR), for the December issue of the magazine.

Meaghan was raped in 2003 with her case being one of the rare ones where the perpetrator was a stranger who broke into her home and raped her.

Even with the horror that Meaghan experienced, she knows that the registry did nothing to prevent her attack and does not advocate for her attacker to ever be placed on the registry because the registry does not work.


40 thoughts on “ interview with Meaghan Ybos, president of Women Against Registry

    • November 26, 2023

      Thanks for the article . It clarifies one thing , it’s all as muddy as hell. Nobody really knows what the truth is ( that’s talking anyway) more yet was it a good idea to name a law after her that punishes a million people permanently. Sounds like Meghan’s Law is as crazy as the person thy named it after.

      [Moderator’s note: Megan’s Law is not named after the individuals in this discussion]

  • November 25, 2023

    D.A I have to apologize to you. Many seem to think that this Meghan person or this speaker can’t help things but one never knows. What did Aretha say… R.E.S.P.E.C.T. Should we not give respect to who respect is due. Give this Meghan lady a chance.
    Yes Vicky Henry is not getting any younger and she is suffering in many ways also, but the battle still goes on.
    I just got a letter from the White House today signed by Joe Biden and I will e-mail a copy to FAC If they feel like sharing this letter with all than that is good news. Yes we need to all come together on this. I will make a copy and send it tonight and yes helping others is a blessing.


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