UK Radio Producer Interested in Interviewing Registrants


Are you a young person who’s unfairly on the National Sex Offenders Registry? I’m a radio producer working with the New York Times best selling writer Jon Ronson on an audio series for Amazon/Audible. We are keen to highlight how the sex offence laws of the USA are outdated and not working in the way they were originally designed. We hope our programme will draw further attention to the injustices and ramifications of life on the registry.

So we are looking for some particular stories about people on the registry.

Are you someone who fulfills one or more of these criteria:

  • you are a teenager or young person who typed in some porn keyword search terms and up came a URL of under age porn that the authorities were tracking. You were charged with sex offences that way, although you hadn’t deliberately looked at underage pornography.


  • you were/are a teenage girl and you sexted someone photo/s of yourself and were charged with disemminating child porn


  • you were/are a teenage boy and you received a sext from your younger girlfriend which was then found and you were charged with having child porn.


Please contact me direct at with a phone number, and I can ring you to talk further about what our series is, and hear your story.


You can of course be anonymous if you wish.


I look forward to hearing from you!


Lucy Greenwell


One thought on “UK Radio Producer Interested in Interviewing Registrants

  • October 10, 2016 at 9:11 am

    No, but I completed two years probation, while turning forty, in 2002. Told I be off registry in Ten Years. Yet, every year is more punishment , restrictive, and banishment then the last. That, a once productive citizen lives on poverty. Not knowing how I will make it through senior years.


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