Prosecutor Wants to Charge 14-Year-Old Girl with Sexual Exploitation for Taking PG-13 Pictures of Herself

A 14-year-old Iowa girl, “Nancy Doe,” is facing sexual exploitation charges for taking two sexy pictures of a minor and texting them to a boy at school.

The minor in question is Doe, which means the Marion County prosecutor has essentially threatened to brand her a sex offender for taking and sending pictures of her own body.

Making matters significantly worse, the pictures in question can hardly be described as child pornography, Doe’s family argues in its lawsuit against Marion County Attorney Ed Bull. In one photo, she was wearing boy shorts and a sports bra. In the other, she had removed the bra but her hair was fully covering her breasts.


2 thoughts on “Prosecutor Wants to Charge 14-Year-Old Girl with Sexual Exploitation for Taking PG-13 Pictures of Herself

  • October 5, 2016 at 10:09 am

    The behavior described in this lawsuit by law enforcement and other officials illustrates quite clearly the witch hunt aspect of current SO laws/public attitudes. It’s really quite disturbing. I’m sure the Does (the plaintiffs) wake up once in a while and ask themselves if they’ve just been written by Kafka.

    But there’s humor here too…for example, I learned that the Iowa legislature uses ‘pubes’ instead of ‘pubic hair.’ I had to LOL, I’m sorry. Did these people not realize that they were writing a law and not a letter to their frat boy bros?

  • October 5, 2016 at 10:29 pm

    Criminal Manufacturing.


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