Progress in Ex-Post Facto Sex Offense cases

Weekly Update 2017-10-03

Dear Members and Advocates,

Whatever could have taken place this past week was immediately overshadowed by the mass shooting that took place Sunday night in Las Vegas. The senseless tragedy that, as of the time of this writing, has taken almost 60 lives puts everything into perspective. As bad as things may ever become, we live to fight another day. Unfortunately, there are many in Las Vegas who will not. Our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone impacted by the shooting.

The shooting remains a frustrating mystery to authorities, as the suspect was a retired accountant who lived in a senior community with no criminal history or known affiliations with hate groups or terror organizations. He was, as the County Sheriff stated, “not known to the police” and he was not on any national watch list. So how? Why? As the investigation unfolds we may find out more, or we may never know.

Just like most sex crimes are not committed by those on the sex offender registry, the worst mass shooting in recent American history was not committed by a “usual suspect” or someone with a criminal past. It’s a reminder that while it’s important for the public to remain vigilant and do all they can to avoid becoming a victim of any crime, bad things will happen.

This morning, the Supreme Court of the United States denied certiorari in the two sex offender cases before them. For Karsjens (the Minn. Civil Commitment case), the decision was a blow, as the registrants lost at the appellate level, but for Snyder (the 6th Circuit Ex Post Facto case where the registrants won) the decision to not re-examine the Lower Court’s decision is good news.

We will discuss the impact of the Snyder case and how we intend to move forward in our own State, during our Monthly Member Call this Thursday Oct 5th at 8pm (see phone number below). Preliminarily, the general sense is that if at least four Supreme Court Justices did not find anything in the 6th Circuit’s decision that was worthy of further review. That’s pretty great! With wins in Michigan and Colorado, along with the affirmation of the 6th Circuit, we hope that it will not be too long before similar suits are brought in States across the Country.


The Florida Action Committee

One thought on “Progress in Ex-Post Facto Sex Offense cases

  • October 28, 2017

    I wrote this on my blog Sex Offender Truth:

    Las Vegas Tragedy – Wake Up Call

    October 2, 2017

    The tragic event in Las Vegas should be a wakeup call to those in law enforcement and politics who exploit fear with the sex offender registry…YOU are the ones putting American lives in harm’s way with your lies and diversionary tactics using sex offenders!

    Those labelled as sex offenders are used for the fear factor and provide a false sense of security. We are easy to count…track…restrict and abuse so everyone feels like there is some “control” in the world.

    This shows that there is no control. There is no absolute safety and all the efforts to keep the illusion up fail.

    Just think of the horror the general public would have if they faced this reality. Putting so called sex offenders on a list do NOTHING AT ALL to increase safety…just the illusion of control.

    If law enforcement would concentrate on preventing actual CRIME and those who might commit it instead of wasting time, money, and resources watching former sex offenders who statistically have a tiny reoffence rate perhaps those people would be alive today…the point is that the sex offender registry is a waste of resources and exists ONLY for political exploitation and NOT child safety!


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