PRESS RELEASE Regarding SB 1230 and HB 1235

Florida Legislators are trying to make changes to statutes 775.21 and 943.0435, some of which would make the statutes more punitive.  

Besides a campaign with hundreds of people contacting legislators to oppose certain parts of the bill, a press release has been sent out.  You can read the press release here.

25 thoughts on “PRESS RELEASE Regarding SB 1230 and HB 1235

  • January 29, 2024

    It’s all about control. We are just the test subjects, soon they will roll it out for everyone.

  • January 28, 2024

    They are taking away 24 hours from the 48 and creating a kind of probation community control which is supervised by law enforcement instead of the dept of corrections.

    The only argument the government can make is to say that “they have a compelling reason to protect the public from sex offenders. Therefore, their constitutional rights must be reduced.”

    And they can get away with it unless it is taken to court like filing injunction to stop the law when it’s supposed to start, etc.

    How about a class action lawsuit ? That could be interesting !

  • January 26, 2024

    According to the Florida Sex Offender Registration Monitoring Triennial Review 2021, there were 78,000 offenders on the register with 30,000 residing in Florida. If the interpretation cited in a number of comments are correct, that an offender would need to register as a temporary address any location visited three times in a calendar year (coffee shop, next door neighbor house, grocery store, etc), for any portion of a day, and the average number of locations visited by each registrant is 10, that would amount to 300,000 temporary addresses added to the registration per year – average of 20 equals 600.000. This volume seems to make this interpretation very difficult to implement and enforce. I relayed this message and opposition to the amendments to the house and senate committees along with how unreasonable the definition of a day being “any part of a calendar day” truly is.

    • January 26, 2024

      They got around your thinking by not counting the first day by leaving that part of the statute the same. So you can go to a place as many times as you want and not have to register if you only stay the first day or one day. .

      As I understand this change it shortens your temporary stay from 3 overnight stays to two overnight stays. If you go to a hotel on Friday and check in in at 3PM and stay Saturday, and Sunday now Monday would now count as your third day and you would have to register the travel at least 48 hours ahead of time because Monday at midnight plus one second would now be counted as a full day. You would have to check out before midnight on Sunday not to have to register.

      The old system was counted in 24 hour periods and you could stay Sunday and check out before 3PM and not need to report.

      It shortens our place of residence by on day.

      Not a lawyer so not advice but that is the way it reads to me.

      Not good.

  • January 26, 2024

    I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired. When will this legislative BS end. My theme song now is the “U.S.” is not the world and with Trump in office, a offender himself, no telling what may happen. I am literally fritenned for what is to come i need an exit plan. Fear, frustration and lack of hope seem to dominate my emotions. And it doesn’t help when we turn on the local news and another one is caught in the SO net, which is another nail in the coffin for everyone, is there something in the water here?🤬

    • January 25, 2024

      I think some might get the wrong idea. She spoke for the chance to have offenders be able to report online instead of in person but some I do not think she is for some of the other changes the article posted that lead to an arrest. No other group of people can be arrested and sent to prison for a so called “Non punishment”, punishment, other than those on the registry.

      The registry is not supposed to be punitive, but you just cannot say that without laughing because going to jail is punishment. A regulatory statue is not supposed to be an arrestable offense. Someone changed the dictionary I guess?

    • January 26, 2024

      States that an individual in FAC favored the bill. Question is who?


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