Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd
As residents of Florida are bracing down to prepare for Hurricane Irma, what is expected to be the strongest natural disaster to hit the Atlantic coast this century, Polk County Sheriff, Grady Judd, takes the time to post the following message to his Twitter account:
What’s wrong with this guy?
Please feel free to exercise your First Amendment right to share your thoughts on this character below or directly on his twitter:
Happened to read the comments posted in responce to the Orlando Sentinal. People will agree with the despicable Judd as long as they too stay misinformed, or choose to remain so. Also, when are we going to stop using the term “sex offender?” It sounds as though it is ongoing and current. It is ex-offender please, just like it is for any other person who was once guilty of an unlawful act. It does nothing more than perpetuate a belief that continues to harm our cause. Maine-iac is correct, where are the attorneys?
Well said Donna…X is the key word of thought to be said loudly…
It’s really sad that America has come to this. Pets are welcome at evacuation shelters, but human beings (ex-offenders) are turned away and threatened with false imprisonment. As a society, we have learned nothing from the past. When mankind is put under the animal, he becomes the animal.
Thank you so much Donna. So much truth in your very wise words. We all need to always remember there is intense power from the words that leave our lips. Again thank you!
I just saw a article about what Grady Judd said on MSN along with Twitter comments supporting what he said. That’s right show your and your counties ignorance to the world smh. Can someone tell me why anyone registrant or not would be sleeping next to someone else’s 5 year old ? My point exactly.
This isn’t just Sheriff Judd acting out. One article I read said that there’s a ban on RC’s residing at hurricane shelters in Polk County as part of their residency restrictions.
Someone in Florida needs to challenge this and request an emergency injunction, lest people be seriously hurt or worse. Article 1, Section 10 of Florida’s constitution prohibits Bills of Attainder. If this is not unconstitutional as a Bill of Attainder, then the prohibition has no meaning at all.
So there saying an offender deserves the death penalty for thier crime. Then do it and show that a murderer can get off and a drug dealer who killed hundreds can get off. this idiot should be fired.
People, I want you to read this article very carefully: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-09-06/what-country-forced-blood-draws-cavity-searches-and-colonoscopies
**This should go to show you that the police and especially pieces of sh** like Grady Judd have no respect for people like us, and even the average American citizen. This should open your eyes that these people want to control every facet of our lives through force and domination and eventually destroy us if they can get away with it. Yet, we still keep turning to and using that same system hoping for our vindication. I’m on a mission to educate people on a different level. To educate them on the fact of what kind of a country we truly live in. One that does NOT have yours, mine, or anyone else’s best interest at heart to live a life full of liberty and the pursuit of happiness as promised to us in the DOI. We can use the ACLU and file lawsuits all we want, all the while this states courts, judges, and LE officials are laughing their asses off at us thinking that our feeble attempts to vindicate ourselves are “cute.”
Here’s a look at another article to prove my point:
Read this article and look at the ridiculous statements made by Rick Scott and Pam Blondie. Scott totally avoided the issues altogether when he knows damn well what was said and how ridiculous Judd is as a “sheriff”. And Pam Blondie actually had the nerve to say that she hopes we would be “compassionate” here in Florida during a time of crisis…..COMPASSIONATE??!!! When you’ve had 270 people living under a bridge for years and now you wanna talk about compassionate??!!! GTFOH. If you’re so “compassionate” Blondie, then force your weight in Polk County and publicly scold and rebuke Judd and demand that shelters be open all across the state for ALL PEOPLE to go to no matter what their status. But, this state has the backing of the Feds on every level. Especially since Scott and Blondie supported Trump in 2016. THey get the Fed money for the sex stings and then want to leave them out to die in a time of emergency, all the while preaching to the state for all to leave. LEAVE?? I’m on probation and you’re forcing me to be stuck here. Why not issue an emergency clearance or provision for probationers and SOs during a time like this so we can be with our families?? I mean, this is the kind of madness that just makes you want to go nuts!!! California is seen by many as the most ridiculous state in the country and jokingly called the land of “fruits and nuts.” Well, Florida has responded…”hold my beer.” Because this state certainly takes the prize as the most ridiculous place to dwell on the entire planet. Please someone do something about this state!! PLEASE!!
Please investigate this guy thoroughly. This guy has to have some deep dark secrets and some skeletons in his closet. I can almost wager on that. What a despicable and disgusting individual. This man is no sheriff. But, life has a special karmic way of dealing with people like Judd sooner or later.
Yup, murderers are welcome, burglars, car jackers, drug dealers, domestic abusers, all criminals are welcome in the shelters except…RSOs who have one of the lowest recidivism rates of any crime in the World. Until the public starts to believe the truth we will never change this …. We can educate Judd and the rest of the politicians but as long as they know that the general public thinks they need them to “save them” from those scary RSOs the education falls on deaf ears.