Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd

As residents of Florida are bracing down to prepare for Hurricane Irma, what is expected to be the strongest natural disaster to hit the Atlantic coast this century, Polk County Sheriff, Grady Judd, takes the time to post the following message to his Twitter account:

What’s wrong with this guy?

Please feel free to exercise your First Amendment right to share your thoughts on this character below or directly on his twitter:



60 thoughts on “Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd

  • September 7, 2017

    Here is the real clincher – I do not have the facts but from what I understand when Judd married his “high school sweetheart” in the 70s she was underage and today he would be a RSO. The man is a scary guy and cares nothing about the humans he is supposed to serve. And yet they keep electing him….I just do not get it.

    • September 10, 2017

      And of course he makes an appearance on Fox And Friends Sunday morning. What a joke!

  • September 7, 2017

    Judd is simply a vile individual who is all evil rolled into one dispiccable individual. He is probably HAPPY to hear all these comments about him as it furthers his agenda. Too bad he is so ignorant, as we all can see. I hope he takes up the advice of the FAC and gets educated because he seems to get more and more stupid every time he gets an interview.

    • September 7, 2017

      It sounds to me like the Sheriff needs to read the Bible some more. He seems to conveniently be overlooking Matthew 7:12 which says, “So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.” He certainly wouldn’t want to be treated with less care or compassion than displaced animals. He certainly would NOT want to be separated from his family during disaster. He certainly would want a clean, comfortable, safe place to stay with nice accommodations and good food to eat and yet this is how he would treat registrants and their families. I guess in his book the family of the offender, who have broken no laws, doesn’t deserve the same level of care he expects for himself and his.

      Hypocrites like this piece of filth give real Christians a bad rap. A real Christian would welcome these registrants to a real and decent shelter and would provide them with an accountability partner to ensure they stay out of any questionable situations. Would there be some safety measures in place? Yes. Would they be turned away and told to ride out the storm in ways and in places no other human being would consider decent or humane? No way!! The Bible says in Matthew 10:16, “be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.”

      Any of you who call yourselves Christians that think it’s ok to split up families during natural catastrophes and ok to put human beings in places you wouldn’t even leave a dog, I call you out as the heartless, self-righteous hypocrites you are. You are a shame and a disgrace to the name of Christ.

      • September 7, 2017

        Amen!! Well said there. Yeah, this guy is a total disgrace to the state of Florida and our country. Yet, Rick Scott and Pam Blondie do NOTHING about what was said!! I’ll post the article to the Orlando Sentinel in my comment

  • September 7, 2017

    If I’m not mistaken wasn’t separate but equal declared unconstitutional. Also what about registrants with families wives, husbands and yes children is the registrant supposed to go to one shelter ( in most cases jail) while his/her family goes to another how humane is that ? If LEO’s are at every shelter isn’t it their job to watch over those in the shelter not look to make arrest so that would be the safety net not barring people. This policy puts more lives at risk because I doubt families would be willing to seek shelter knowing mom or dad or even brother or sister is barred from using the same shelter as the rest of the family and the last place any registrant wants to ever see again is the inside of a jail volenterily or not. Clearly this plan wasn’t well thought out and was implemented by the uninformed

  • September 6, 2017

    And yet the stupidity keeps going. I have no respect for this guy. He constantly shows what an idiot he is and the voters of Polk County keep voting for him to stay in office as sheriff. All you hear on the news is about him. He obviously has an issue. He thinks he is the greatest sheriff in the state. But he is certainly not. I really hope that one day his bubble bursts as he is either voted out of office or removed by the courts. If not his day will come when he is standing before God and he is cast down to hell.

  • September 6, 2017

    This guy is a read d-bag! Here are some articles:

    Sheriff Judd: Sex offenders, those with warrants not welcome at hurricane shelters

    Florida sheriff bans sex offenders from Irma shelters

    Polk sheriff’s statement on shelters criticized by ACLU

    Sheriff says he won’t shelter sex offenders during Hurricane Irma to protect children – and sparks outrage

    Florida Sheriff Says Sex Offenders Won’t Be Allowed in Hurricane Irma Shelters

    Florida Sheriff Literally Threatens Hurricane Irma Evacuees Seeking Shelter With Jail Time

    The criminals will not have access to shelters

    ‘This is monstrous’: Internet shellacs Florida sheriff for ID check and fugitive hunt at hurricane shelters

    Florida Sex Offenders Not Allowed At Hurricane Irma Shelters, Sheriff Says

    • September 7, 2017

      Wow, he has made international news. The Mirror, Sherbrooke, IBT…..

      • September 8, 2017

        This is an email I sent to Governor Rick Scott. Sir, Yesterday, Friday 9/07/17, Sheriff Grady Judd made statements on national TV ordering his deputies to turn back all sex offenders from his shelters. But, in the same statement he said he would allow any illegal immigrants to seek shelter?
        I am a veteran of the United States Air Force of 24 years, I am honorably discharged, but, I am also a convicted Sex Offender. After listening to your press briefings mentioning Life safety, that all lives are important to you. Why wouldn’t you open shelters to homeless or otherwise other situations that sex offenders have been put into. Does there life matter?
        I believe Sheriff Grady Judd is a modern day “Adolf Hitler” trying to eradicate a specific class of people.
        I don’t think your message is his message. Please come out an embrace disaster shelters for Sex Offenders.

        Thank You,

        • September 8, 2017

          Thanks. You beat me to the punch. Good e-mail. We must keep on the attack. I sent my letter to “Shady Grady” this morning.


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