Polk County Pick’Em

Here’s a little fun… Polk county just announced ANOTHER “Human Trafficking Sting”. This month’s sting was called “Fall Haul 2” and it claimed 160 Arrests. By now we already know about Sheriff Grady Judd’s “human trafficking operations”, which should never be considered “human trafficking” operations because they don’t find victims of human trafficking – they are more like very aggressive prostitution stings – and which are never worthy of a press conference – though Sheriff Judd can’t help himself.

We wrote this story: https://floridaactioncommittee.org/whatever-came-of-operation-march-sadness/ just a few weeks ago. Now this week we hear about this other operation.

With Halloween around the corner, we thought it would be clever to have a little contest to see who can come closest in a little game of “Polk County Pick’Em”. There is no prize for winning. This is just for fun. If you want to share your guesses, please only enter your guesses only once.

Here are the questions:

  • Will Polk conduct another “human trafficking operation in October”?
  • What will the name of the operation be?
  • Over how many days will the operation take place?
  • How many people will be arrested during the human trafficking operation?
  • How Many actual human traffickers will be caught?
  • How many actual victims of human trafficking will be caught?
  • Among those arrested, will there be more teachers, police officers or Disney workers?
  • How many people will be standing behind Sheriff Judd at the press conference announcing the results?


And here are the author’s picks:

  • Will Polk conduct another “human trafficking operation in October”?
    • Yes. Absolutely. It would not be Halloween in Polk County without one.
  • What will the name of the operation be?
    • Operation No Trick No Treat. The recent trend has been to recycle.
  • Over how many days will the operation take place?
    • 14 days. Since he just did one in September, he will need a bit more time to fill the poster board.
  • How many people will be arrested during the human trafficking operation?
    • 103.
  • How Many actual human traffickers will be caught?
    • None
  • How many actual victims of human trafficking will be caught?
    • None – initial reports will claim to have rescued a couple but there’s never a follow up to these and you’d think a rescued victim would be a bigger story.
  • Among those arrested, will there be more teachers, police officers or Disney workers?
    • Disney workers. Since it makes for good headlines, my guess is that Polk’s marketing efforts target them somehow.
  • How many people will be standing behind Sheriff Judd at the press conference announcing the results?
    • 4. It’s an even number. The large poster would block a bigger entourage.

13 thoughts on “Polk County Pick’Em

  • September 11, 2022

    One more question: What is THE most dangerous place in Florida?

    Answer: The distance between Grady Judd and a camera.

    Sorry…I just couldn’t resist.

    • September 12, 2022

      Elena, too funny. Thanks for the good laugh.

  • September 11, 2022

    Polk County??
    They’ll pick up about 5 elderly hookers & 17 Johns.
    Sheriff Rosco P. Coltraine Judd will label it Operation Enduring Sleezedom and strut like a country rooster!

  • September 11, 2022

    I assume they’ll charge a sex worker with having human-trafficked herself.

  • September 11, 2022

    Shady Grady as he is called in prison should worry more about the meth labs in his County instead of finding John’s and escorts. I also was told in prison and I’m saying it’s true that shady busts labs then releases the people that worked there work for him in exchange for being free.

  • September 12, 2022

    Answers to the questions:
    Operation Jack o lantern, because it will be halloween.
    It will run for 12 days, with Halloween being one of the main days.
    Zero “traffickers” will be arrested, because this sting will focus only on registrants.
    Again, zero “traffickers” will actually be arrested, but 14 registrants will be arrested for minor infractions, and the sheriff will make sure to blow it all out of proportion claiming how his streets are now safer for children.
    There will be zero actual “trafficking” victims rescued.
    Only registrants will be arrested, because its halloween and people on the registry will be better news than disney workers.
    Only 4 people will be standing by the poster, because any more would distract the viewer from looking at the sheriff’s huge ego.

  • September 12, 2022

    Yes. It will be called operation crook-r-treat. It will run 15 days. 24 will be arrested. 0 human actual trafficker will be caught. 0 trafficked victims. Most arrested will be state employees of men of varying ages who were looking for sex with of age women and then subject to bait and switch tactics. I’ll stay 7 police officers. He will then go on to berate the accused but make no mention of the family killed by a Drunk Driver that was trick r treating

  • September 12, 2022

    Yes, they’ll do another one in October. Apparently pretending to be heroes is a strong addiction for them, even if it’s clear they have saved no one. It’s also a good cover up for them to get to play out their own fantasies and even get paid to do it.
    My guess is they will call it Operation Trick or Treat.
    They’ll run the operation for at least 3 days. Their goal is to entrap as many individuals as they can to use for this scam they keep getting away with.
    They’ll arrest at least 20 individuals and force them to play the role of child predator or sex trafficker.
    In reality, there will be ZERO real human traffickers arrested. The real human traffickers are them, because they are the ones exploiting others to use them to make a profit.
    These sting operations don’t ever find or rescue any real victims of human trafficking. Therefore, again, they will find and rescue ZERO victims from human trafficking, but they may make some up like they’ve done in the past. They’ll victimize real children by taking them and pretending like they were children who “could have been sexually abused” by the men they entrapped who were never a real threat to those or any other children.
    My guess is that they will target more Disney workers to entrap and arrest because this one seems to give many people a high, especially them (the fake heroes).
    My guess is that there will be at least 5 cult followers and enablers of Sheriff Judd standing behind him when he gives his theatrical performance about how great and wonderful they are for creating fake crimes, failing to save or protect any real victims of anything, and victimizing innocent people for going about their lives not looking to hurt anybody as Sheriff Judd Grady and his followers desperately want it to be and spend so much time obsessing over.

  • September 12, 2022

    So it’ll be 40. A mix of prostitutes, johns, and some customers. They will be called human traffickers. Then for good measure they will add homeless people forced to register because they weren’t sleeping in the wal-mart parking lot that they told registration nazis they would be. Probably because the local police kicked them out. What we really need to ask the Sheriff for is follow up press conferences for each “bust” as concerned citizens. I don’t what it will be called but what it should be called is “Grady’s Halloween Ego Boost” because the only one who needs his candy bag filled several times a year is him.

  • September 12, 2022

    saw the headline already making the rounds 3-4 days ago and decided to post on one board that does not require an account. Got called a few not so polite things.

    My complaint is, the headline or story rarely match what actually happened. In this case, there were 2 human trafficking arrest. Most all charges were misdemeanors. The felonies were mostly drug charges and other no SO offenses. but that headline makes the public think he arrested 160 sex traffickers.

    • September 14, 2022

      This report suggests for the first time that these stings can “save the LIVES of children” (caps mine).

      Not just protect children from sexual abuse. Save their LIVES. Equating these gullible targets with child murderers.

      As in, had they not been lured in, they might have gone off and killed a child.

      Is this the first time we’ve seen these stings make that claim?

      Or is this just sloppy transcription by the news reporter?

      • September 14, 2022

        They’re shameless liars. It use to be that they “stopped these men from raping children”, even though the men were all on adult hook up and sex platforms where no one expects to find children. Now it’s, “the men were stopped from killing children.” 🤦🏻‍♀️😂
        I think conducting these sting operations that don’t save or protect anybody is a strong addiction for many of these fake heroes.


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