Pokemon Go

This article isn’t a joke… it actually appeared on Jax4:



“Pokemon Go” has people from around the world looking for digital creatures with smart phones, even in front of sex offender’s homes.

Action News Jax reporter Cole Heath found Pokemon feet a registered sex offender’s home.

Some homes where registered predators on the Florida Department of Law Enforcement website live didn’t have Pokemon nearby, but others did.

Action News Jax crime and safety expert Ken Jefferson said game developers, like “Pokemon Go,” are not required to track sex offenders.

“To my knowledge, there are no built-in safeguards what so ever,” Jefferson said. “The manufacturer is not going to go through the trouble of going through a map to see where sexual offenders are.”

Brandi Rariden was at Drew Park on the Southside where Action News Jax found three different spots people can meet to play the game.

“My reaction is, I’m hoping parents are keeping an eye on their children,” said Rariden, who plays “Pokemon Go” with her husband.

The FDLE website said registered sexual predator Robert Boswell lives by the park.

“I go on runs and walks all the time. So, I’m bound to come across a sex offender at some point,” Rariden said. “They’re obviously going to have to make changes to make it more safe.”

Heath reached out to the developers of “Pokemon Go” to see if anything is being done to protect players from sex offenders and haven’t heard back.

7 thoughts on “Pokemon Go

  • July 26, 2016 at 7:52 am

    Okay. This extremely stupid of Jax4. I’m a RSO and *I* play Pokemon GO. Not because I’m “looking for victims” as they so erroneously believe but because I was 10 when the original Pokemon games came out in the United States. I play because it gets me out of the house and walking around because I need to exercise and this is the perfect way to get me to exercise. These fearmongers need to check their facts before they start spewing nonsense.

    Also, can someone make sure that Grady Judd doesn’t get his hands on this “news report”? I don’t need my life getting more difficult.


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